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Everything posted by VTypeV4

  1. Always thought they were a lovely looking amp.. Glad you're pleased.
  2. Glass, heat, big iron and big voltages.. All adds up for me. There's a warning on the power-board inside which says 'Danger: Up to 720v may be present' Lovely stuff!
  3. A bunch of old Crown Power Tech amps.. Are they yours, 1970?
  4. As a result of running the V4 again, the Twin Valve has 'lent out' its power valves so I can't really do an A/B with the two but I'm sure I can feel (and hear) a common thread between them. It may indeed be psyschological of course! I'll know more when the big-bottle '88s land.. And the T/V can have its 6550s back.
  5. As a parallel to Long Time Freds new amplifier thread, I thought I'd celebrate by starting this one.. I'm very happy to have my old V4 back, I had a rehearsal on Monday and took my lovely little SWR cabs and it was absolutely cracking! It's got a mish mash of valves in at the moment so I ordered some EHX '88s to install but it still sounded wicked.. [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0066_zpsiuy0f6f0.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0066_zpsiuy0f6f0.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0067_zpsurixrqmf.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0067_zpsurixrqmf.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I'd forgotten how lovely and squashy the compressor was too.. The only down side is that the big Ashton has to go. It's been a great amp and if this opportunity hadn't come up then I'd be very much keeping it as it sounds sweet but I simply couldn't say no to this. I'd have given my left leg!
  6. Hey dude, glad you're happy with the new bigg'un. Can't remember if it was a fully parametric on the TC but as ever, if you need a hand.. Ordered some EHX '88s for the V4 yesterday..
  7. Does it sound like it should? IME, no two ever sound quite alike (when tested in A-B situations) anyways but they certainly have a common theme if you catch my drift.. In the past I hooked two '20s together using the CV / Gate in and it was epic! I always found Duncans example to be a little angrier than mine, his oscillators almost seemed more distorted / grittier somehow. The little '10 was great and I loved the PWM but being single osc, it never sounded as big as my 20 and with the odd exception, if I could do it on the 10, it was replicable on the big one. Even with with just one osc, the 20 was always warmer and bigger by comparison. I'm sorry for all the non-descript and wooly expressions during these thoughts but there's certain 'thing' about these synths and those that have spent anytime around them, I hope will get it. I tried a new one in Academy of sound and found it very good. The filter and tuning controls had a little more resolution than my original which was a little spooky but short of its physically reduced size, I'd be hard pressed (in isolation at least) to identify which was which.. Hope you're happy with you're kit, it really does look very cool..
  8. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1424261461' post='2694447'] Hah, as in the other thread, obviously there are exceptions. Whenever I see a gig and you're doing the sound, the bass is nice and fat. However, if you go to a few rock gigs in the "city center" (naming no names) you'll see what we're on about. Having said that, it seems to me that a lot of these modern heavy bands are scooping the bass on their recordings too, so when the bass is on it's own, it's a fairly good sound with loads of low end and some distortion on top, but then when the guitars kick in, you can't hear the bass at all. It seems really weird, but this is the sound they like, so I guess some of the sound guys are copying that studio sound for the live shows [/quote] Thanks Tom..
  9. Wicked, thats really cool.. I've had my original MS-20 for many years and would never let it go. I did own an MS-10 for a while too. Great synthesizers!
  10. If you like the style of them, why not remove the old drivers and install more modern ones? It wouldn't be particularly cost effective and you'd have to do some research into what models would work well in a small sealed box.. Might be a ball ache or it could be fun, depends on how far you want to go really? My experience of WEM cabs in that they're solidly built and will put up with a hard life. My two 1x15 are still alive and kicking. One has a '90s HH speaker and the other I use as a low frequency enclosure loaded with a JBL 2225 and neither flap or distort even when worked hard.
  11. Brutal man, brutal! Pop over during the week and we'll have a blast..
  12. I haven't crunched the numbers but I too am aware that a D140 works well in a small box and have briefly loaded one into an ancient Peavey TNT130 for evaluation.. Significant improvement over the OE Scorpion: More lows, more highs, same volume and no complaint..
  13. Picked these little monsters up today.. [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0050_zpsi8lnx53t.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0050_zpsi8lnx53t.jpg[/IMG][/URL] They're nothing short of stunning especially considering they're 'only' a 2x10. What a great cab.
  14. I've used the 02R everyday in this last week as both an FOH and a post production console. It worked very well on both occasions which I'm very pleased about. FOH: I spent a little more time configuring the console to how I want it setup which has also helped with it's functionality. Using the four stereo in channels (17/18, 19/20, 21/22, 23/24) faders and re-assigning them as sub-group pairs was a handy trick which wasn't immediatly obvious how to do. A bit of googling and reading a few old SOS helped with that. I always like to use and assign groups rather than just sending the lot to L/R. Production Mix: I tried this for the first time yesterday by using the ADAT outs on the MOTU and the Tape ins on the 02R. Using my Headphones and the Rigger PA as a monitor was less than ideal (it sounds sweet but isn't particularly flat or honest) but fine as a test bed for demonstration purposes. I haven't done any mixing on a recording using an actual mixing console for a very long time but I actually found it quicker as it was like mixing a silent and invisible group. Mixing using Pro-Tools mixer and setup works well as there's loads of options and controls so I'm a bit torn as whether I prefer it or not. Without going on and on, I'm slowly finding love for the 02R appreciating it's power and flexibility.
  15. Some shots of the 02R in action this evening.. [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/FullSizeRender4_zps01cca32b.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/FullSizeRender4_zps01cca32b.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/FullSizeRender3_zps2f12eac3.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/FullSizeRender3_zps2f12eac3.jpg[/IMG][/URL] The meterbridge has been an excellent addition to the console, it has helped massively with the functionality and navigation during the heat of battle. It's one less thing to worry about and saves changing and checking the 'meter' page, I really cant believe how much difference it has made! The fact that it looks cool too is a massive winner..
  16. Bought myself a meter-bridge for the 02R, pix to follow..
  17. Another 'Warwick & Trace' +1 here.. Works great for me! I can't really think of many amps I plugged the Warwick into that wasn't at least useable. There's an old TNT 130 at the rehearsal studio and even that works to an extent.
  18. I haven't used these particular speakers but I have had good experience with their own brand replacement drivers (JBL 2226 copies) which have proved to be both tough and sonically fit for purpose.. I can't imagine they'd sell anything thats poor or sub-standard as I know a few other folks who have had items from SS and talk highly of the service and product..
  19. Have a flick through the classifieds as there's often a bargain to be had in older (heavier, sorry!) Peavey or Laney speakers. These cabinets but are more likely to be single fifteens or multiples of ten rather than loaded with lightweight 12" drivers as these seem to be very popular at the minute. Hope that helps.
  20. I'd say the cabs are in-keeping with the age ('86 - '89 ish) of the head, the tens look to be the early version of the Celestion driver (some very early ten-inch cabs were fane loaded) and the 15 is the larger box size which has the Fane component inside. Later versions of the 4x10 had the updated Celestion speaker from aboout '90 (smaller dome, different edging, higher power handling up to 80w from 50w amongst other things) in this style box and then the slightly larger enclosure from around '92 till '02 with round ports which also came with an HF component. The current model is from 2005 onwards and comes with different style cabinet and higher power handling Celestions. The 1x15* which followed this (again from about 1992) came loaded with a 300w BX series derived Celestion in a slightly smaller box to pair with the 4x10 of the same period. Again, the current 1x15 is from '05 on, is styled to fit with other cabs in the range and now boasts a 500w Celestion. * Refers to standard size 1x15 cabs, not the compact size older model 1152 and 1153 or current model 1518C cabinets.
  21. VTypeV4


    [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/20150115_113411_zpsgkrtzqov.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/20150115_113411_zpsgkrtzqov.jpg[/IMG][/URL] My old Legend (Aria) and Squier VM basses. Photo taken by big lad Greg.
  22. [quote name='Ashdown Engineering' timestamp='1421274831' post='2659402'] Sounds like it could be a noisy valve as shouldn't be particularly hissy, fire an email to [email protected] and let's see what we can do [/quote] Ashdown really should be complemented on their excellent customer service. I've had good service from british companies in the past notably Trace, Celestion, Cloud and Allen & Heath but it seems Ashdown go the extra mile for their customers. It's nice to see them well represented on this forum too. Top drawer, chaps. Hope the O/P gets his amp sorted.
  23. Whatever it says on the headstock, they're made by Cort or Samick anyways! Ha! I considered putting an active circuit in mine but it sounds transparent and slick enough without. I like the idea of the Marcus Miller (I've been listening to him alot again lately!) John East circuit but having a questionable experience with the signature model bass, I'll leave it passive..
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