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Everything posted by JohnFitzgerald

  1. When a good friend made the offer of this at a price that I really couldn't refuse, I had to. I've always liked the idea of these and I'm really liking it so far. It seems to have wider spacing than my other basses, but that's ok. Anyway, it's nothing too fancy, but I'm awfully please to have it.
  2. Marko's work is genius, and the addition of the pickups just add to it all. I have one of his 6 strings and since I bought, I've never played any of my other basses. This is a chance to get your hands on a unique instrument.
  3. I'm reminded of how Trace Elliot came to exist. they build PA systems and moved that approach into building highly capable bass rigs. It's not their fault that everyone abused the pre shape and graphic. That's when that whole hifi bass sound came from.
  4. Thanks for the insight, that's very useful. I had envisaged the 802 for use with my acoustic band. If I'm being honest, the current combo isn't a difficult lift either. I'll check out the Marcus Miller 101 too.
  5. Thank you !
  6. Folks, What page would the details and pricing be on ?
  7. I'm currently toying with the idea of getting one of the above. I currently have a Markbass JB combo, the 1x15" and a matching NY 151 Blackline qx15" cab. It's a compact 2x15" setup, but I'd like something that's even more compact and an ideal casual pickup for the increasing number of acoustic gigs I do these days. Does anyone have any experience with them ? It's this guy here :- It would be as an alternative to this, my current setup :-
  8. I had one of those, in a brownish colour. We've all done things that we look back on and wonder why, just why...
  9. I'll help you out here. Early 90s, I sold a Wal for £350. Yep...
  10. Oh, I'm glad you approve !!! That means a lot to me. 😎
  11. It's a beloved instrument. It'll be coming to many great gigs in the future.
  12. I do love this bass. The singlecut seems more normal than I might have imagined. Here it is with my other 6, a Fame badged Mayones. I must get a family shot with the 4 string Fame in there too.
  13. Customer asked for it, same as the black / gold bridge. I wouldn't have asked for that but will never change it, all part of the story.
  14. It's a bit lively, but has a trick up its sleeve. As well as the three band active, it also has an old fashioned passive tone pot. Just for taming it. (But I still sound like me. Whatever that is.)
  15. David, It all makes sense now, I hope. 😉
  16. Owen, If it's anything like this one, which I'm sure it will be, the quality will be amazing.
  17. Dave, It's actually a pendant which I'd seen whilst looking for an abalone bear of any sort. Given the back story, I'll get one and see if it fits / works.
  18. I'd never heard of this beer, but now I've looked, that's the exact logo, as yo said. I'll look into this. Up to this point, I was thinking of this.
  19. Dave, That's EXACTLY what I'd been thinking off. An inlaid Abalone bear.
  20. I'm feeling immensely fortunate. After some toing and froing with the seller (all very good natured) I've snagged this bass. Built by Marko Ursin, a Finnish Luthier, it was a custom build in 2009 for the original owner, who I've just bought it from. I'd never really imagined having a single cut, but this was just so nice. I'm still getting used to the Aguilar OBP3 / Bartolini G6 combo, but it's such a responsive bass. I'd felt fortunate owning my Fame / Mayones 6 string, but this is every bit as special. Given it's A Finnish bass, crafted by a gent by the name of Ursin, it might gain an appropriate headstock logo. Finnish national animal is the bear and Ursin, must be derived from Ursine, for bear.
  21. I'm more than happy with the added 'presence' that these bring. If they're a little bright, I'll handle that with palm muting or the tone control.
  22. In my case, they're on the fretless below. It has an ebony fingerboard, that may help in the response. I don't know, it's not an area I'm familiar with.
  23. You can pick scenes and settings for a show, yes. But I wouldn't use it like that, because I'm scared...
  24. Blue silk, colour coded ends.
  25. just to add to the above, there are many great channel setups that you can download from other users, if you use X Air Edit. I use one of the fx processors on the X18 to give me a bit of delay for natural chorusing on my fretless. In stereo, on the in ears, you can image how lush it sounds.
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