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Posts posted by BigRedX

  1. Some interesting ideas. The rotated neck has been done before in a more extreme form on the [url="http://www.littleguitarworks.com/torzal/"]Little Torzal Twist[/url] which is mentioned in the article and also in the [url="http://www.nortonguitars.com/"]Norton Guitars and Basses[/url] where the angle of the neck to body is completely adjustable via the Mainframe system.

    I like the way the strings fit into the head on this bass but I'm a little concerned as to how well they're going to stay there under agressive playing?

  2. [quote name='TheBrokenDoor' post='145452' date='Feb 23 2008, 09:28 AM'][b]Every line I've ever worked on has become more and more simple, and the simpler it is, the happier I am with my playing.[/b]


    Definitely in agreement with this statement. When my band starts working on a new song - usually starting with a guitar chord sequence, my initial bass line will be fairly simple sketching out the roots with some passing notes on the changes and maybe some octaves. Then as I get a feel for the song I'll hear in my head a more complex line which I'll work towards. Finally as all the different parts of the song come together I'll start leaving bits out so that what I play meshes with the other properly instruments.

    Listen to the drums and the vocals and build your lines around them.

  3. Prompted by the 101 pages of Japanese bass porn I now have serious GAS for a [url="http://www.fernandes.co.jp/home.html"]Fernandes[/url]

    In particular one of their Nomad Basses (called PIE-ZO in Japan)

    Any of these would do nicely. The first two are rather cheeky 'homages' to classic album cover art - I wonder if any royalties are being paid here?

    However would it be very wrong of me to say that my favourite is the rather gothic Hello Kitty model? I think if you're going to have a take it anywhere instrument it should be a 'fun' one. And after seeing these the standard ones are just a little bit boring.

    I think that these models are limited editions as I've seen a Doraemon guitar that's no longer listed on the site, on my last visit to Japan which I would have bought if I hadn't specifically been looking for a [url="http://www2.wbs.ne.jp/~tokai/mysite1/photo5.jpg"]Tokai Talbo Jr[/url]

    There's some interesting things happening with the guitar versions with built-in Digitech effects. Maybe that will filter down to the bass versions soon?

  4. I have the Shortboard to go with my 2 Pods and the only quibble I have is that the effect on offs are above the patch change switches which can make quick changes a bit nerve-racking as I have to be careful not to switch patch with my heel as my toes hits the effect switch. Maybe it's because I spent so long playing in a sequencer controlled band where all the fx changes were handled by the MIDI from the sequences and all I had to do was play without worrying about being in the right place at the right time to dance on my pedals...

  5. Ta!

    Seems to use the same values as guitars... I quite like the idea from your second link of using a .047µ on the neck and a .022µ at the bridge.

    Since neither link doesn't even mention the use of treble bypass caps, does anyone have them on the volume controls of their passive basses and can tell me the values?

  6. Make sure that whatever pre-amp or multi-fex rack unit you buy will drive the relevant input on the Superfly properly.

    I have a Pod XT Pro and it doesn't produce enough output volume to efficiently drive one of the power amps I've used it with.

    Also I found the power amp line in on the Superfly I had to be particularly noisy. Driving the normal instrument in with the EQ set flat produced much better results.

  7. I recently bought 2 second-hand basses that have had their electrics extensively (and not particularly skillfully mod'ed)

    As I don't think that these modifications add anything useful to the sound and the fact that the components are now old and noisy, I want to get them back to something close to their original state, but can't find any info for the particular models I'm after.

    What I need therefore is accepted values of Capacitors for passive tone controls for both single coil and humbucking pickups and also for treble bypass on the volume controls. Are these different to guitars?

    Any info please?

  8. But most on-board adjustments are like that. I have the very wonderful ACG filter pre-amp fitted to my Pedulla Buzz, and the only knobs that get adjusted mid gig are the volume and pickup balance, the other 6 might as well be on trim pots. In recording I'd fiddle about with them, but live it's set with two very different sounds on each pickup and the pan is used to blend between them.

    More on topic what you really need for a fully adustable pickup system is a cross between this and the Norton mainframe system where the pickup can be slid along the string length and then pivoted about the centre point.

  9. Thanks for the info. I really like the series sound as well!

    My Gus G3 fretless which has 2 single coil pickups has the same switching arrangement, though as it's part of the active circuitry I don't know if the switch is the same. Also my very first bass has a series mode simply because I used an on/off/on toggle and it was the only way to get both pickups on together with that switch!

  10. That's a grand bass indeed!

    There's a 5er languishing in one of the Music shops here that I might have bought by now if it was fretless...

    BTW used the Black Cat for the first time at my band's rehearsal and it blew everyone away with the sound (and the volume!). It's definitely a keeper. Thanks once again.

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