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Posts posted by JohnFitzgerald

  1. Just back home.

    Bought two, just shy of £100 for both as in the link above.

    To me, that's excellent value when you consider what you're getting.

    I don't take good gear for granted, so this is a blessing to me to have a couple of decent basses and to have them in good quality cases.

  2. Thinking of a couple of these.


    My own pavlovian response right now would be to recommend two Hiscox liteflites but I don't have the wedge for that.

    Anyone got one of these Peavey cases ?

    I want something that'll hold the bass well.

  3. These are fantastic amps.

    Set your gain to just below clipping, set the master volume to half and it's plenty loud for most stages.
    The days of heavy iron and huge speakers are behind us.

    I'm absolutely a convert.

    Even better, you'll lift it with one hand.

    A great, great amp and this is an excellent price.

  4. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1383734758' post='2268215']
    You. Do your own thing, that way it's be different to the guys above. I like all of the above players but tend not to like it when I hear obvious references to them at gigs or recordings (especially in Jaco's case as it's just been done to death). Fretless bass is an instrument on which it's very easy to sound cliched because even the most left-field musician soon becomes widely copied. Just play what sounds right to you. I was once told that my fretless bass sounde like a trombone. The guy said it was a compliment, I'm not sure I took it that way, but to my mind it did at least indicate that I wasn't copying Jaco or Pino.

    Given the names of the two most famous proponents and innovators of fretless, perhaps you should also consider a name change to 'Jono'

    Unfortunately, I'm very likely to reference Jaco in my playing.
    Hence my looking for a new thought on my approach.
    I'm sure there must be something I'm doing that's uniquely 'me' but from inside my own head, I probably struggle to see it.

    Bobby Vega blew my mind in pick approach, only recently discovered him and he's been doing it for years.
    I'd love a similar find on fretless.

    I'm not looking to ape anyone, but there'll be something in there that helps me move on.

  5. I've grown up in the whole Jaco vibe. He's the man for me, no doubt it.

    Equally, I completely appreciate Jack Bruce's ability to do a completely different thing on the fretless.

    Both inspirational.

    Old school fretless Pino is pretty inspirational too, all be it, he's coming from the Jaco school.

    Going a bit left field, we have Les Claypool who's taken it into another dimension entirely.

    Who else should I be listening to ?

    Who is out there that's doing something different to the guys above ?

    (I'm loving my new Precision, but it would be a tragedy if the TRB1005F took too much of a back seat.)

  6. Personally, I find that what my right hand is doing has pretty much the same amount of influence on the amount of overtone free fundamental as my pickup choice does.

    The fleshy bit of the thumb, played over the end of the neck is way different to fingertips played down by the neck.

    I know we all know this, but it's surely what we all do anyway without even thinking about it.

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