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Everything posted by joegarcia

  1. Reckon people will want to know the model as there are quite a few Ampeg 4x10's with very different specs.
  2. Have you got an Alesis one too then Tayste? Do you use it for volume, does it work on passive basses and would you reccomend it?
  3. Does it really matter what resistance one you get then? What about the cheaper passive ones?
  4. [quote name='Shaggy' post='70113' date='Oct 5 2007, 07:02 PM']Sorry Joe mate, I guess I'm accumulating the basses I wanted in my 'teens. All HEAVY basses too! Anyway, you're not doing so bad yourself! [/quote] Hehe, you have very good taste. Please please please, first dibs on the Sabre or RD (if you are buying it) if you ever sell either.
  5. This is a crazy bargain!
  6. An early 70's one went on Ebay last week for over £600 with a proper hard case. Have seen one with a flight case go on here for around £400 though a while ago. So, somewhere between those two I guess is reasonable. Depends on the condition and the valves inside really though.
  7. [quote name='Shaggy' post='69966' date='Oct 5 2007, 12:56 PM']PM'd[/quote] If you buy that RD I will be supremely jealous. You would have my 3 fave basses, Magnum, Sabre and the RD.
  8. Thanks, would love to see a head on pic of your board as you can't make much out in the one on here. I am planning on getting two DJ13's built into one box with a blend knob betwen the two. I wouldn't need a footswitch for the octave as I leave it on all the time (as I'm driving a guitar mp with it). May get Tom at Bugbrand to do it for me as I opened it up and all the parts are directly mounted on the PCB, may be a bit too tricky for me to do.
  9. [quote name='BassBalls' post='69381' date='Oct 4 2007, 10:13 AM']The Bugbrand Weeviliser Extreme, sounds like i wicked pedal. Have you got any sound clips? Which pedal is it on the board? Cheers[/quote] Nah no clips at the moment I'm afraid, will see if I can get some together though. It's the big blue one in the middle.
  10. Changed my board around. Making a few changes and additions at the moment as I just started splitting my signal and having one effects chain for my bass amp and another for a guitar amp. Chain goes: TU-2 -> 3 way looper -> Ch. A of Boss DD-20 ->master bypass box -> bass amp Loop A send -> Ibanez SB7 -> Boss DD6 -> Pearl Phaser -> Bugbrand Weeviliser Extreme (custom ring modulator, filter and drive) -> return Loop B send -> Boss OC-2 -> Marshall Guvnor -> Rocktek Bass EQ -> Ibanez Tubescreamer -> Rat -> bypass box with volume send/return to Alesis Bitrman (bitcrusher) -> return Loop C send -> Ch. B of Boss DD-20 -> Danelectro DJ13 (octave up+distortion) -> Line 6 FL-4 -> return -> separate output to router (bottom right) -> guitar amp Needs a bit of a clean up and some new patch leads, next step is to get rid of those two Line6 PSU's and the wallwart for the Weeviliser Extreme. Anyone know a good small 9V AC adaptor capable of providing 3000ma? Then I can fit more pedals on! Got a second DJ13 in the post too, great pedals for the money. They do exactly what I want. Gonna build them into a roadworthy box with proper footswitches and LED's and a blend knob between the two.
  11. [quote name='cheddatom' post='59354' date='Sep 12 2007, 04:27 PM']Basically, I misread Kev's first reply to me. You don't need intelligence or literacy to be "ready for pedals". My board is bigger than most people's (I gig with 21 pedals), but my member smaller, so it all evens out. No offence taken![/quote] Blimey, 21. I gig with 19 and thought that was bad. Got any pics?
  12. [quote name='Burg' post='69126' date='Oct 3 2007, 04:31 PM']Tell the truth, it was cheap porn.[/quote] Hehe yea, I admit it. It was Backdoor Sluts 9.
  13. These are great, sound much nicer than the OC-3 in my opinion if you don't need the extra features (which don't sound that great anyway in my opinion). Good price too.
  14. Hope Burg doesn't mind me saying but it was a Digitech Jamman. :-) Wanted one of these for ages and ages.
  15. PM's.
  16. Ah a Rick-a-like with a Maple neck! Been after one of these for ages. Will try and find some money from somewhere but it's unlikely. :-(
  17. Blimey. Seeing it in that case shows just how small the body is compared to a P or J.
  18. If the Trakmaster is the older non-Pro version (as seen in that SOS article) I'd be interested in buying that by itself if you'd split.
  19. You have the same bedspread as me.
  20. [quote name='Wil' post='59878' date='Sep 13 2007, 02:02 PM']May want to try putting an add on [url="http://www.voodoojunkie.com"]http://www.voodoojunkie.com[/url] or [url="http://www.ttyc.co.uk/"]http://www.ttyc.co.uk/[/url]. Both local Bristol forums frequented by plenty of musicians and music scene bods (promoters, soundguys etc).[/quote] Seconded. I post on Choke (ttyc.co.uk) as GIANT CLOWN (don't ask). Theres a musicians wanted/available thread in there thats worth a look. Welcome (back) to Bristol, I love it. I engineer at a few of the local venues (Cooler, Croft, Louisiana, Joe Publics etc) so maybe I'll see you when you get gigging.
  21. joegarcia

    Russian Circles

    Engineered for their gig in Bristol last week and they were great. Got their CD and it's cool too. Good stuff.
  22. I had one of these once too. My second (I think) proper rig. Good amp, I paid about £550 I think at the time. Shame the auction ended early. Wonder what it went for. Seem to remember selling mine with a Peavey 410tvx for about £500 2 or 3 years ago. Price seems to have come down quite a bit since.
  23. That is obscenely cheap. How do they do it?
  24. [quote name='Sugden' post='59053' date='Sep 12 2007, 12:01 AM']You never do anything by halves do you.[/quote] No, not halves, [i]valves[/i]. Aha ha ha haahahahaha! Sorry.
  25. Wow. I have serious GAS for a 160a and that is an absolute steal! So jealous. But yea, I'd stick it in the fx loop too.
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