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Everything posted by VTypeV4

  1. The Squier VM Jazz I own mauls any number of Fender models I've tried including a couple I owned. It's certainly the best passive Jazz I've owned even though the Japanese and US basses cost me far more.. So on this occasion, yes, I prefer the cheaper model.
  2. You could rule the world with that! ^ Anyone have any news on Trace? I understand Paul works for Blackstar now..
  3. Mixed on the 328s you have (had?), Crez?
  4. I wasn't overly hot on the Finalizer processing - it sounds fine but I just found it a little uninspiring although to have the option again is a plus. The M2000s on the other hand are truly excellent and surpass the onboard Yamaha SPX (nothing wrong with them, they work just fine and are more than useable) and even my own TC Electronic M1. I looked at purchasing an M2000 but even second hand they're more than twice the price of a Unity. I also looked at another M1 as well as a Yamaha REV500 because they're both reasonably cheap (£120 or thereabouts) and sound great but I couldn't beat the Unity on bang for buck and the convenience of it being inside the console.. I really need to have a sit down with an X32 - still haven't really had a meddle let alone done any mixing on one. The pub across town (ran by my old boss - we're still on good terms) has one and he thinks it's great.
  5. New card landed today! The item was just as described - kind of.. The seller thought it only ran the dual M2000 processors but in actual fact, the card has a dual license and runs both dual M2000 or M2000 / Finalizer! As a second bonus, the card is an extended in/out example complete with the TDIF / ADAT interface.. It's the latest software version too (v.2.20) so no updating required! [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0258_zpsbo2627mz.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0258_zpsbo2627mz.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I need to reconfigure some of the patches on the console as well as routing options as they seem a bit all over the place but half an hour will see it square and sorted. I've got some more recording tonight so I'll take some more pix of the 'analogue card 02R' if I get chance.
  6. New Unity card purchased! It's due to land a little later this week.. On a different note, we did some recording this evening so I used the 'Analogue card' 02R for tracking via a Behringer USB I/O device - my MOTU is somewhat burried at work. The Behringer can only do two in / out but it's enough for recording. I'll have a look at mixing it at work assuming we finish the vocals tomorrow.. [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0257_zpsnmch3oqc.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0257_zpsnmch3oqc.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0256_zpsag3yrmy7.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0256_zpsag3yrmy7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/IMG-20161107-WA0003_zpsp6ukao0x.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/IMG-20161107-WA0003_zpsp6ukao0x.jpg[/IMG][/URL] New and old working together - our drummers' newish Mac-Book with Logic X (It's pretty good to be fair but I'm used to Pro Tools and Cu-Base) plus the fancy 'I can control the faders with my ipad' app thing all supported via my semi vintage 02R and monitored via a really old Peavey XR600.
  7. It's possible the original drivers were JBL D/K140s - I'm sure I saw an old advert a while back. The JBLs were very much the premium 15" bass speaker of the time and were used by lots of companies in all sorts of configurations irrespective of their box compatability.. I have a K140 in a compatible box and it sounds warm and oldskool in stark contrast to my SWR cabs. I also ran a D140 in an old Peavey TNT 130 for a while which was warmer and louder than Scorpion it replaced. I have a hankering for a Bassman 135 and matcing double 15 with JBLs in too..
  8. Yet more food for thought there, cheers man.. Another Unity card has popped up on eBay for reasonable coin so if it's still there payday, I'll grab it..
  9. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1477516961' post='3162799'] Eeek, how did it go? Hope all is working ok now. In related Yamaha bargain news, I got another 01V for £100! They're a steal at the usual second hand prices, but that just seemed ridiculous. [/quote] Sadly it doesn't seem interested in coming back to life.. I've put it on eBay and I'll keep my out for a functional Unity when one appears. There's one on now in the US but he wants silly money for it.. Boo. Good news on your side though Mike - £100 for any 24 channel desk is a bargain let alone a digi with flying faders! Nice one fella. Have you seen the price of LS9s of late? I've seen more than a couple of 32 channel variants plus case for less than £1500.. I'm not ready to trade my 02Rs yet but certainly gives food for thought..
  10. [quote name='E sharp' timestamp='1477395587' post='3161918'] I've not long ago bought a CA-9 . Should I now hide? [/quote] I'd love to put that next to my Crown 3600VZ.. Both weigh as much as the world twice over..
  11. I've mixed lots of function bands as part of their audition process for one of the largest booking agents in the country. Probably more than 70% were drums, bass, guitar (sometimes two) and some sort of sequence track usually on a lap top with the drummer playing to a click. For some it worked really well, others sounded flat.. Seems very popular on the 'modern pop / classic covers' function type group scene.
  12. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1477066358' post='3159687'] Well done that man. A pride in one's work. [/quote] Seconded.. I'm not getting into the 'PA size / adequacy / control / SPL / on-stage / FOH debate' as lots of angles have already been covered and discussed many times before in previous threads! Good sound is very important to me whether i'm playing or mixing so I'm very much in the 'whatever takes to make it right camp'..
  13. There's been 'trouble a'th mill' recently.. Using both desks the other week I noticed nasty glitch spiking on the master console so assumed it to be having a clock issue so did some fiddling to no avail. I then tried dropping the first console out and that seem to fix it so some repatching later, i put all my channels on one desk.. Restarting the desk the following day showed the Unity card had gone mad with the access page saying 'please upload valid software' so I've bought the appropriate cable, downloaded the software and I'm gonna have a crack re-flashing it tonight.. Fingers crossed!
  14. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1476874497' post='3157925'] I have this horrible vision of his band with a bass that is crushing people at the back of the room, a guitar shredding people's faces up front, drums that sound dull and thumpy at the low end combined with someone hitting a tin can with a spoon whilst the poor vocalist is desperately trying to get himself heard over the massive on-stage cacophony surrounding him. . . [/quote] Me too..
  15. Lovely chap and a great player - I regularly deal with him in Spear..
  16. [quote name='Dudley Powell' timestamp='1475186008' post='3143949'] He was the bassist in my vocalist's last band, and from various reports, yes it got built! [/quote] Madness! Although I wouldn't mind a quick go.. Ha!
  17. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1475060175' post='3142665'] Does that mean I can have the ADAT card for 75p to go in my 01V? [/quote] Ha! On a similar note, I watched a 'double stack' analogue card same as the ones I bought do £84. There seems to be little rhyme or reason to the price these things go for as I didn't pay half that for two!
  18. Now linked on TDIF format rather than ADAT meaning I now have two spare ADAT cards if need them. My 75 pence TDIF card worked without issue. Superb! [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0225_zpsg318u6uf.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0225_zpsg318u6uf.jpg[/IMG][/URL] All sorted.
  19. Never used the ipad / phone / wireless aspect of these things but I've mixed a number of shows on Qu-24 and 32 models.. I haven't really any tips and I don't know what setup you were using previously but those A&H desks offer an excellent array of facilties so best I can say is get stuck in.. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/160827-yamaha-02r-digital-mixing-desk/page__st__60"]http://basschat.co.u...sk/page__st__60[/url] Have a look about two thirds of the way down, these are my thoughts after a show on the 32. Hope that helps
  20. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1473756072' post='3132734'] Why not go for 8 x 15"s? [/quote] Did the chappy building one ever finish it? it was a while back now..
  21. [url="http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0221_zpsypwqp377.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0218_zpsscnrg6eh.jpg.html"][/url] The Nantwich 'Rory Gallagher' festival this weekend on the 'analogue card' 02R. A lovely weeked was had by all invollved including me. Needless to say, the yamaha performed faultlessly as did the rest of the system..
  22. Still waiting on my TDIF card but, yes, I've done well with some bargans of late. Ha! I haven't used anything 'badass' since Christmas (SD8, Lab Gruppen and EAW) and an LS9 for even longer - it might even have been 2014. I've very much been in the land of the 02R this year with my pair at work and now the external PA gigs - I've given up on the Mackie DL.. When you go to Adlib, if you see Steve Angel, send him my regards (Matt at the Rigger - he'll know) as I've not seen him for a while.
  23. I've purchased (cheap of course!) a pair of the CD8-AD cards for my 'odd job' 02R. They've come from eBay and thankfully arriived quickly whilst I was away lasy week so today I spent half an hour removing the AES and ADAT cards and installing them. Both worked perfectly first time so I'm happy. [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0209_zpsvnoowz4w.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0209_zpsvnoowz4w.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0210_zpsarnvyvpv.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0210_zpsarnvyvpv.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Strangely, both have a fan on the board for cooling that I've not seen on any of the other cards. I'm out with the desk on Sat and Sun so we'll see how it goes although chances are, I won't need the cards for this show.. Really need to get a case for it.. Oh, and I won a TDIF card (I'll explain about this when it lands) too for just 75p!
  24. I'm very happy with my cabs and always liked their amps too.. If I couldn't have a Trace amp then I'd take an SWR any day of the week. I seem to remember playing an SM400 in a shop in Liverpool (Curleys maybe?) years back and being very impressed with it. Even the dinky Workingmans 10 was little corker..
  25. [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0197_zps3ucnmtyb.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0197_zps3ucnmtyb.jpg[/IMG][/URL] A slightly 'arty' shot of my third console in use at a mini festival I've done for the last few years. It's normally done outside but we got rained off as the patch of land we use was like a bog so we found refuge inside! [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0193_zpsa7wjzubf.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0193_zpsa7wjzubf.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0192_zps91qna4o6.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0192_zps91qna4o6.jpg[/IMG][/URL] The PA performed faultlessly and using the 02R was a definite improvement over the Mackie DL1608 we've been using until recently. Some may see it as a backwards step especially having to reinstate the manual graphic EQs but I see it as a retrogressive move. I feel the sonics (and definately the FX) of the Yamaha to be better than the Mackie not to mention the speed I can get round the operating system makes me far more comfortable.
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