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Everything posted by mckendrick

  1. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1343160557' post='1746443'] Believe me you defiantly want the mods. These things have a growl all of their own but the original pickup and crappy bridge let them down a bit. [/quote] Well.... without trying to hijack the thread.... If I wanted a bass that didn't sound like a thin 'ol '50's P Bass.... I wouldn't buy a thin sounding '50's P Bass in the first place. Conversely, if I wanted a bass that sounded like a 50's P Bass, I'd wouln't buy one that'd been modded not to sound like one. These aren't upgrades, they're modifications. Carry on.
  2. How much without the "upgrade"?
  3. [quote name='dunnymod' timestamp='1342773182' post='1740609'] Hey everyone, thanks for the detailed replies. I intend giving it a good going over this weekend which will problys involve taking the neck off, so ill have a look down there see what it says. Ive also emailed Fender Japan and am awaiting their info. Thanks again Andy [/quote] Dear Andy, ご希望の方には、フジゲンカタログの送付もさせて頂いております。ご住所とお名前を書いたメモと円分の切手を同封し、下記までお送りください。折り返し担当より送付させて頂きます。 Hope this helps. Best regards, Fender Japan.
  4. [quote name='mckendrick' timestamp='1342727188' post='1740169'] All as above.... ....plus, I have a 62 Jazz which I've owned from new which is CIJ P series. I bought it new in 2001. Hope this helps. [/quote] [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1342728349' post='1740195'] Rather confusingly Fender Japan have been recycling some of their serial numbers, so whether it's CIJ or MIJ makes a difference (that's why that serial number dater website always asks where it was made). But to confuse things further the return of MIJ and the reuse of the prefixes has made things rather more tricky, especially with recent T and U serials. All recent MIJ's begin T/U 0 + 5 digits. Older MIJ's were T/U + 6 digits, which could begin with any number [i]including zero[/i]. From [url="http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fenderjapan.co.jp%2Fsupport.html"]Fender Japan[/url] [b]Serial number[/b] [b]Approximate year of manufacture[/b] Made in Japan JV + 5 digits 1982-1984 Made in Japan SQ + 5 digits 1983-1984 Made in Japan E + 6 digits 1984-1987 Made in Japan A + 6 digits 1985-1986 Made in Japan B + 6 digits 1985-1986 Made in Japan C + 6 digits 1985-1986 Made in Japan F + 6 digits 1986-1987 Made in Japan G + 6 digits 1987-1988 Made in Japan H + 6-digit number 1988-1989 Made in Japan I + 6-digit number 1989-1990 Made in Japan J + 6 digits 1989-1990 Made in Japan K + 6-digit number 1990-1991 Made in Japan L + 6 digits 1991-1992 Made in Japan M + 6-digit number 1992-1993 in Japan N + 6-digit number 1993-1994 Made in Japan O + 6 digits 1993-1994 Made in Japan P + 6-digit number 1993-1994 Made in Japan Q + 6 digits 1993-1994 Made in Japan S + 6 digits 1994-1995 Made in Japan T + 6-digit number 1994-1995 Made in Japan U + 6 digits 1995-1996 Made in Japan V + 6 digits 1996-1997 Crafted in Japan A + 6 digits 1997-1998 Crafted in Japan N + 5-digit number 1995-1996 Crafted in Japan O0 + 5-digit number 1997-2000 Crafted in Japan P0 + 5-digit number 1999-2002 Crafted in Japan Q0 + 5-digit number 2002-2004 Crafted in Japan R0 + 5-digit number 2004-2006 Crafted in Japan S0 + 5-digit number 2006-2008 Crafted in Japan T0 + 5-digit number 2007-2008 Made in Japan T0 + 5-digit number 2007-2010 Made in Japan U0 + 5-digit number 2010-2012 Made in Japan JD12 + 6-digit number 2012 - [/quote] Er, yes.... thanks, Musky.... got them... and the rest.... ...and even those tables aren't the bible. All that five digt/six digit stuff dosn't always ring true. I've noted the recent return to MIJ elsewhere. Shame they stopped short of using 'V' again, That would have thrown some sh*t at the fan. You'd have been typing till Sunday. .
  5. [quote name='noelk27' timestamp='1342609457' post='1737737'] Great to look at. Not so great to play though. [/quote] This.
  6. All as above.... ....plus, I have a 62 Jazz which I've owned from new which is CIJ P series. I bought it new in 2001. Hope this helps.
  7. [b]Posh-bird's-illegitimate-child-in-hiding type bump. [/b] [b]Soz. I'll get me coat. [/b]
  8. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1342605099' post='1737592'] ....with a Fender decal stuck on the headstock. [/quote] ....and an awful repro at that.
  9. Black blocks are WRONG. * f***s off sharpish like *
  10. Jeezuss that's odd.
  11. I have five 62 reissue Jap Jazz basses on board at the monment and, across the five, none have details consistent with the next, although THREE of them are the same as the THREE grades currently on the Japanese catalogue - not including the medium scale, the [i]current[/i] fretless (a la Jaco), the PJ, or the WAL models. I also have a fretless which in 1995 was marketed as a 'standard' but which carries all the Jap 62 re-ish basic model details yet has the silver coloured Fender logo without [i]marque[/i] details consistant with standard series Jazzes. You're sort of right.... but you're also sort of wrong. Anyway, none of that pedantic wrestling is the point of this post, the point of this post is to inform that I replied to the Gumtree add offering to travel to Brighton to meet and to inspect the bass. I didn't get a reply.... ....but note the instrument has been [i]taken off[/i] Gumtree. Like [color=#282828]gjones[/color], I'm quite sure I'd seen those same pictures before. .
  12. Indeed. Far too good to be true, is that. It's an alder body and big tuners, so... it'll have a spiral bridge and US pick-ups. That's a very minimum £450 bass. I'm so intrigued, I've replied. I shall go with great caution.
  13. [quote name='soopercrip' timestamp='1342369292' post='1733844'] I think it's a small case 'D' and he's just profiteering from the inexperienced... Andy [/quote] This. The seller's scamming. I know an upturned lower case 'd' when I see one. .
  14. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1342256006' post='1732314'] Were they [i]really[/i] any good, those '70s Bassmans? [/quote] Are you kidding? They were immense. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1342256006' post='1732314'] I recall seeing a guy battering an Aria SB1000 through one back in the '90s and it sounded woolly with next to no definition. Might have been his tone settings but it sounded bowff! [/quote] He - or someone - had probably already buggered it up and he was giving it the last rites. .
  15. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1342391030' post='1734300'] Thats shocking, nowt Fender about it.....apart from the aftermarket neckplate that someones stamped a poor quality number on, rendering it to also be worthless. [/quote] This. I don't know why the rest of you people are even discussing this. It's embarrassing.
  16. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1337558694' post='1662084'] Oh, how did Amy get in the shot...? [/quote] Bloody annoying aren't they. Found one wandering round me kitchen the other morning.
  17. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1342460971' post='1735564'] Ah, that's really sad to hear. Bob played one of my favourite bass lines - Midnight Train to Georgia, so melodic. A real loss. Jon Lord too. This year is going to be memorable for all the wrong reasons. [/quote] This. My humble thanks to them both.
  18. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1342468337' post='1735766'] I'm sure you'll get a lot more interest if you post photos on here. [/quote] This.
  19. I'd love this.... haven't got £900 just now, tho'.
  20. [quote name='bassdog' timestamp='1342205770' post='1731783'] .....he got a hofner volin and he s just getting into it ! gess who he s into? [/quote] Graham Maby...?
  21. You wish.
  22. [quote name='bassdog' timestamp='1342123275' post='1730113'] ....will put more pics on when i can [/quote] Yes please!!!
  23. I'm some what aroused by these. Does the P have the raised A poles...?
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