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Everything posted by joegarcia

  1. Mmm. Just bought a Octoplus off here a while ago and it's totally awesome.
  2. Hi, Was wondering if anyone knew anywhere I could hire an Ampeg V4B or maybe an SVT for two weeks (18th Feb-March 3rd) for recording. Ideally near Bristol or possibly in West Wales (where we're actually recording). If anyone has any ideas let me know. Ta's, Joe
  3. WANT ONE WANT ONE! Just wish they did a Classic 4x12 too.
  4. Thats not a laquered neck is it? I didn't realise any of the necks after EB took over were lacquered.
  5. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=6815"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=6815[/url] Now with my '79 Musicman Sabre.
  6. Wow. That is seriously nice!
  7. IT'S HERE! [attachment=4231:20122007478.jpg] [attachment=4232:20122007479.jpg] [attachment=4233:20122007480.jpg] [attachment=4235:20122007484.jpg] It's stunning. Even better than I could have hoped. The neck is divine, I love lacquered birdseye maple soooo much and this is a very fine example. Needs a set up of course and the grounding sorting out but its otherwise wonderful. So chuffed.
  8. Curious, got any pics? Sabre should hopefully be here today or tomorow.
  9. Yea, why not just use a compressor or EQ pedal?
  10. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='106368' date='Dec 19 2007, 09:59 AM']good one - if it was damaged in transit though, i assume you'd be properly bummed if you wanted to make a claim for any more than $400[/quote] Yea it was a stupid and terrifying risk. But thankfully it paid off. For my friend.
  11. A certain someone I know imported a vintage bass from the US recently which cost about $1900 and the seller declared the value at $400. As a result the certain someone only had to pay £50 rather than the £250 it would have been otherwise. He had a very happy christmas.
  12. Does it have to be brand new? Otherwise I'd suggest looking for an Ampeg V4B, Marshall VBA400 Sound City 120 or 200, or Fender Bassman head. For that sort of money you have quite a lot of choice in old valve heads. If you could stretch to around £900 you could also start considering SVT's, Mesa 400's or even Fender Bassman 300pro's if you're really lucky. As far as new ones go there is the new Laney one, dunno how much it is though. The Marshall VBA400 can actually be found new for about £740 so is well worth checking out if you're really set on a new amp.
  13. Friend of mine has a Time Traveller head he puts through a Hartke 4x10 and it sounds fantastic. They seem to complement each other really well. Think it was a 410XL which can be found new for about £269 but the 4.5XL is supposed to be great too if you can manage the extra weight. Thats about £299 I think.
  14. Tempted by that EQ myself actually.
  15. [quote name='BassManKev' post='105357' date='Dec 17 2007, 02:49 PM']if its still available after xmas, il probably take it off you, always wanted to try one but dont worry about holdin it or anythin, good luck with sales [/quote] You should double your signal and send the output of the French Toast into your smaller amp. :-)
  16. [quote name='Shaggy' post='101174' date='Dec 7 2007, 10:46 PM']How come someone so young has such great taste in basses? (ie; late '70's Americana)[/quote] Not sure really, shame the same can't be said for a certain Mr Shockwave What is this 'new bitch ass stack' then Rob? Sounds intriguing.
  17. Yea, I stayed up til 2am to bid. Got really scary in the last minute when it suddenly went $400 above my intended max bid. Bit the bullet though and am glad I did. Your welcome to try it at some point Rob yea. Sold the Sansamp RBI about a fortnight after I got it from you I'm afraid. Couldn't get on with it at all.
  18. Hehe, thanks guys. It's not my birthday until the 21st but thanks.
  19. Just bought my dream bass on Ebay US. Went a little higher than I expected and hoped but am still really chuffed. Can't wait for it to arrive, will post pics when it does. Most expensive musical thing I've ever bought by quite a long way. My whole extended family clubbed together for my 21st birthday. It's an all original 1979 Music Man Sabre in chocolate brown. Ebay item: 120189670449 Lush!
  20. Damn it. I keep missing tuners. Please can you let me know if the sale falls through.
  21. Cool, looks interesting. Good to see more manufacturers making more high power stuff and those cones are very intriguing.
  22. Damn. Beaten to it by 3 mins. If Alien changes his mind I'll take the EBS..
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