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Everything posted by VTypeV4

  1. Sorry dude, can't help.. Good luck with it.
  2. I used one many years ago as part of a recording setup..
  3. It was all much simpler when I had mine.. If you wanted a 'cheaper one' you bought a passive Fortress, Corvette or Streamer STD then in the middle were the BO / LX models and finally the super expensive ones with solid necks and/or custom shop variants. And they were ALL made in Germany.. Not that I have an issue about them being made elsewhere as well as Germany, it's just that the series of models seems to have become very complicated and the prices seem to be heading up hill too. I expect Warwick is a much bigger company than it was when I had mine. It's still the best bass I've ever owned, 13 years down the line is testament to that.
  4. [quote name='JFALTERW' timestamp='1391811209' post='2361698'] I live in Ormskirk, but practice in Preston. So NW England really. I'm not going through a great cab either, trying to get a better one. I have a peavey TVX 4 ohm which is showing its age, and a Behringer BA410([u][b]They're both 4 ohms btw[/b][/u]. and i don't run them both at the same time, i've tried one and then the other) Not great cabs but all i've got atm... [/quote] I believe your amp will happily work at two ohms so you could run both cabs together.. Doesn't solve your gain issue but might be of use to know..
  5. Famous last words but both of mine are indeed working just as intended.. Watch all my valves melt now! As for the Ashdown comment, I think Mr A handled it nicely. He offered a little defence but kinda had a laugh about it and took it on the chin at the same time. I'm not a massive fan of their traditional lines but respect Ashowns' innovation and bravery with new ranges and apparently the customer service is second-to-none.
  6. My Ashton has both torroid and traditional transformers.. Heavy iron both ways! The Trace has a pair of square 'drop-thru' types. With regards to the class D bass amps, I think those amps have their place and I do think the companies that make them very much have their eye on the ball. Coupling of valve pre-amps (Orange and Genz) and more advanced modelling digital front ends (TC amongst others) to the lightweight amps is a great idea.. It's a compromise and doesn't work for everyone (myself included) but for the jobbing musician they're great and the people making them know that. IMO at least! For me, it's glass, Iron and weight that do it..
  7. Any cab will do, just be sure to check the impedance requirements of the little Peavey.
  8. Nice comparison.. I do look at them from time-to-time but I can't really justify owning one. My Ashton does the 'thick, loud and punchy' thing and the Twin Valve does the 'super transparent Trace' bit so buy something that sits somewhere between the two would be a bit pointless. As I've said previously, my Commando 10 was an excellent little amp with plenty of volume for such a small box and ten inch speaker. It'd be interesting to compare the Commando (12 & 15) pre-amp with the V-type to see if there's much different (other than the 'valve' thing) tonally going on.
  9. Very cool indeed!
  10. Excellent, watching a couple of the ADA8000 on ebay right now.. Looks like a cheap(ish) way of getting 32 channels.. I wonder if I used the outs configured 1-8 and then 9-16 connected back to the ins for 17-24 and 25-32 I could have a 'second copy' of 1-16 on 17-32 and apply different EQ / dynamics to squeeze a bit more and have a bit more control over of my monitors?
  11. Looks like I need to read the manual better! Thanks..
  12. As I understand it, the ADATs are out only whereas the TDIF are in only.. Unless I've misunderstood of course..?
  13. Monster rig! I used to have a 600SMX, it was a great bit of kit when I ran it with an 1153 and a 1048H..
  14. Does anyone know of any alternatives to the Soundcraft external pre-amps that were designed to be used with the above digital desks? They have 8 inputs with manual gain, 48v, phase invert and HPF controls then link to the desk via a TDIF connection. Two can be used to extend the desks' 16 inputs to a full 32 channel outfit. I can't seem to find any alternatives? Essentially what i'm looking for is analogue in to TDIF digital out. Thanks, Matt
  15. Some pix would be good..
  16. Any joy? did they sort it for you?
  17. Put some new valves in my Stereo 20 a few months back.. [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/ShuguangLeak84_zps679d8173.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/ShuguangLeak84_zps679d8173.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/Leak84OVVW_zps083774de.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/Leak84OVVW_zps083774de.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  18. Excellent, glad you're happy with the result although it was a shame you got ripped off.. All is well that ends well. Nice one.
  19. [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/LinearChas4_zps3b03a1e5.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/LinearChas4_zps3b03a1e5.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [url="http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/LinearChas3_zps699c01ea.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/LinearChas2_zps8032ec9f.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/LinearChass1_zps4ceab6c6.jpg.html"][/url] Some pix of The Linear L30. I tightened a banging panel on one of the cabs but thought I'd have a look inside at the same time. To my surprise I found the 12" Goodmans Audiom 51s to be 16 ohms rather than the expected 8. The amp was designed to work (slightly inconveniently) at either 3 or fifteen ohms so however the two cabs are configured, they're the wrong load. The amp has worked with these cabs at 4 ohms since the '60s but on doing a little research the general concensus is 'under' load the amp so I've put the 8 ohm load onto the 15 ohm tap. It doesn't seem to have made much difference to be fair.. Whilst it's been apart I've given it a thorough clean and visual inspection.
  20. I've had these bad-boys re-coned.. My Mrs is a star. [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/GoodmansPair_zps4d0bdb00.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/GoodmansPair_zps4d0bdb00.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Gonna knock up a reasonably compact sealed double 15 cab for them to live in.
  21. [right]I'll take the right hand pair please as above ^[/right]
  22. I'd have said it was a Fane too.. Good luck.
  23. Personally I'd look for something like a Spirit Powerstation and a pair of Peavey HiSys 2s.. You'll spend only a little bit more money but it'd be well worth it.. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Soundcraft-Spirit-Powerstation-600-12-Ch-Powered-Studio-Mixer-Lexicon-VAT-INC-/321156370236?pt=UK_Sound_Vision_Mixers&hash=item4ac6694f3c#ht_6002wt_758"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Soundcraft-Spirit-Powerstation-600-12-Ch-Powered-Studio-Mixer-Lexicon-VAT-INC-/321156370236?pt=UK_Sound_Vision_Mixers&hash=item4ac6694f3c#ht_6002wt_758[/url] This one is a bit over priced but other examples come up for less monies.. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Peavey-HiSys-2-XT-Loud-Speaker-cabs-with-Black-Widows-/400624284095?pt=UK_ConElec_SpeakersPASystems_RL&hash=item5d471171bf#ht_44wt_958"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Peavey-HiSys-2-XT-Loud-Speaker-cabs-with-Black-Widows-/400624284095?pt=UK_ConElec_SpeakersPASystems_RL&hash=item5d471171bf#ht_44wt_958[/url] These are still great speakers on a budget.. Hope that helps.
  24. +1 for SRM450.. We used to use a pair for stage monitors and they were very good all-round.
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