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  1. Thanks. I think I will. The 2600 is well-regarded too. IMS every reviewer raves about it, and reportedly it has decent build quality. Personally, I have the Model D for "that sound" and its superfast dialing, the Model 15 for some extra bits and the sequencing and arpeggiating, and two 2600s for all the tinkering that my brain can muster. If money was no concern, I'd get more modern Eurorack modules, as it's unbelievable what some of those offer. Though I fear the rabbit hole.
  2. Yeah, one has to keep a clear mind, or else it's easy to get dragged in. Have you considered semi-modular, like the 2600 and others as a compromise of sorts? For me personally, after having spent virtually no time on tinkering for decades, these knobs and cables offer a welcome return to it, as I've loved tinkering since the early 70s. As to going modular, I decided against it - not for tinkering reasons but for pecuniary ones. Just the price of Eurorack cabinets alone! Yeah, some of Behringer's offerings seem stellar in that regard, and for example the Model D and the 2600 also offer more than the originals.
  3. Thanks for all of that, RatM ! Bugger about the build quality. IIRC, Moog was once known for build quality, but then again, I've not handled any since the early '80s or even followed developments in the market. The Behringer OTOH is part of a series you may well know that seems to share fairly good builds (reportedly except the Pro-800), but, as said in another thread, with surface-mount patch points rather than panel-mount ones. Reports on recent developments re Behringer synth build quality vary somewhat, some saying the last two years have been worse again. 😕 I think I'll need some time to get to grips with the patch panel too, as it's not always immediately clear exactly what is meant with the labelling. Don't imagine it's difficult once given some time, but do expect to need to remember quite some details. Same with the 2600, where one superficially might think one knows what to expect from a patch point, and then there's this tiny detail that makes it work differently. Hadn't heard of the Sirin, but it's not on my radar - my "70s monophonic analogueness" cravings having been met with the synths I bought this year. A DFaM or Edge might suddenly see my desktop. I've never used or owned a thing like those, and have no idea what to expect of them, so a visit to YT is probably in order. I'm not wary of repeating patterns, but they do need to develop over time, just like TD and others made them do. Thanks again! bert
  4. Thanks, RatM ! The more I read, the more I think they're practically interchangeable, which makes me wonder whether that's even legal. Problematic. I also saw the old Realistic MG-1 being mentioned as their source synth, but feel that's stretching it. But yeah, it did have colours. 🙂 I trust you have a great synth in the GM. Are you satisfied with it? I do know you've mentioned it, but forgot how you're getting along with it. Yeah, the Model 15 is tiny and very handy. With that, it of course also comes with that Eurorack drawback of "two-knobs-per-finger". I'll probably get used to it. The tiny space also means label abbreviations, but again I trust one gets used to it.
  5. Just got it a few days ago, and already love it to bits. From what I hear and read, it has the VCOs and VCF from Moog System clones (Behringer 900 series), and thus, this thing sounds just a smidgen less deep and phat than a Minimoog. Can't compare with my Behringer Model D yet, as these things are in different countries. Now, what I "miss" from the Minimoog as I remember it, is muchly compensated by the extensive patch panel (48 points) and the arpeggiator and 256-step sequencer (and probably other bits too). The "Karn Evil 9" department: Had a blast putting its synth outro into the sequencer and, without me even doing my best, the 2 VCOs plus sub-octave sounded very much like that iconic sequence. Few knobs, but not simple. Fast dialling, like with a Minimoog, and then you get the patch panel too. Melurve.
  6. ... and there was me thinking Cameo were nothing to spend time on ... (that was based on their mid-'70s output) ... and then this. Thanks for posting!
  7. Saw the same scam both in Norway and The Netherlands, and what struck me was the comments section: lotsa fake comments from fake accounts, and say half of the names were English sounding whilst half sounded Norse or Dutch, but the names were a bit off. Obviously a scam ran from abroad, and its designers have a rough idea of foreign-to-them names, but not quite. That said, the fake people were very happy with their speakers, as they so eloquently put to three words, so I reckon it's all good. 😁
  8. Will do, @Steve Browning. Thanks.
  9. I appreciate that you don't remember the details; most wouldn't, and only a few would. Personally, in this case I'd remember some details, but probably not all. Still, I guess I must've worded my post poorly, so I'll try to reword: A BC owner told BC readers about his experiences as a member of the audience at the name person's stand-up gig. That name person somehow learned about this and started threatening BC with a court case. Owners told us the very existence of BC was under threat. Trying to be in BC's corner, I asked my questions, and, instead of answering the questions, that person tried and partially succeeded in making me look like the bad person. Some people on BC thanked me profusely; others started the blaming and the namecalling. Since, every now and then someone refers to me as a bully or as the one who "has hounded off" said person. I've kept silent after BC owners asked me to. I think there was no "hounding off", and if there was a bully, it was not me. Instead, I think I was someone attempting to help BC remain in existence, by asking three simple questions. The relevance of something said at a stand-up performance exists (solely?) in that the story was told on BC by one of its owners, and the name person then threatened to drag BC to court. I think there was no subject matter of people trying to treat said person badly over his reported racial stereotyping or over musical choices he may have made. I at least have not seen such treating him badly. On the contrary, I saw people submissively treat him like someone on another, higher, level. The subject matter as far as I could see it was only his threatening BC with a court case.
  10. I've kept silent until now, but no more. That person threatened BC with a court case, thus essentially threatening the very existence of BC. This was after one of BC's owners had reported about that person's use of racial stereotyping during a stand-up performance of his. In response, I asked that person three questions - - questions that were easy to answer. Also: they were attemptedly (probably failedly) designed such that they might bring some clarity in a court case - should that person decide to go forward and drag BC to court. That person decided to not answer those three questions (my guess is he's smart enough to have understood the implications of his answering them), and singled me out as the terrible person. Seemingly, you along some others lapped it up. Me, I'm not impressed.
  11. No, I think the more fair comparison for popular songs would be with his late string quartets. 😉
  12. Coz if my dansband and C&W circles knew I secretly love Penderecki, Stockhausen and Xenakis, they'd come after me! 😉
  13. I'd guess such a project yields too little for Lego as to expected spin-off, so I don't expect them to offer the product. That said, under the "ya never know" slogan, I've done the support thing.
  14. Ha! I actually contemplated telling the story of my former girlfriend, who picked up the bass and as her first song played ... exactly that ... 😱 Mind you, she already was an accomplished musician, nearly getting the job as second flautist in the Concertgebouw Orchestra. Since I'm here anyway, some days ago I mentioned "Games Without Frontiers" as my first song. That was before I tried to become a bass player. A buddy of mine had gone on for 15 years about how he should be playing a musical instrument, but "now" it was too late to start. Fed up with this nonsense, I taught myself said song and when this buddy visited me, I pushed the bass onto his lap and said upon him that he wasn't gonna leave the premises before being able to play the song. He abided, and some years later became the bass player in a local band. ... the irony being that I myself still can't play the bass. 😀
  15. Games Without Frontiers - Peter Gabriel
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