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Everything posted by Fantobass001

  1. Is it still for sale?
  2. Hi, thanks. that sounds great. Yes, by all means, send me your set list, and we'll take it from there. Happy new years to you too. N.
  3. Hi I've just sent you a private message.
  4. Hi, I am not an available bass player as such for I do have a band or two already. But I am looking for more to spice up things. Ideally, I'd be contacted by people / bands who need a bass player to replace their bass player when he/she can't make a gig. The ideal bands would be bluesy (proper blues, rock-blues, funk-blues, soul-blues) or doing covers that are fun to play. Reggae, ska or folk music would be interesting too. I am not into any kind of country music or hard core metal death and punk and "city rock" (without the blue note) doesn't do much to me. I am looking for bands around Wales / Shropshire and Cheshire, but who knows if there is something interesting and worth travelling a bit further I'll consider it. I am reliable, I have transport and gear. I am a fast learner and don't want to be envolved in endless rehearsals (working on mp3 just do it as fine). Just looking for gigs and fun. If sound like I can be of help I'll be happy to hear from you.
  5. In theory it is right to describe them like the same kind of effect with different variation. But in my ears and in practice i find them very different, so two pedals is the best in my opinion. Wasn't impressed by any flanger/chorus pedal. Either because the falnger was then too subtle or because the chorus wasn't as good a chorus as on the other chorus pedals I had tried. I actually manage sometimes to have a nice sound with a chorus on and a flanger on (and I am not a big user of effects). I have to say that I am more than happy with my "cheap" boss flanger and ibanez chorus, and that I was very disappointed with more expensive pedals.
  6. [font=Arial][size=4]Hi there, [/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4]I am selling is Ampeg SVT-15E 1x15 cab, for a simple reason, I don't use it anymore, since I've another amp now. So I am selling it for a low £200 (it's sold new around £450 from what I can see on the web). It's a nice cab as you probably know already, it works perfectly, it has no issue regarding sounds or connections, it has been gigged with regularly for 3 years though, so cosmetically speaking it will show (it has scratches here and there, in the back there is a little band of the black material that covers it that is missing, the front panel protection is a bit bent at its bottom due to a crack in the panel) but the speaker is in mint condition. So if you are a bass player who needs one, and doesn't want to pay £450 for a new one just because of cosmetic reasons, this is for you, I give you my word as an experienced bass player. [/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4]Pick up only due to the size of it, to be arranged in Machynlleth, Aberystwyth, Dolgellau, Newtown (Wales) or llandrindod.[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4]If you want more pictures, please ask me and I'll send them.[/size][/font] [font=Arial][i]Here are the important specifications : [/i][/font][list] [*][font=Arial][i]2” Swivel Casters[/i] [/font] [list] [*][font=Arial][i]LF Drivers: 1 x 15” Cast [/i][/font] [list] [*][font=Arial][i]Voice Coil: 2.5” [/i][/font] [list] [*][font=Arial][i]Magnet Weight (each): 80 oz [/i][/font] [list] [*][font=Arial][i]RMS Power Handling: 200-Watts [/i][/font] [list] [*][font=Arial][i]Nominal Impedance: 8-Ohms [/i][/font] [/list] [/list] [/list] [/list] [/list] [/list]
  7. All sounds great then, making me highly tempted to get one! Any last minute negative comment to dissuade me from it?
  8. Bump for I if I didn't have one I'd buy yours straight away.
  9. Hi I am selling mine (see the bass market) Mine is a Jazz V (deluxe and american). Yes, it is awesome esthetically speaking and great to play (although I haven't played it a lot). Best out of factory setting ever experienced regarding neck, saddle and nut. Low action with no issue, no buzzing at all with the neck anywhere, I am impressed. The other basses I had or tried had often some issues, especially fender. It's just perfect, Soundwise it's great too obviously, especially the passive side, the active side doesn't bring much to my ears despite the tonal possibility, it does impair a bit of the warmth and the personaliy of the sound (The active switch doesn't do that on my G&Ls). I guess the only thing that some people may find strange is the knob that is supposed to balanced the two pic-ups, It shouldn't be a knobs for it doesn't allow different suttle mix like as if you had two volumes, It is either the neck pick-up , the two pick or the bridge pick up. If you wanted the bridge pick up mainly but with a touch of the neck one, the knob doesn't allow that. So in other wise a 3 position switch would do exactly the same and won't be as deceiving as a knob. That's all I have to say, great bass. I'll miss her when she goes.
  10. Merci beaucoup for given me my point back ;-) Has anyone something to say about the compression they use on the head? Is it that different from others from the one on the ampeg svt pro7 for instance? Thanks
  11. Oops, i've been given a -1 point ;-) I apologize for having offended a Mark King fan. I love Dune Tune though ;-)
  12. Don't sell it! It's the best bass I've ever played with with live bands, just can't beat it. You'll regret her sourly ;-) I would never get rid of mine. Your is even nicer, love the blue sunburst!
  13. Thanks guys, this is helpful, but is there any bad reviews about it yet? Appart the fact that Mark King uses it (which is a bad publicity for the head ;-) ).
  14. hi, I need a new head for my cab after being sourly disappointed by my svt 3 ampeg (lack of head room, and other stuff ) and the tc electronic rh750 has caught my attention. Has anyone here something to say about it? I d be interested to hear. Also if you have read any bad review on it somewhere on web forums i d be interested as most of what i read is praising the head. So id like to balance it a bit. One thing i know that mark king and few other bassists use it but and with no offence mark king is the last kind of bassist i would follow, not becayse of slap but because his style of slap. So really what i d to hear his impressions from groovy players ( especially ampeg users). Thanks.
  15. It's SOLD I am afraid. Time for me to regret it. Thank you all for your offers and comments.
  16. .
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