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Everything posted by joegarcia

  1. I get on really well with my Korg DTR1000. Think they are about £90. For £120 you could probably get the DTR2000 though.
  2. +1 for the Aggie cabs. If you like the GS112's but want more oomph then why not get a GS212 or a GS412 or as Dood suggested, a pair of GS212's? I couldn't be happier with my GS412, awesome cabs. I think they're not too bad to transport either due to the tilt back with wheels. I find it much easier than guitar 4x12's and my old pair of 1x15's to move. Doubt it would be much harder than a 6x10.
  3. [quote name='Ant' post='20648' date='Jun 20 2007, 11:03 AM']could be a delay with hold function. Or a harsh tremolo, sounds like the former to me though.[/quote] Yea sounds like a DD6 or something. If you put it in hold mode then quickly press and release it repeats the note you played. The quicker you press and let go the quicker the stutter. I think Johny Greenwood from Radiohead uses it on Go To Sleep on Hail To The Thief, thats what it sounds like anyway. It's basically using it as a looper but only looping really short phrases.
  4. [quote name='RIM Basses' post='19895' date='Jun 18 2007, 09:00 PM']That rigs looking sweet Joe![/quote] Thanks Robbie. Finally got around to buying a cover for the GS412 last week. She looks so snug in it. :-)
  5. [quote name='DHA' post='19249' date='Jun 17 2007, 07:38 PM']Hi, Take it to Glastonbury please, even if I never get to play there one of my babys will Thanks and I look forward to your comments. regards Dave[/quote] Cool ok. It'll be on the BBC stage on Sunday at about 6pm I think. :-) I'm playing with Rose Kemp.
  6. Ok, just got back from tour to find this waiting for me. Looks good. :-) How long are we supposed to keep it for? Obviously the sooner I could move it on the better. I don't have much on this week so could give it a blast at home but would be really up for taking it to Glastonbury at the weekend. I'm playing on the Sunday and could send it straight off after that. Does that sound reasonable? Would be good to put it through it's paces on a festival stage. Also, if Waldo could PM me his address that would be great. Thanks.
  7. These are my two main (well, only) basses at the moment out of the four I've ever owned. Late 1970's or early 80's USA made Ovation Magnum IV w/OHSC Two humbuckers, 6 band eq, ebony finger board, graphite reinforcement and an 18v preamp. Sounds incredible, a weighty and cumbersome beast though. 1970's Japanese made Joodee 'Performer' P copy which I fitted with EMG's, bridge and pickup covers and changed the knobs. This was my first ever bass and I still love it to bits. It's been in the wars a bit but still plays and sounds fantastic. Don't know much about it so if anyone knows anything (Bassasin?) let me know. I go through phases of playing one more than the other and at the moment the P is taking preference. Just been on tour for a week with both and didn't play the Ovation once. Weird really as I really love it. Just find the P suits my needs a bit better at the moment. Think it has a lower action presently too.
  8. This is my current rig. Just come back from a weeks tour round Germany and it's held up wonderfully. Not a single problem and it kicks it out every night. Really powerful and sounds awesome. Korg DTR1000 rack tuner Sunn 1200s Aguilar GS412 Just need to get a rack light now. :-)
  9. Would an inline -10db pad box not sort this problem without resorting to buffers and the like? Studiospares do one for about a tenner I think.
  10. [quote name='Toasted' post='14876' date='Jun 10 2007, 12:41 AM']Diago will make you a 12v if you ask nicely [/quote] Hooray! Thanks.
  11. Having thought a bit more I reckon I could live with daisy chains as it's pretty much the only way I could do it without spending several hundred quid on an absolute monster. Only thing I need to check now is if My Alesis Bitrman can run on 9v DC. Any ideas? I also need to check whether my other custom Bugbrand pedal will work on DC. If a pedal is designed to work at 12v and you provide it with 18v (as with one of those Diago 18v adaptors) does the pedal just take what it needs or fry?
  12. [quote name='Ant' post='14366' date='Jun 8 2007, 08:43 PM']I've heard the line6 9v AC requiring pedals will actually run off regular dc power, is that for the modellers and things? 'cos you can run the modellers from a godlyke power all.[/quote] Cool. In addition to my 9v DC pedals I have a Line 6 FM4 (with it's own Line 6 PSU) and an Alesis Bitrman which runs from a second Line 6 PSU. I'm wondering if it can cope with DC as well as the Line 6. Edit: Also just noticed the Godlyke is a daisy chain type which I;' not really keen on. Thanks for the suggestion though. :-)
  13. Ok, so I know there have been a lot of these topics but I've read through loads and i still can't find one supply that will power all my pedals. I need: 9x 9v DC 3x Line 6 type 9v AC 1x 18v AC (i think, will have to check) The only one I saw that comes close is the Burkey Flatliner but it ony has one AC socket and seven DC. it says on their site that the Line 6 modeller pedals can be powered from 9v DC sockets though. Is this true? Also, it's uber expensive. I guess I may have to resort to two supplies maybe. One for the DC and one for the AC. I wouldn't mind this too much as long as they're both small. Would rather have a box type one with multiple outputs over a Diago type with a daisy chain though as the pedals are all quite far apart and it's a big board. Any others anyone can think of?
  14. [quote name='zedcar' post='14154' date='Jun 8 2007, 12:57 PM']You see these a lot on vintage Fenders but I still for the life of me can't see the point of them (aside from the obvious damage protection). Is there another blindingly obvious reason for them? They'd get on my bloody nerves tbh.[/quote] They look gorgeous! I just fitted them to my all black maple fretboard P yesterday and it looks stunning. I actually found them really comfy too. I now play right in between the two covers with my thumb on the pickup cover and my pinkie on the bridge one. They came as a set with a thumb rest too but I don't think I'll need it. Plus they hide the fact that I have EMG's without pole pieces and a rusty bridge.
  15. [quote name='fleamail' post='14087' date='Jun 8 2007, 11:25 AM']I found this one [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rickenbacker-4003-tuxedo-bass-1987-Nudeswirl_W0QQitemZ190120262729QQihZ009QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rickenbacker-4003-tu...VQQcmdZViewItem[/url] But why the heck did he striped down a rare bass like this! With the cream finish and the maple fingerboard it would be my dream come true!![/quote] Good grief that is beautiful!
  16. [quote name='Russ' post='13911' date='Jun 7 2007, 11:11 PM']I've been on the lookout for a looping box, as it might be a fun thing to play around with... anyone got any recommendations? It needs to be easy to use in a live situation and versatile. I was looking at the Line6 DL4 and the Boss RC-50 (pricey, but rather good, apparently). Suggestions? [/quote] +1 Definately most versatile for the money. You'd be looking at RC-50 and Gibson Echoplex money to get better. The Jam Man has a way better mic preamp and overall sound than the RC20xl, it's more reliable and has USB and expendable memory. My girlfriend even uses hers to record with. She just records straight into it then drags it straight off into her computer. Easy.
  17. I'd definately be interested in one too depending on how much they are. I'd probably most be interested in opition 1 but I'm fairly easy.
  18. [quote name='beerdragon' post='10553' date='Jun 1 2007, 02:12 PM']The six string is, as far i know tuned like a ordinary guitar, i the only people i have seen playing them are Jet harris and Dave ambrose (Brian auger trinity. he also played on jeff becks hi ho silver lining) i'm sure there are people out there with more info on the fender VI[/quote] The guitarist in the band I play in played all the bass parts on the album on one of those before I joined. It sounds great!
  19. Found a new set of Fender covers (bridge and pickup) with a thumbrest for £25 + £3 P&P BIN. Does this sound reasonable? It would be about the same price from Thomann (with shipping) without the thumbrest and thats about the only place I've managed to find them at a reasonable price other than on Ebay. I was planning on geting a thumbrest at some point anyway so may as well get it and save a few quid, unless anyone has some used ones knocking about.
  20. [quote name='peted' post='12210' date='Jun 4 2007, 11:56 PM']Yowza. I think Gamble's SWR 6x10 sounds awesome. The Ampeg I tried sounded woolly and crap. Can't wait to hear your new cab Dood.[/quote] Yea I heard a guy with an Ampeg 6x10 a while ago. He managed to make an SVT2 sound terrible with it, he didn't have any weird or extreme eq going on either. Can't be a particularly good cab I don't think, maybe it was dodgy or something.
  21. Ooh that looks nice! Looks a tad difficult to move though. Does it not have a tilt back with wheels? Mind if I ask what they cost? Glad you managed to try some Aguilar cabs in the end, am interested in the whole 2x2/12's versus 1x4/12 thing. Curious how they'd sound so different with the same speakers. Where the 2x12's quite big then?
  22. I emailed them ages ago asking if they did that Ric copy in black and got no reply. Would really want one if it wasn't red. :-)
  23. Would this help or make it worse? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/New-MI-Audio-Boost-N-Buff-Treble-Booster-Buffer-Pedal_W0QQitemZ190119201977QQihZ009QQcategoryZ41416QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/New-MI-Audio-Boost-N...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  24. Just thought of someone else round St Micheals Hill way. He's probably not cheap but apparently very very good. Johnny Kinkade. Not 100% sure he does bass set ups (he builds acoustic guitars and basses usually) but he is apparently amazing. 0117 9243279
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