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Everything posted by mckendrick

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1336036698' post='1639702'] No Howard, I think you're right. Plenty of bass players never progress beyond playing every song in G ... [/quote] Wot's G...?
  2. mckendrick


    [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1336226219' post='1642794'] Ach it was just something that got started recently with a guy (forgetting how many experts there are on here) trying to over-hype a budget bass he had for sale... then as if that weren't enough he was asking more than double on here than he was on ebay and that (not to mention being against forum rules) got a few backs up. Don't worry, it'll die down in a day or two once we've got it out of our system. [/quote] AWESOME reply. I'll get me coat. .
  3. [quote name='ash' timestamp='1336073423' post='1640611'] The tuners look like the type found on Tokai basses.... [/quote] I believe 'Tempest' was a Tokai imprint.
  4. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1313178398' post='1338159'] +1. Get it rewound. G. [/quote] +2 Problem will be solved.
  5. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1335970859' post='1638827'] And 5 posts to pull us up? Are you bored [/quote] S***less. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1335976492' post='1638941'] This from the PB62 US on the Japanese site: "[b]BRIDGE:[/b] [u]SPILAL VINTAGE[/u]" So that's what happened to Benny Hill [/quote] Don't you just love 'em...? The Japanese, I mean. There's loads of stuff like that all over the CDJapan website. For instance, 'Shout: The Complete Decca Recordings' is by the artist known as Ruru. I kid you not.... [url="http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=MSIG-587"]http://www.cdjapan.c...ml?KEY=MSIG-587[/url] Anyway, I digress.....
  6. [quote name='Jag_Bassist' timestamp='1335914741' post='1638137'] Hi yall ! [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]as the title suggests, im a bit torn between a couple of fender p bass's.[/size][/font] [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]im spending around 800 ish on one, and ive found [/size][/font] [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]the Fender 70's precision (japanese)[/size][/font] [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]( [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/fender-70s-precision-bass-guitar-olympic-white--88570"]http://www.dv247.com...ic-white--88570[/url] )[/size][/font] [/quote] I believe that's Mexican, Jag_Bassist. Part # begins with 013 - which is Mexican. The current Jap ones come like this: [url="http://www.fenderjapan.co.jp/pb70-usash.html"]http://www.fenderjap...pb70-usash.html[/url] The American one, I feel, will be much better value for the money. Cheers.
  7. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1335871743' post='1637206'] Why do people go on about upper fret access. I can get to 1-12 un hindered. Thats me covered. [/quote] +1 [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1335873348' post='1637253'] What's the point in them being there if you can't get at them? [/quote] That's just a minor detail. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1335874502' post='1637284'] ....All Right Now then.... [/quote] Is that the Jimmy Saville version? .
  8. [quote name='Jono Bolton' timestamp='1335646282' post='1634285'] I thought the term 'lawsuit' referred to Gibson and Fender suing companies from the far east for making unlicensed copies of their designs? For example the old Tokais and Fernandes were identical to vintage Fenders and Gibsons end even had headstock logos based on those of the companies they were ripping off. I didn't think lawsuit referred to instruments that were just good instruments? [/quote] But dosn't that just typify how langauge is adaptable, and becomes adapted over time? I used to think Rock 'n' Roll was Chuck Berry and the Beatles, but apparently, these days. it also applies to over-made-up, half naked slags getting pissed-up and stupid, falling out of Brown's at 5.30 in the morning. Innit. .
  9. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1335720004' post='1634993'] why on earth would anyone have sanded a neck like that? [/quote] Looks more like fire damage to me. I wouldn't give the p**** two bob for that.
  10. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1335721350' post='1635010'] In the description the word "According" would be enough to put me off even if it looked the part and had a starting price worthy of a 69P. You would think owners of such instruments would know something about the history and so be a bit confident in the sales pitch. [/quote] I think the inclusion of the word "according" lets this bloke off the hook if he has any comeback from Ebay over his pathetic attempt to palm this peice of s*** off as a 69 P. One is pretty certain this seller knows all about the history of this instrument.
  11. [quote name='andy67' timestamp='1335551857' post='1633168'] hiya, can you explain the lawsuit bit some more please? andy [/quote] Here you go, Andy.... [url="http://knolt.com/lawsuitguitars/"]http://knolt.com/lawsuitguitars/[/url] [url="http://www.myrareguitars.com/1970guitars.html"]http://www.myrareguitars.com/1970guitars.html[/url] [url="http://www.recordingreview.com/articles/articles/187/1/quotLawsuitquot-guitars-a-little-info-to-get-you-started/Page1.html"]http://www.recordingreview.com/articles/articles/187/1/quotLawsuitquot-guitars-a-little-info-to-get-you-started/Page1.html[/url] [url="http://www.apionet.or.jp/~koiz/forsale_main.htm"]http://www.apionet.or.jp/~koiz/forsale_main.htm[/url] Hope this helps. Mark McK. .
  12. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1335538708' post='1632882'] [url="http://www.tdpri.com"]http://www.tdpri.com[/url] [/quote] NIce one, skank'. Cheers.
  13. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1335531488' post='1632733'] I'm strangely attracted by Dom's utterly minimalist approach: [/quote] That'll be because it's the best one. I use Rizlas. For me rattling nuts, you understand.
  14. [quote name='borisbrain' timestamp='1335530663' post='1632716'] But I'll take it off your hands for a couple of hundred quid... ; ) [/quote] I keep telling people that there are still some kindly benevolent folks left in the world I must remember in future to add that you aren't one of 'em.... .
  15. [size=6][sup]Yes.... I'm familiar with the vintage market in Fenders, but in finer detail only where basses are concerned, unfortunately.[/sup] [sup]Cheers.[/sup][/size]
  16. I'll persuade him. He's a busy boy. I don't want to be rude, but in the meantime I'll assume you don't know what a nigh-on pristine black m/n Fender Telecaster looks like. .
  17. Thirty years ago (phew...!) me brother was toying with music, started writing lyrics, started a band ('The Spitfires', in Blackburn, Lancs), bought a guitar, then decided he wasn't that into it all after all. To my utter amazement the guitar remained under the bed until recently when he took it for a walk to a dealer in the town he now lives in (between Watford and Milton Keynes - that's all I'm saying) but sensed something wasn't all toward when the dealer wouldn't make him an offer. Me brother told me all about this and so I told him in reply that the dealer didn't make him an offer because he knew [you] weren't remotely interested in your subject and was hoping to you'd say something like "Okay, you can take it off my hands for a couple of hundred quid". We're talkng here about a nigh-on pristine [b]left handed 1976 Fender Telecaster in black with a maple neck[/b], c/w ash trays and Fender case, but no other candy. I've gone up and down for him trying to find a value for this gorgeous piece but I'm stumbling on the rough with most people trying to swing the obvious bargain out of us. They're not going to get it until we know an approximate value for something like this. You lefty's got any ideas of a ballpark value of this thing...? I haven't got any photo's but it is as I describe. I know there's a left handed player in the world somewhere that would give his sister's - or indeed her brother's - right arm for one of these.... we just can't find him/her. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ta. .
  18. Probably the wrong thread, so prior huge apologies, but I'll give it a go anyway.... ....thirty years ago (phew...!) me brother was toying with music, started writing lyrics, started a band ('The Spitfires', in Blackburn, Lancs), bought a guitar, then decided he wasn't that into it all after all. To my utter amazement the guitar remained under the bed until recently when he took it for a walk to a dealer in the town he now lives in (between Watford and Milton Keynes - that's all I'm saying) but sensed something wasn't all toward when the dealer wouldn't make him an offer. Me brother told me all about this and so I told him in reply that the dealer didn't make him an offer because he knew [you] weren't remotely interested in your subject and was hoping to you'd say something like "Okay, you can take it off my hands for a couple of hundred quid". We're talkng here about a nigh-on pristine [b]left handed 1976 Fender Telecaster in black with a maple neck[/b], c/w ash trays and Fender case, but no other candy. I've gone up and down for him trying to find a value for this gorgeous piece but I'm stumbling on the rough with most people trying to swing the obvious bargain out of us. They're not going to get it until we know an approximate value for something like this. You lefty's got any ideas of a ballpark value of this thing...? I haven't got any photo's but it is as I describe. I know there's a left handed player in the world somewhere that would give his sister's right arm for one of these.... we just can't find him. .
  19. Hello Colin Cattle.... Where are you based? I'm seriously interested in this and would like to take a look. I hope by 'pick guard' you mean 'pickup cover'. Cheers.
  20. [quote name='spaners' timestamp='1335292294' post='1628833'] [/quote] There's a song on that wall. anybody spot it...? I digress.... ....nice bass, man. Good luck with the sale. Digression bump.
  21. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1335195874' post='1627042'] i take it this is a non export with US pups? [/quote] @ [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/596-bubinga5/"][color="#282828"]bubinga5[/color][/url]: If those tuners are original it should have the Japanese VSP Alnicos, which in my humble opinion are better than the USA ones. @ [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/130-eubassix/"][color="#282828"]eubassix[/color][/url]: Nice job with the holes, man. Where are they? Can't see 'em. Gorgeous bass. Good luck with the sale.
  22. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1334412048' post='1615887'] Bridge screws rusty, as is some of bridge and scratchplate screws. Wear on the G string side from frets 4/6. Nasty little dink and couple of scratches on top horn. Dink in back of neck behind 1st fret, a little buckle rash on back. Couple of dinks in headstock. NOTHING is anything other than minor. [/quote] They're all plusses man. Character I call it. Have another bump.
  23. Good grain. Nice, that.
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