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Everything posted by Bassmachine

  1. Bump...and make your offers...
  2. I traded again with Sexy666 (a trade between Greece and Hungary) another bass and the guy is just perfect All was as described Thanks Gabi Steve
  3. [quote name='Aero71' timestamp='1403891336' post='2487517'] Nice precision you got there! [/quote] Thanks mate I believe i made a good bass(its from good part) And the finish is awesome.....
  4. Great guy and really confident We make a trade and all was as we dealed So no worries even for a trade out of UK....
  5. Up
  6. I want .....but i havent any fretless:(
  7. Thanks mate... its really very good bass....
  8. It plays like a Butter..
  9. Bump and up...
  10. [quote name='JazzBassfreak' timestamp='1403438666' post='2482640'] You seriously would paint this just to sell it? That's a risk! [/quote] Just joking mate ..but in case someone want it and can pay the cost i have a professional for this job..... See the job....body and neck
  11. PM relpied ...
  12. Up for sale one nore trasure from my small bass collection..... Its a mint SANDBERG CUSTOM 5 with mahogany body and spalted maple top and between two veneers... The neck is 3 piece maple and the fretboard its rosewood Bridge abd electeonics are sandberg and pick ups are delano x tenders.....really crystal sound The bass come with hardcase and it has a perfect set up with new strings Thanks for looking Steve
  13. Jazzbassfreak i can make a special paint for you in the color you want:) Bassman344 its really a nice basses but unfortunately it has to go......
  14. F/S F/T DINGWALL AB I NATURAL .... Its really! A lightweight bass and soungs awesome.... Here is a link (but in White color) to see the specs http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/ABI_5_White.html Cheers Steve
  15. The ultimate jazz which sound and as P ....... I can offer it...... . http://basschat.co.uk/topic/235242-fs-ft-fender-jazz-bass-usa-s1-switch-sunburstmaple-fs-ft-new-photos-added/page__gopid__2473422#entry2473422
  16. [quote name='joemarty' timestamp='1401805127' post='2467039'] Hi, I'm afraid I've already had interest from a fellow bc'er from Czech Republic and as I explained to him I'm not too keen sending the bass to Europe. I've heard horror stories of things going missing or taking months to get delivered I really don't want to take the risk with such an expensive and beautiful bass. I'm really sorry. [/quote] Stories are like farytales.... All have one to say:) A good package and a hardcase and all its ok. I traded-sold-bought from Basschaters (and some basses costs a lot more than fender) ,up from 10 basses and no issue and i live in Greece so dont worry......Make someone happy:) Cheers Steve
  17. [quote name='maldy' timestamp='1401899958' post='2468075'] I sold mine in March and there were hardly any for sale - since then I've been noticing a few surfacing. This is a seriously beautiful bass. The craftsmanship is stunning and it is super light. Lots of eq on board and a fatter tone than your usual warwick. This one is going for a cracking price too. Bargain :-) [/quote] Yes Maldy its really a masterpiece in my collection but it has to go..... Sounds awesome and as you said its really really light.....
  18. If you play it you ll love it.... A lot of offers and really confused with all these basses you have offered me....
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