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Everything posted by BigRedX

  1. Facebook is fine for advertising my band activities and finding out what a few of my friends who no longer live locally are doing. I would never consider using it for anything else.
  2. Surely you can tell which is which by the thicknesses?
  3. It's a sad fact that most bands should find it fairly simple to sell a single colour print T-shirt for £10 where at the very worst they should be making 100% profit, whereas their audience is becoming ever more reluctant to pay the same price for their album which has probably cost more to produce than they could ever hope to make back through sales alone.
  4. To the OP who appears to be in the UK. Just go and buy a standard mains lead with an IEC C13 connector at one end and a normal 3-prong UK mains plug at the other, from a reputable source. Then it will have the correct fuse for the lead which is all the fuse in the lead is there to protect. Job done.
  5. In Isolation, along with Chaos Bleak will be supporting The Rose Of Avalanche when they play at The Donkey in Leicester on Sunday 28th July. It's an early gig: Chaos Bleak 4pm In Isolation 5pm The Rose Of Avalanche 6pm Tickets are £11 in advance
  6. I already own two of my dream basses: If I had the money I'd also get Simon at Gus to make me a pair of Bass VIs to this design with the Shergold Marathon 6-string bass neck width and scale length.
  7. Or songwriters. If you look at any list of the best earning musicians from the last 70-80 years you'll find that nearly all of them were responsible for writing their most popular songs.
  8. @Andyjr1515 I completely understand. I did this back when I was still young and even more stupid than I am now, and as a consequence nearly sawed off the end of my index finger. I'll be interested to see your solution.
  9. I don't know what metal-working tools you have at your disposal, but if the stop tail-piece holes were significantly different to the hardware supplied, I'd have had a look at making my own from scratch. In the 80s I was able to do some fairly major modifications to some heavy-duty aluminium rack box sides with only a junior hack-saw, a hand-held drill and some files.
  10. I think we've scared the OP off...
  11. As a fan of aluminium in guitar and bass construction, I'm definitely looking forward to this...
  12. Compared with some people's pedal boards, this is compact and bijou.
  13. I want my money back. The bass doesn't come in until almost 30 seconds through the piece so there's a maximum of only nine and a half minutes (I haven't listened all the way through to see if there are any places where it drops out).
  14. Great sound indeed in the context of the track, but given the number of factors that go to make up what you hear from the player's fingers all the way to the listeners ears, to single out one thing as being key is naive to say the least. Also given the amount of compression and drive I can hear, I would suggest that almost any bass played with a pick would be capable of delivering a suitable sound.
  15. It's not a kettle lead. It doesn't fit any kettle and just as well because your typical amplifier mains cable is not rated sufficiently high enough to take the current draw of a kettle.
  16. If this is the fuse in the plug of mains lead for the amp it should be rated to protect the lead, not the amp. The amp itself should have a separate fuse.
  17. Only in so much as the rights owners of older songs are less likely to object because anything that boost the profile of the work will be welcome. Contemporary artists may be less keen to have their music used to push products.
  18. Running Up That Hill was featured on a TV show that was set in the 80s, so the music is contemporary to that period. It would have been more noteworthy if it had been used and become popular due to being featured in a programme set in the current day.
  19. And the fact that "ash" alone encompasses over 40 different species of trees, which may grow in totally different environments all of which affect the way the wood is created. Also "swamp ash" isn't a distinct species but simply one of those 40+ grown in "swampy" conditions.
  20. A QR should be at least 20mm square to be reliably scannable. Technically you can reduce it down to 10mm square, but to make it reliable you need to consider a lot of factors such as the length of the URL it points to (less characters is better), also IMO experience the printing quality on guitar picks isn't great so the bigger the code the more likely it is to work. A more important question would be if it's worth it. I certainly would be very cautious about scanning a QR code from an unknown source.
  21. But can you state with 100% certainty that it is the wood, and not the pickups, or the construction, by which I mean how it has been put together. Have you checked that both pickups have exactly the same DC resistance and that they have been wound in exactly the same way? Have the neck screws been tightened with exactly the same amount of torque. If the body is made of multiple pieces of wood are the joins in exactly the same place. Are the two bodies and necks even EXACTLY the same size and shape? And that's before we consider things like strings, set up and confirmation bias on the part of the player.
  22. Two is not a scientifically meaningful number. And how do you know they are identical. The problem with wood is not that it doesn't make any difference to the sound, but that the effects of a "type" of wood are not consistently replicable from one instrument to the next. Anyone can make two supposedly identical basses that sound different. The real skill would be if they could make 50 or more basses that sound EXACTLY the same.
  23. With the sheer number of individual pieces of wood that go to make up a typical Alembic bass, I suspect the type and amount of glue used will be just as important a factor.
  24. You need a mini USB to whatever socket is on your phone which will depend on what phone you have.
  25. If they are all like that the bass line is nice and loud in the mix so it should be fairly easy to work it out by ear.
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