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Everything posted by mckendrick

  1. [quote name='guitaradam' timestamp='1364590849' post='2028690'] Hey, I'm looking at putting together a fretless Jazz Bass - but I'm struggling to find somewhere in the UK that I can buy a quality neck from. Ideally I'd like a Might Mite neck, but can't find anywhere this side of the pond to buy one... Anyone know of somewhere I can get one? Maybe then I can start hunting for a nice body... Cheers Adam [/quote] Have you consider4ed a direct swap with 'hamfist'.... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203629-new-neck-on-jazz/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203629-new-neck-on-jazz/[/url]
  2. [quote name='GregHughes' timestamp='1330079725' post='1552302'] ..... but they do look cool and I don't have time to age one myself. [/quote] Like you need it aged by when, precisely...? Just wear it out, GregHughes, if it dosn't 'roadwear' so it dosn't roadwear. I don't get it meself.... My best Jazz I've played more or less every gig for that last thirty years, I've never mollycoddled it, never cleaned it, it's had a load of rough treatment.... .... and it still isn't as messed-up as those silly looking roadworn things. I wear belts and sometimes zip-cuffed leather jackets but there isn't any 'belt rash' or that silly looking forearm-worn top bout. Whoever wore out a finish with their forearm? What are you blokes made of? Sand paper? .
  3. [quote name='andyonbass' timestamp='1364102272' post='2021905'] Mayer ....looks on in awe at Derek Trucks solo. [/quote] ...and so he should. .
  4. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1363776910' post='2017307'] bump due to edit - the bass is now standard and original [/quote] Nice.
  5. [b]Who knows....[/b] [b][url="http://www.gbase.com/gear/fender-precision-bass-1959-sunburst-1"]http://www.gbase.com/gear/fender-precision-bass-1959-sunburst-1[/url][/b] [b][url="http://www.gbase.com/gear/fender-precision-bass-1959-white"]http://www.gbase.com/gear/fender-precision-bass-1959-white[/url][/b]
  6. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' timestamp='1363689531' post='2015767'] I'll never understand why people think that using bolts in a headstock repair is a good idea!! Plenty of the right glue and clever clamping will make it stronger than it was originally! [/quote] This. Absolutely. .
  7. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1363712419' post='2016416'] [/quote] Cool. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1363712419' post='2016416'] [/quote] Not cool.
  8. [quote name='Tenty' timestamp='1363708571' post='2016297'] Peavey Millenium 5-string... [/quote] No comment. Soz.
  9. [quote name='irvined' timestamp='1363612197' post='2014674'] Being very colour blind, black (I am told) goes with anything. Hence black bass, trousers and shoes - goes with any colour shirt.... [/quote] ....except green. .
  10. Holy **** !!!!
  11. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1363437494' post='2012676'] Oh dear, I want this but I need someone else to buy it before I do. [/quote] Eh...?
  12. It's no worse than the Moderene, the Flying V, and the Explorer.
  13. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1363218898' post='2010166'] ....you dont get that awful lazy routing hole round the front pickup and can take the pickguard off, ala Jaco. [/quote] That's a reletively recent thing. I hope they don't do it on the new '64.
  14. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1363051305' post='2007722'] Must surely be time for a resurgance of the Gibson era........ [/quote] They lost my interest (and my money) when they put black hardware on the non-rev Thunderbird. If they'd have done it [i]properly[/i] they'd have had me by the [s]bollocks[/s] wallet. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1363093042' post='2008239'] What is remarkable about the Fender bass is that it is still the best tool for the job of playing the bass guitar in most modern popular music situations , even 60 or so years after its' initial conception . That's why so many people still use them. [/quote] Quite.
  15. Damn! How did this happen? Only just seen this. I'd love to have seen those pix. Come back haimsey, come back!
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1362914416' post='2006052'] While every Sei is a fantastic bass, you have to remember that each one is individually tailored to suit the person who originally ordered it. I would be very reluctant to buy a second hand Sei simply because there is a good chance that the actual instrument wouldn't suit me at all. I had a 5-string fretless made for me and while I was waiting for Martin to do the final tweaks I had a go on another Sei, which on paper had a very similar specification to mine. However when it came to playing, that bass really didn't do anything for me in terms of feel or sound. Mine was absolutely perfect, because it was exactly what I wanted. The other bass was a nice instrument, but it was what someone else wanted and not me. Does that make sense? [/quote] Perfect sense, BigRedX... [i]perfect[/i] sense,
  17. That's another brand new pair of underpants ruined. Marks & Sparks do great by this Basschat marketplace, I can tell thi'.
  18. [quote name='V2factoryman' timestamp='1362664928' post='2002984'] Postscript for Conan, thanks for your help. The pickups are EMG. Is it just me or is it like a disease....? [/quote] Second one. Most of us have it.
  19. White-faded-banana large serif logo porn bump.
  20. [size=5][sub]Aye... just a fret touch up.[/sub][/size]
  21. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1362591329' post='2001835'] Not long after these were made Fender shifted production to Japan - for a while USA production stopped completely. The reason for the shift was that the Japan built Squier series were actually considerably better instruments.... [/quote] Methinks that's highly debatable, bren'. USA production was run down to a stop while they changed factories and very little if not nothing was produced in the US for a while for this reason. Stuff was imported from Japan to make up the stop gap.
  22. In my own humble opinion, there's every possibility of this being all original, but it's certainly not '77. '78 at the[i] very[/i] earliest.
  23. [quote name='Emanew' timestamp='1362526115' post='2000972'] Little mistakes here : [u]there are a 60's style bridge[/u] (threaded bridge saddles) and [u]early 60's style tuners[/u] (vintage style reverse tuners, Kluson copies) on all [u]US 62' JB[/u].[/quote] Allow me to be pedantic.... Little mistakes here; I have three JB62US models on board at the moment, NONE of them have reverse tuners. They have the tuners as I described earlier, Gotoh cat. no. FB3. Only the JB62VSP's (and their derivatives) have the more vintage looking reverse threaded type, Gotoh cat. no. GB640 / Fender Jap cat. no. GB8. The plain old cheapy JB62's carry Mustang tuners with the smaller diameter string post and small backplate, Gotoh cat. no. GB1.
  24. [quote name='Emanew' timestamp='1362352188' post='1998932'] As far as i know, i compared the MIA and the MIJ, there are differences in the look, design and the sound. I never tried a MIM, sorry. The look : - pickguard tortoise is not the same on the US (four-ply pickguard and better quality tortoise) - Headstock sticker is different on the US (patented numbers under the 7ender on the US, different fonts used on the US for JAZZ BASS electric bass) - Different neck coat color : darker neck coat on the US. - Very thin frets on the US. - Reverse tuners (on the US) bigger than the normal ones (MIJ). The neck shape : - I think the 62' US JB neck is even thiner than MIJ ones. US necks try to be closer to the originals 60' Jazz Basses, flat and really thin. Sometimes even too thin and the neck get bowed.... The woods : - The US version is supposed to be made of "more selected" woods... The sound : - The stacked knobs (with the 2 separate tone knobs ) give a different personality to the US compare to the MIJ 62'JB. - The thiner frets have a consequence on the sound. There must be others differences. But it doesn't mean to me that a MIJ is always under a US and can not be a killer instrument I hope it will help. [/quote] The colour tint of the neck can differ immensely between US models. Of the three more common grades of Jap reissue, only the top ("VSP") grade gets the deeper colour tint. That model also gets top of the line Jap pickups - which are more or less copies of an original 62 pickup, wax dippied, cloth wiring, all that - it also gets vintage style reverse tuners and a threaded bridge saddles. It's possibly a more accurate 62 re-ish that the US one, bar its pressed tin chromed string tree - the US one is turned nickel-silver. Jap grades... JB62; basswood body, 70's bridge, Mustang tuners, cheap Jap pickups and electrics. JB62US; alder body, 70's style bridge, 70's style tuners, US pIckups, upgraded Jap electrics. JB62VSP; as above. US 62 has mitrocelulose laquer, Japs are polyurethane laquered. Headstock 'sticker' on Jap ones is a laser print as opposed to the USA waterslide transfer decal. The earth strip in US models is much wider than Jap one. I don't know anything first hand about Mex's. .
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