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Posts posted by VTypeV4

  1. It was all bought from Academy of Sound in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent. I think it was the only one they ever had in there.. I'm sure Academy Pete (Mr B!) would confirm. From what I paid for the lot, I think they just wanted it gone as it had been in there for a while.

    I'm not sure it's still in production (with the Ashton badge at least) as I don't [i]think[/i] it was on their site last time I looked. It is however still listed on the Smarvo (OEM) site as a current model.

    Hope this helps.

  2. I had a 300SM which exhibited similar -but not quite the same- symptoms and the faults in mine were two fold:

    A: Faulty Transistor which controlled the fan
    B: Faulty/sticky relay which 'connects the output stage' when un-muted

    I seem to remember it costing about £15 to fix.

    This amp had the (in)famous BiPolar Bear output stage which I know can be at best troublesome and I expect yours will be the same. The one in my old 4808 combo fried up so I replaced with the later Clive Button model which can be indentified by the single large heat sink rather than two smaller ones.

    If you go down this road, make sure you use heat compound on the output devices and also fan control transistor or it'll get red hot and shut itself down. I never had an ounce of grief with it in over ten years of use.

    Good luck!

  3. [quote name='Toddy' timestamp='1336915908' post='1652635']
    Want one of these,,it's just not a good cash flow week,,,,pants
    Had a leek tl25a in the shed you might have been interested in !,,,gone to the land of the rising sun now tho........
    Top regards
    Hope it goes well.

    Sorry dude it's gotta go I'm afraid..

    Always interested in Leak gear it's great stuff, Iike the idea of a stereo 50 next although I still love that little stereo 20!

    Cheers man, Matt

  4. I think I have had this long enough (8/11) and used it enough to write a fair evaluation of this amp..



    This is a budget amplifier actually built by Smarvo somewhere in the east but is rebadged with the Ashton badge, much like some of the transistor range of amps. The Eden amplifier is also the same amp with a few detail changes in the pre-amp and and inverted chassis. It is a genuine all valve offering with a 6 x KT88 power stage which is claimed to make 300w RMS.


    This is quite a straight forward amplifier with no multiple fancy, all singing all dancing tap dance features! It has an input gain and a master volume for level settings, a passive 3-band EQ (with a shift button) and is supplemented with a -10dB pad and a what seems to be a +10dB boost facility. On the back we have a balanced direct output on XLR and an unbalanced line out on a jack for further connectivity. Another jack socket is provided to footswitch the boost facility if required. 6 mini trim pots are on show with test points to adjust the bias of each output valve. Further across we have a switch for the operating load allowing 4 or 8 ohms. Two jack sockets allow speakers to be connected.

    In a nutshell, a straight forward amp, it doesn't even have an FX loop! What it does have, works great allowing a very much plug and play setup rather than messing for hours.

    Sound quality:

    First I'd like to say I have been a life-long Trace Elliot fan having used many of their 7 band, 12 band and V-Type ranges. This is the first amplifier that I have bought specifically for bass that hasn't been a Trace. I've been playing for 15 years.

    I have found the sound quality of this amplifier brilliant, I was very suprised at the warmth and punch of the amp the first time I tried it in the shop. It was tested with a mid-range Overwater 5-string bass and a VM Squier jazz bass to see how it handled both modern and classic style basses. The cabinet was the matching Celestion loaded Ashton BQ410. At the time of trying the amp, I had no intention of buying it thinking 'how can this cheap valve amp be any good?' Looks like the joke was on me! Both basses were handled without drama or requiring any EQ changes to get pleasing sounds from each.

    I use the Ashton with my Warwick Streamer LX 5 and a Yamaha NE-1. I leave the EQ pretty flat (well controls at 12 o'clock) with just a bit of extra top end wound round at 3 o'clock. The midshift is left switched out. I leave the input gain at 12 o'clock and adjust the output level with the master volume. I have found the boost to offer a bit more warmth and compression without actually overdriving which I rather like.

    What does it sound like?

    Lovely in a word! It doesn't grind up like a V-Type Trace, an Ampeg, Hiwatt etc rather more like a Fender on steroids which suits my sound, the harder it's pushed, the more it compressesed it gets but pretty much without breaking up. No good for grind merchants, great for those wanting clean fat valve sounds. As it doesn't break up so much, it doesn't seem as 'loud' as other valve amps of similar ratings but still plenty enough to upset! If I could put label on it, it would be halfway between Fender/V-Type clean and Ampeg clean. Difficult to label but it certainly has it's own character.

    I have used it with the Ashton 410 and the Ashton 115 which are big but solid and also my vintage HH loaded 115. Suffice to say I like it best with both Ashton cabs but in all honesty, the 410 is usually enough on it's own.

    Build Quality and relaibility:

    I've had the unit since August last year and it I have had no problems with it whatsoever. I have checked the bias which required a little adjustment to settle them all in at 35mV.

    Given that this is a budget item, build quality is good. Firstly it came with Electro Harmonix branded valves which is a thumbs up. Electrically it looks substantial too, the mains transformer of the torroidal type is a nod in the right direction as is the conventional shaped and sensibly the chunky output transformer The brushed metal control panels are nicely finished also. Upholstery is finished to a good standard with clean seams and no apparent joins. Chunky metal handles allow the unit to easily transported. I have seen other versions with a central strap handle but not sure that's adequate as its quite heavy.

    Bad bits:

    I have so far sung the praises of this amp and on the whole, it's very good but it's not quite perfect.
    Firstly, the output valves are cooled by a centrally mounted fan in the top of the unit which in itself is a good idea, however.. It's a single high-speed fan which is rather noisy in operation. It doesn't matter in a gig situation but can be distracting when in a quiet or recording environment. Secondly, the wires that run to the fan were quite untidy as the connector runs from the chassis across the front of the pre-amp valves and then up the side to the fan. I have since re-routed them behind the valves and cleaned the route up the side. Another point, the mid-shift button causes a bit of a 'pop' when pressed but I don't use it so it doesn't matter that much. One last point is the rated power of 300w. I haven't tested it myself but I have read it doesn't quite make 300w, I expect 240w to be a more realistic figure. I'll get round to testing it one day.


    A great bit of kit, especially on a budget, it's quite hard to fault! It isn't most flexible bit of kit and I expect when folk try them, they'll either like it or they won't. It's not hard or agressive, rather smooth and warm but still with plenty of punch not to be lost in a group mix. I even A/B it against the 600SMX I currently have for sale and have to say that I preferred the Ashton. I don't think those big glowing bottles can be beat!

    I love mine! The only reason it was for sale was because I needed some pennies but thats since sorted so it'll stay!

  5. [quote name='longtimefred' timestamp='1336418569' post='1645404']
    when did you get that back mate? I will give you a tenner for it.

    Long story dude, will tell ya' when I see ya'!

    Gonna see how it goes on here, failing that eBay next week and failing that.. Well I might just have to keep it!

  6. Bump for a big SMX...






    And pix too!

  7. I have known this amp for more than ten years and owned it on and off during this period.

    Never let me or anyone else down, is in great condition with everything functioning as it should.

    300 + 300 watt RMS
    Stereo / Biamp facilities
    Classic Trace 12 Band EQ
    Split band compressiion
    Valve stage

    Pix to follow!


  8. I borrowed a 4 x Kt88 200w Hiwatt a few years back and found it it just a little 'hard'.. It was reasonably loud and very well built but I just couldn't shift the hard agressive 1-3kHz snarl the thing had..

    I also owned an '80s 100w model that was a bit warmer but it had a number of issues and not quite enough horsepower, I think the whole thing needed rebuilding so it had to go..

    If the 200w model had the sound of the 100w then it would have been grand..

  9. Cheers Mr F..

    I too tried to find the guts of the Eden but to no avail although there was a few of the Ashton..

    The people on the Eden forum seemed rather upset that their Eden amplifier might -probably is as suggested- well be pretty much the same amp as the Ashton and indeed built in the same factory. I don't see the problem personally as I can't find any horror stories about them and plenty of people have good things to say about them, myself included. Like every amp ever discussed on here, not to everyones tastes but hey ho..

    Does anyone have an Eden on here?

  10. I've seen a number of arguments, debates, bitching etc regarding this subject on TB but no one seems to have conclusivley nailed it..

    Is the Ashton/Fame amplifier the same as the Eden E300T?

    Lots of people on TB are suggesting they are..


    Surpise, on the Eden forum they're all saying its not..

    I personally aren't really fussed either way but it would be nice to know if anyone has any further insight?

    Matt B)

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