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Everything posted by Gilby

  1. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1321009703' post='1434258'] I bought this guitar on here a few months ago for my 14 year old son. He has now decided that he doesn't like Teles. Typical teenager! I'm no expert on six strings, but this guitar looks good and plays very well. Nice action and tone - typical telecaster in fact! Comes with a cheap gigbag for protection and portability. Original sale thread here - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/135583-soldfender-squire-telecaster-for-sale/"]http://basschat.co.u...aster-for-sale/[/url] Great condition. Will post if necessary but would prefer local pick up. Thanks for looking! Will get some pix up when I get home this evening, but you all know what these things look like. [attachment=93255:Telecaster Pics 015.jpg][attachment=93256:Telecaster Pics 014.jpg][attachment=93257:Telecaster Pics 001.jpg] [/quote] Firstly, how can anyone not like that! Fantastic guitar for the money, totally worth moding for little money with some decent pots, tone rider pups and a wilkinson bridge/brass compensated saddles. Only reason I'm not taking it is that I'm trying to save for a new car. (and I have a tele......but I'm still tempted). Please will some one buy this before I succumb to temptation.
  2. Going full scale so need the space. Black Bronco, reasonably good nick although it has the usual low end probs of socket and pots being cheap. New strings fitted . £70 including shipping via FedEx . Photos by email if wanted.
  3. I have a Farida tele (blonde with maple neck). Spent a fair bit of time in the shop comparing it against a classic vibe tele. Really can't understand how such a geat soundind guitar can be built and sold so cheaply. Seriously, £200 cheaper than the CV, the difference? The Farida is a tad heavier but sound a little "fuller", not quit a true tele shape as with those basses, the lower horn is a little shorter. Will be at dawsons tomorrow as the mrs wants to try out a couple of flutes. May get distracted though!
  4. Might be interested in this, I'm taking the mrs out to try one this Saturday. Is the warranty transferable? they come with a five year one which is really worthwhile having.
  5. Okay guys, that's helpful, although it looks likely that another bass might be a while coming as the wife is having a new flute!
  6. May be picking up a cheapy squier of which I know the pickups are a bit weak. Being poor (well, more tight than poor), will wilkinson pickups be much of an improvement or would I be better off hunting down something better on the used market. I'm not a gigging musician so high end not really an issue. Cheers, Brett.
  7. Forgot to mention Siouxsie and the Banshees, Nocturne. (gothy punk teenage years)
  8. [quote name='mercuryl' timestamp='1320701061' post='1430366']I play the keyboard part of Golden Brown on the condition that they sing. Goes down a treat if everyone has had a few.[/quote] Funny you should say that. I've only just moved to bass but I quite often play golden brown on my accoustic when get asked to "play something". Either that or paint it black by the stones.
  9. Wouldn't say it's a fave but just got the Rush ABC 74 album (the "bootlegged"), Lifesons guitar pans all over the place at times but loving that Geddy aggressive ric. Again not a massive live album fan as such ( been some good ones shouted out already though ) but I do love Floyds Delicate Sound of Thunder.
  10. Can't see the problem in having a collection of basses or guitars if that's your passion. We all work hard and it's nice to see your money being spent on things that give you pleasure rather than essentials such as food and bills Bonus with instruments is that if purchased second hand they hold value. Besides, there are a lot worse things you can spend your money on!
  11. [quote name='ZMech' timestamp='1320321919' post='1425236'] I'd seriously recommend against this. If you try to do this when playing standing up your wrist will most likely end up being bent backwards, which is just asking for a world of pain. Your wrist should be as straight as possible, especially if you aim to gig and therefore play for extended amounts of time. On this note, make sure to do at least some of your practise in the position in which you'll actually play live, i.e. standing, as the orientation of the bass is likely to change compared to sitting down.[/quote] Im only a casual player tbh so I've never felt a problem. As I said in my opening post, the move to a bass is also an endeavour to do things properly. I'm obviously going to try and get rid of my bad habits and apply this to my 6 string playing. I appreciate your concern on this issue and appreciate the emphasis you have put on it. Again, many thanks to all that have replied.
  12. That's the guy. Passed away last month at the age of 84.
  13. I recently bought the rush documentary DVD and was really surprised that Neil Peart decided he needed lessons despite being in the band for twenty years! (this was in 1994, he would of been 42). Just goes to show that despite being rated as one of the best in the game there is always improvements to be made. (if you watch earlier/later performances you can see a big difference in his actual style of playing).
  14. Cheers fellas, really helpful stuff there. Totally agree with the thumb positioning, I realise that this is a big problem for me as when playing my accoustic guitar I do tend to use my thumb over the top to fret the E string. I'm pretty much self taught so I obviously have a bad habit in that respect. Again, thank you for your advice.
  15. Ok, I hack out a few chords and riffs on the acoustic after a long absence from music. Used to thrash out power chords and simple riffs in a punky metal way when I was much younger. Now I'm a bit older (42) I've decided to try my hand at bass and attempt to learn/understand music properly. Choosing a cheap way into it I picked up a used bronco, I have quite long fingers but thought it would be an easy transition from the accoustic. I want to do this right rather than employ my sloppy, lazy way of doing things but my pinky finger is not playing ball! My ring finger follows it (ie it always wants to sit behind the pinky on the same string). It's much easier for me to run through scales using just three fingers (i can even play a few tunes!) but I feel that's defeating the idea of "doing things properly". So, apart from practice practice practice, any exercises I can do away from the guitar (whilst driving or at work) to increase strength and flexibility in the pinky finger? Am I at an age where retraining finger muscles isn't really going to happen?
  16. Pump it up - Elvis Costello and the Attractions Down in the tube station at midnight - The Jam Higher Ground - Stevie Wonder/ RHCP
  17. [quote name='blackmn90' timestamp='1320094379' post='1422342']you see i spend a day away from basschat and this is what happens!![/quote] Ditto
  18. Voodoo dolly, eve black eve white, spellbound, nightshift. Just near enough any Siouxsie and Banshees album, maybe some Damned as well?
  19. [quote name='randymussel' timestamp='1319724708' post='1417776']Thanks! Ironically I've moved on to a Squier, not a boxed one but a Tele custom with the P90s. Very nice. You don't remember the serial number of yours I suppose? This one was found in a cash converters so it's not inconceivable...[/quote] They're pretty sweet sounding squiers with the p90's, tried one but wasn't the neck for me.
  20. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1276101457' post='862392'] Funnily enough I dug out my old vinyl copy of this the other day to play 'Ejection' to the rest of my band - one of our new tunes has a similar kind of feel. Hawkwind were the first band I ever went to see play live - Harlow Town Park, summer 1974. I fear they were already past their best - would have loved to have seen them on the Space Ritual tour (as my elder brother did!).[/quote] On a slight tangent, first live show I ever saw was at Harlow town park. 1986 (or 87?) The Damned. Bit of a charity fund raiser thing throughout the day, got to throw a flour bomb at "comedian" Mike Reid who was trying to do a turn and introduce the headliners. Some guy with a green Mohawk had been wandering around giving them out, wasn't going to argue with him was I?
  21. Caught an interesting programme on radio 4 presented by Stuart Copeland last year about drummers and they spoke about their fitness. There's is/or has been some serious research being done with Clem Burke (?) from Blondie. news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7518888.stm (haven't got my head around links using iPhone, just google "drummer fitness study" and it should be at the top).
  22. [quote name='merello' timestamp='1319282797' post='1412194']Outstanding! [/quote] Dear Santa. I've been a really good boy all year .........
  23. To far I'm afraid, I'm in Shropshire and tbh can't really justify another electric guitar. Living on a narrowboat there's only so much space I can allocate for guitars and I have the trio (accoustic, electric and a short scale bass). Shame as that yam is a bargain, nice necks on the Pacifica, a decent base for moding.
  24. I'm very tempted on this but would need delivery (and permission from the mrs) Try advertising on TDPRI, it's an American tele forum, plenty of uk dudes on it.
  25. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1318618457' post='1404541'] Yours is bigger than mine. You'd never pass through the Cader and Hebble locks down our way !!! Welcome fellow narrowboater and bass player.[/quote] Nothing an angle grinder won't solve ! You're right, it doesn't lend itself well up north. (not a bassist yet, hope to be soon, can strum around an accoustic a bit, just fancy peeing the match anglers off!).
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