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Everything posted by GregHughes

  1. I'll be there hopefully. Not been before but looks good.
  2. I've not but I'm looking for a vintage Fender Jazz, what sites have you been looking at? As far as shipping goes, my company imports a few bits from the states and UPS seem to be very popular for medium weight items which a bass should be. Usually arrives in about 3 days. PS Happy new year
  3. Hi lowdowner, Warwick Thumb was the bass I always wanted when I first started playing in my youth but didn't have the funds then. When I first came back to bass last year at first the Warwick was what I still wanted but after doing more research the Fender Jazz won my over but the Warwick is still on my want list. I'm not having lessons as I can't afford them as I have some other hobbies which take up most of my spare pocket money but have bought a few books and found loads of good stuff on the internet. I'm trying to be focused and disciplined on practice sessions but I must admit I find scales, chords etc a bit boring and tend to get bored after about 10 mins then just start jamming. There's no time scale on my learning to be honest so not really that concerned although I know that there is such a thing as bad practice so I've just invested in a drum machine so at least I use that all the time. Concentrating on funk/slap bass as this is my passion. I'm also finding that I'm having to re learn things as I'd picked up some bad habits from my last stint on the bass as I didn't have any lessons or theory just played in bands. There wasn't any internet in those days so it was much harder to get access to information without having formal lessons. I've not totally discounted lessons but just put them on ice at the moment and see how I get on. How about you?
  4. First Bass Owned: Hohner Jack Bass (headless Steinberger copy) 'Go To' Bass: Musicman 4eq Stingray 'Your' Bass: As above. I only have 2 guitars at the moment and the other is a American Jazz bass which is great but the tone of the MM wins most of the time although the Jazz is a pleasure to play.
  5. Drum machine (Alesis SR16) and a couple of books/Dvd's for me. Victor Wooten Groove Workshop + the Music Lesson Plus The Slap Bass Program by Alex Sklarevski. Just need to generate about 4 extra hours a day and I'd be very happy, probably have to settle for an hour a day in between family stuff and other hobbies to avoid divorce!
  6. Hi Gary, I can't seem to find Bass Chatters Profile?
  7. Thanks All and Happy New Year for later!
  8. Thanks chaps. That was exactly the advice I was hoping for. Got my heart set on a Fender Jazz bass and I think my collection must have one of these although I will definitely venture further afield once the right guitar is sourced. I have seen Andy Baxter basses which seem to have a good range at sensible prices, have you any experience of his company?
  9. Looking to change over my New Jazz bass to a vintage one and I was wondering if anyone has any advice on purchasing. I do love my Jazz bass but think a vintage one would be a better add on to my growing collection. I would really like to get a 1973 guitar as that was my birth year and seems a good year. Where would you recommend I look and is there anything I need to look out for? Prices seems to vary on the guitars I seen so far but hoping to pick a good condition one up for under £2K, it this realistic? Seen a lovely one in a shop but its £3500 which seems very steep.
  10. Evening everyone, Been reading up loads on the forum but thought I would say hi. My names Greg, used play bass in a few bands a number of years ago but decided to get back into it after a number of year break last summer. Even though I used to play a lot been starting right from the basics as really wanted to learn my craft this time round. Had a bit of a bonus so started off with a new American Fender Delux 4 string Jazz bass with a 40 watt Bronco practice amp to give me a good range of tone. Since then found myself slightly addicted to guitars and have just recently purchased a new Music Man 4 Eq Stingray. Loving both basses but I must admit that the MM wins for tone although the Jazz has a much thinner, faster neck so enjoying both. Mostly learning funk/slap bass at the moment as find that most the enjoyable/challenging although enjoy playing most styles. There is so much to learn!!!
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