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Posts posted by JohnFitzgerald

  1. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1383683801' post='2267726']
    I couldn't disagree with you more.

    What if the best tool for the job is a pre-fender SWR amp? a '70s Kay guitar? a Stradavarius violin?

    I'm pretty sure your argument would convince all professional concert violinists that they should ditch their Stradavarius for a Stentor Student II. I mean, they're just buying old for the sake of it anyway and the efficacy of the Strad at doing the job is neither here not there...

    You know what, I pretty much believe this.
    A world class player will always sound good, because it's about their talent.
    I don't think for a second that they can't tell the difference in quality between the student model and the Strad.

    Equally, if they were forced to use the student model for some reason, most of us listening wouldn't know the difference.

    When I hear Bobby Vega doing his funky pick style. It's Bobby I'm hearing, not whatever bass he's playing.

    I'm sure we'll disagree on this, but that's ok, I'm cool with that :)

  2. Maybe the answer's very simple.

    Anything that has at least a half reasonable name when it's new will always increasingly increase in pseudo mythical status as it gets older.
    There will always be some people who's prefer 'an old one' than a brand new one.

    My limited budget very recently would have bought me a new Yamaha RBX170 or the 1982 Squier JV Precision that I bought.

    Do they sound very similar ?

    Do they play very similar ?

    Old stuff will always be worth something. Its actually efficacy at doing the job is neither here nor there.
    You buy an old one because you want to, not because it's a better tool for the job.

  3. So now I have this and the TRB1005F, is that me covered ?

    Is there space for anything else ?

    I'm thinking a fretted TRB1005 to match the F and a 1982 JV Jazz in sunburst with tort to match the Precision.

    Not looking for much then.

  4. I was the leading bidder on this until the last minute.

    Based on him wanting £30 for postage, I didn't want to be in any deeper than £100, based on it needing a load of fixing up.
    I put a maximum of £71 in, you add a quid on for a winning bid.

    It sold for £73.

  5. It's the perfect foil to my TRB1005.
    utterly different in every way.

    Something about the advert said "look deeper", I'm glad I did.

    And yes, a yellow duster along with a light oiling of the fingerboard will be about it.

    Regarding strings, I gave the ones on there the Marlowedk treatment* and they're now just right in terms of brightness.

    Try this, it's worked for me on a few basses now. Gives you back most of the brightness of a new set. Not the new 'zing' just a much brighter sound.


  6. Well, I hope never to have to sell it, so I'll come clean.


    That was the asking price.
    I suspected it wouldn't hang about so paid him the asking price.

    I imagine I'd get my money back if I ever have to sell it.

  7. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1372360053' post='2124894']
    Aaahh. If only.

    My confession: I took my Yammy TRB1005 Fretless to the band practice and..... I didn't enjoy it at all! I was spending far too much time getting my intonation right and not enough attention on the music.

    Now don't get me wrong - I LOVE playing my fretless - on my own. I don't have any probs. And, I've played gigs fretless when I had a Westone Thunder IIIb (Unmarked fingerboard) so it's not like I can't do it. Just don't seem to be able to give the appropriate attention in the band.

    Looks like there might be a TRB1005 up for trade.....


    You have a very much delayed pm.
    Nevertheless, you have a PM.

  8. I ended up buying a TC BG250.

    Once I had tried it out, it was a done deal.

    Nothing on the spec of either this or the Markbass confirms that they have neo speakers.
    But look at the weight.

    When you pick them up, they can't be anything else.
    They're so light.

    Mega impressed with the BG250 so far.

  9. [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Markbass-CMD-JB-Players-School-250-W-Combo-Amp/PY3"]http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Markbass-CMD-JB-Players-School-250-W-Combo-Amp/PY3[/url]

    Seems a bit of a bargain at the price.

    £425 street price for a 250W Markbass combo with a 15" speaker.

    Can't find one locally to try unfortunately.

    This or a TC BG250 or a GK MB115 ?

  10. I had a Wal once for a week and it was such a dissapointment that I took it back to the shop and exchanged it for a Hohner Jack which was ten times the bass that the Wal was.

    I should explain.

    It was a Wal Pro Bass, so far less of a proposition than a custom.
    Nevertheless, I was so excited to get it in the first place and even more dissapointed when I got it to a gig and it was just dead.

    Of course, there's a downside to me swapping it out for the far better Hohner.

    I paid £350 for it in the early 90s.
    I'd probably get close to that for the Hohner now.
    Had I kept the Wal, I suspect I'd be adding £1,000 to that value now.

    I should have kept it under the bed and accepted it as junk and sold it now.

    The fact that it was a Wal would have been enough.

    I had a similar experience with an Overwater.
    Wanted to love it, didn't.

    Thankfully, when I got shot of that the shop where I sold it was ravenous to buy it off me.

  11. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1360427856' post='1970238']
    Me too - great for you to get your friend's bass but what a wierd thing for him to say!

    He plays in a tribute band that covers some band that had an album out about the dark side of something or other.
    Apparently this year is some sort of anniversary of that album and this year's set is very specific and to do with that album.

    They do well out of it, but you don't ever ever go off piste. If there's no fretless, there's no fretless.
    You stick to the script.

    I do get his point, and was delighted for the offer.

  12. I had mentioned to a friend recently that I was looking to get a fretless.

    He very kindly told me that their set this year doesn't involve any fretless so I shouldn't go buying one but could try his out. Take it away,use it, look after it, but don't buy one when you don't need to

    What a great and kind offer.

    So I picked it up and set to getting my eye in.

    It's a Mex Jazz with line fingerboard, (or fongerboad as they used to say on alt.guitar.bass)
    It's sporting some upgraded pickups, and that's it.
    Wearing some flats too.

    So, got my eye in this week and took it out today for a 6 rehearsal.
    The owner was there too as he runs the rehearsal facility.

    Had intended using it for a couple of specific tunes but ended up using it for the whole 6 hours.
    Great for the mellifluous stuff, but also just generally great for everything.

    The poor old Yamaha TRB5 sat unused on the stand.

    The band loved the bits I had targeted for the fretless and everything else just worked fine too.

    Anybody else just play a fretless for everything ?

  13. Our page.

    Comedy Of Errors


    Gigging soon at YProg, CRS in Maltby and Electric Garden in Blackpool.

    Some likes would be great :D

    Progtastic baby...

  14. That'd maybe be a step too far. Major believe suspension required, or just forget keys altogether and do the shapes and relative comparison method which I sometimes use.
    (Once I'm up and running, I think and play in sol-fa whatever key I'm in.)

    I'd need to think about this.

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