Just beefed up my rig. I'm now running two amps, one for bass with one set of fx and another for 'guitar' (bass shifted up 2 octaves) with another set of fx.
It looks like this:
And it sounds truly terrifying.
The 'guitar' rig is a 50's Vortexion 50w PA head full of Mullards (EL34's and ECC81s) with a Frunt (never heard of them) 4x12 which I filled with Celestion Seventy/80 speakers.
The bass rig is a Sunn 1200s, Korg DTR1000 and Aguilar GS412.
The pedal board I use to control it all is here:
Although I've shifted it all around and added another Danelectro DJ13 since that was taken. The DJ13's are what I'm using to shift up and add distortion for the 'guitar' channel.
The router in the middle of the board is just a two way looper (for the bass fx) plus a third loop fed by a split from the input with a separate output that mutes when you turn it off. This is used to double my signal into the guitar fx and amp so I can bring it in when I like. It sounds surprisingly convincing and you really couldn't tell it's a pitch shifted bass.
There is more info on the signal chain of the board and stuff in the pedalboard thread if you're really interested.
No recordings with it yet but I'll post some up in the next few weeks.