I'm feeling immensely fortunate.
After some toing and froing with the seller (all very good natured) I've snagged this bass.
Built by Marko Ursin, a Finnish Luthier, it was a custom build in 2009 for the original owner, who I've just bought it from.
I'd never really imagined having a single cut, but this was just so nice.
I'm still getting used to the Aguilar OBP3 / Bartolini G6 combo, but it's such a responsive bass.
I'd felt fortunate owning my Fame / Mayones 6 string, but this is every bit as special.
Given it's A Finnish bass, crafted by a gent by the name of Ursin, it might gain an appropriate headstock logo.
Finnish national animal is the bear and Ursin, must be derived from Ursine, for bear.