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Everything posted by CalJock

  1. Yeah, absolute bargain Adee! That'll be one of the 2013 models, absolutely solid instruments. I've never owned/gigged a thunderbird so it'll be good to know how it compares!
  2. Cheers all! Yeah she's a beaut, I was going to go for the natural finish but decided that I may as well be fancy and get something that wasn't black or wooden looking and I defo made the right choice. I didn't expect the slight burst that it has either which is a nice touch. ahpook, do it they're lovely, easy on the eyes, ears, and the bank balance (comparatively)!
  3. Yes you certainly do!
  4. Nope, absolutely zero neck dive on it, balances better than my franken-P actually.
  5. So I've just returned with the second of my new toys a brand new Shuttle 9.2! I used one of the 6.2's in the practice room last week and have been on the lookout for a new head as I'm not really happy with my MiBass any more (I wanted a lot more volume and clarity) So I went for a look in GAK and lo and behold this little beauty! I tried some of the TC electronic gear as well but this won hands done in my book, mainly due to being £470 compared to £850 for an rh750. Have plugged it into my Ebs Classic Line 1x12's and boy-oh-boy is this what they've been waiting for! Everything sounds great now, and I've been able to shake the house with the input gain and master both set to just shy of 9 o'clock! Plugged the rusty box into it as well with the same settings I was using with the mibass and there was so much bass! It's nice that I'll be able to use the rusty as a drive now instead of needing to run it as a preamp to get decent volume out of the mibass. I'll post more as I play it (seeing as how it only came home an hour ago!) but this feels like it might have solved my amp issues permanently. The only thing left on the GAS list now is a couple Barefaced cabs! Cheers, Calum
  6. So I recently came into a wee bit of extra cash so like any sensible person I bought some new toys. The first being a new 2014 Gibson EB bass in the 'Brilliant Red' Finish. So I've had it for a couple of weeks now. Used it at one rehearsal/live recording. Verdict = Awesome. Loads of bass nice top end, pretty light but heavier than my vm squier jazz (which is stupid light). I love the electronics in this thing, although I had to take it back to GAK to get a wiring issue fixed (the neck volume pot had no ground wire soldered to it so when the volumes were down it still put out a fair bit of volume). It's pretty high output for a passive instrument, comparable to the G&L L2000 tribute (in passive mode) I had a few years ago. The necks nice similar to a p-bass by my reckoning, but others may disagree. No neck dive either so a big + there as well. Overall The sounds is exactly what I've been looking for it does remind me of my old G&L but a little mellower and more rounded. Really loving this instrument and for the price it's well worth it I think when you take into account the hardcase (which is lovely and plush!) and especially as they threw in a new pack of strings and schaller strap locks. If I think of anything else I'll add it in. Cheers, Calum
  7. Cheers for all the advice, I've just pulled the trigger and accepted a trade offer from a mate for two ebs classicline 112's (figuring they're easier to cart about than the 212) just gotta wait for them to come through now!
  8. It'd be a new cab for my orange rocker 30 and a 112 orange guitar cab. I love the wee rig but don't play enough guitar to warrant keeping it.
  9. Just been offered an ebs classic line 212 in a trade, what're people thoughts on that as a cab?
  10. At least I'd definitely get a seat on the train! Just gotta wait for some cash to come through but If I do go for it (or anything else that i have to travel for) I'll be sure to photograph the return journey so we can all laugh at the ridiculous lengths we go to for gear.
  11. [quote name='GremlinAndy' timestamp='1375714082' post='2164613'] I just noticed this too: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/211807-tech-soundsystems-4x12-nd-412-s-cover/"]http://basschat.co.u...nd-412-s-cover/[/url] Worth consideration... trully awesome cabs. And 4 x 12 plus around your budget... [/quote] That is a bit nice looking!
  12. cheers everyone, this' really helping! I think i'm set on a pair of 2x12's now, just gotta shop around and find the right ones!
  13. Thanks for all the advice so far! Those TKS cabs look very nice, but their standard 212 looks like it's coming in at £430, which means I'd only be able to run 1 of them. This is where I get confused, due to the specs one TKS cab them matches 2 bc212s in terms of power handling and impedance, but it has less speakers so is it then not going to be able to physically push as much air and therefore be quieter? Or am i just being dumb? Chris_b i've not got a combo, just a head, got tired of lugging a trace 4x10 combo to gigs so downsized considerably to the mibass 550 head and then a band broke up and I wasn't gigging enough to warrant a cab or 2 taking up space in my (rather small) flat, but now things are going better I need some speakers.
  14. Will a single 2x10/2x12 give me enough volume in a loud band situation?
  15. So I'm tired of borrowing other peoples cabs at gigs, decided it's high time I get my own. I'm currently using one of the ashdown mibass 550's and I'm playing with an instrumental metal band, a fairly straight up rock band and a noise-rock thing, all of which have loud drummers. I was just wondering what people thought would work? I've been leaning towards a couple 2x12's and thought I might take advantage of the tc electronic deal going on so i'd buy the Bh500 and 2 bc2x12s then move the head on to save a bit of cash. Nothing's certain though. So what do people think would be right? I'm really open to different speaker configs or different cabs. I'm working on a budget of around between £500-£600 but cheaper is better, I also need whatever I get to be fairly portable as i don't drive Cheers!
  16. Not used it in any of the bands yet, but based on how it's been at home I reckon it'll be ok. I don't think it's the loudest amp, but I don't think it's as horrifically underpowerd as the little giants and even then it's got the DI out so if it's a bit quiet there's always the PA. I'll need to wait until I've used it in the bands to asses the thing fully but just now I would say it's got usable volume, a great tone, I really like the eq on it, and it's smaller in size and weight than an illustated copy of Lord of the Rings, i'd say it's looking like a real winner. I'm playing in a doomy instrumental metal band that does jazz/latin/country/blues bits, and a shoegazy noise rock thing so if it holds up there I reckon it'll hold up most places.
  17. Cheers man, that's really cool I'll probably take you up on that at some point!
  18. Cool, good to know. I went just based on hearing it in the shop. I'll be running a couple fuzz boxes into the thing so I thought that the deep switch might help me put a bit more low end into the signal. Just in the shop I thought the deep button seemed a bit more usefull than that other shape switch, but I reckon dialing in some mids might completely solve that problem.
  19. I did a Pbass one just after Christmas, I found it well satisfying, the only extra thing did was change out the stock pickups, it's a really nice instrument. I'm a big fan of these kits and am definitely gonna do another one. To surmise - it's super fun, do it!
  20. So I've just returned to work from GAK in Brighton, the proud owner of a new Ashdown MiBass 550! It's the first time I've actually ever bought a new amp! I am however still cab-less, but I've not been asked to take a cab to a gig in 5 years so I'm ok with that... for now... I've been standing on the edge of the lightweight head thing for a while now, and seeing as last week I sold my old beat-up hartke (HA3500) and yesterday found out that instead of getting made redundant on friday I'm just having my hours cut, I thought I'd treat myself. I think this afternoon is really gonna drag though...
  21. [url="https://www.facebook.com/TheMerkinMusic"]https://www.facebook.com/TheMerkinMusic[/url] instrumental heavy stuff with the odd country or jazz track, I always end up running the online stuff even when I've played in bands with people who actually work with computers and internets the job still falls to me. Also seeing as how I don't thin my mate is on here I'll plug his band too [url="https://www.facebook.com/sweetether"]https://www.facebook.com/sweetether[/url] they just released their first album today, and genuinely one of my favourite bands atm more people should listen to them.
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