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Everything posted by joegarcia

  1. I'd better go to bed actually.
  2. Biscuit. NO, WHISKEY!
  3. [quote name='Steve_K' post='73647' date='Oct 13 2007, 03:01 AM']*laughs* Keyboard all covered in bourbon [/quote] Late night drinking or snacking? Whiskey or biscuit, whiskey or biscuit?
  4. joegarcia


    [quote name='ped' post='73366' date='Oct 12 2007, 02:42 PM']What do you do when you turn it on?[/quote] Wince backwards. It's not very pretty.
  5. joegarcia


    My valve amp is 50's and hasn't got a standby switch. I wince every time I have to turn it off.
  6. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. Wish I could justify or afford another GS412. Or the DB-680. Yum.
  7. I had one of these ages ago, think it was my first amp. Great head, Wil has the right idea, just need to drive the front end harder. Something like a Tubescreamer or DOD 250 should do it.
  8. Will be using the new double rig (http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=6815) for it's first two shows over the next week. First is at The Croft in Bristol this Saturday 13th supported by Angel Tech and The Sky is Blue. Second is at the Islington Academy suporting Oceansize on Wednesday 17th October. Come and say hi if anybody fancies coming along. I'll be the one rubbing my back.
  9. Really fun pedals these. Had mine a while now and really like it.
  10. Droooooool. Shame it hasn't got a maple board though.
  11. Hehe. It is heavy and it does sound huge. We will thankfully have a crew of about three people on the next tour so I don't have to worry too much about it. Just a pain for local gigs. We recently went from two guitarists to one so it just fills stuff out a bit. Thankfully the guitarist loves it. I think.
  12. Seen better listings in my time. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DANELECTRO-GUITAR_W0QQitemZ190161671065QQihZ009QQcategoryZ22669QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DANELECTRO-GUITAR_W0...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  13. There an echo in here?
  14. Would have been up for making one but can't turn down one for £20. Especially as it means I hopefully won't have to gig with my knackrered Tubescreamer on Saturday.
  15. [quote name='Wil' post='72274' date='Oct 10 2007, 05:06 PM']If you fancy mine, £20 and its yours.[/quote] PM'ed.
  16. Just beefed up my rig. I'm now running two amps, one for bass with one set of fx and another for 'guitar' (bass shifted up 2 octaves) with another set of fx. It looks like this: And it sounds truly terrifying. The 'guitar' rig is a 50's Vortexion 50w PA head full of Mullards (EL34's and ECC81s) with a Frunt (never heard of them) 4x12 which I filled with Celestion Seventy/80 speakers. The bass rig is a Sunn 1200s, Korg DTR1000 and Aguilar GS412. The pedal board I use to control it all is here: Although I've shifted it all around and added another Danelectro DJ13 since that was taken. The DJ13's are what I'm using to shift up and add distortion for the 'guitar' channel. The router in the middle of the board is just a two way looper (for the bass fx) plus a third loop fed by a split from the input with a separate output that mutes when you turn it off. This is used to double my signal into the guitar fx and amp so I can bring it in when I like. It sounds surprisingly convincing and you really couldn't tell it's a pitch shifted bass. There is more info on the signal chain of the board and stuff in the pedalboard thread if you're really interested. No recordings with it yet but I'll post some up in the next few weeks.
  17. Cool. Only built switchers and loopers before but guess this would be the natural next step.
  18. Hmm. Would you consider selling it then Wil? Didn't know Analog Man did a mod. Whats the main difference? If I was to spend any more than the £40 the 250 costs I'd have lots of other options, including the Cream Pie on here at the moment. Didn't you have one? How would it compare to the modded 250 and a tubescreamer?
  19. Anyone have any experience of these overdrive/preamp pedals? Heard a guy using one of these on its own into an SVT and it was one of the best bass sounds I've ever heard. Looking to replace a knackered old plastic tubescreamer and thought this might work well. Anyone used one? Bit put off by the lack of an LED I have to say.
  20. This still for sale? Very interested if it is. Tried PM'ing but it said you have them disabled or something.
  21. Seems like a bargain to me!
  22. So tempted by both of these pedals. Would the Cream Pie compare to a Tubescreamer? I have a knackered Ibanez Soundtank Tubescreamer and it's dying on me. Pics?
  23. If you had a better mixer you could use an auxillary send. You could either use it to send whatever to the looper and have in return on another channel or use it to send to your fx which would return to another channel. I do this with my looper and board and it works really well.
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