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Everything posted by Missionary

  1. Ooh....if I had some spare cash
  2. I've been reading a lot of old DB posts and came accross this one. It has no conclusion though. 18 months later, does the bass still function - did it ever work out in the end? Was it worth the work?
  3. Thanks bassace, I'll give it a go
  4. Well, I have found a guy fairly close to me - [url="http://www.ardviolins.co.uk/"]http://www.ardviolins.co.uk/[/url] and will report back as to how it goes when we meet on Friday. I do like the idea of an adjustable bridge, especially if I want to rub the bass against a horse to see what sound the horse makes in the future.....and gigging is something I'm looking forward to.
  5. Thanks for the advice thisnameistaken. I'm not in a hurry to change the strings as the ones on it are fairly new, I have been lead to believe, although I do not know what sort they are - they have a blue/gold(could be yellow)/blue silk wrap at the tail end and Green (E), Blue (A), Gold or yellow (D), Red (G) at the top. However, if I get the opportunity to try some others and they produce a more pleasing sound and are easier for me to learn with then maybe it is worth while me making the financial sacrifice. Btw, I just checked the height of the E string and it is 16mm off the board.....
  6. Ooh....make that dream a reality - nothing like 'feeling' the sound you make...
  7. On recommendation from TheRev, I too would like to try out the Honeys. I'm a DB noob so having the opportunity to try out different strings is something I am greatly looking forward to.
  8. Hi Bluejay and thanks for the welcome and the links - looks pretty useful and i may well give it a go. Rev, the previous owner of the bass used it orchestrally so, as I understand it, the action can still be reduced a little for a have-a-go finger player like me and the idea of trying out some low tension strings sounds great - anything to make it easier to begin with. Thanks for the welcome fumps :-) Oh....one other thing - it is awesome. I am very much enjoying it
  9. Hi all, I've just got myself a cheap DB....YAY. I was feeling a little nervous about posting anything here due to my preconceived ideas about DB snobbery. Anyhow, after reading many posts I realise that I was wrong. So, the question: I live in the middle of Norfolk - does anyone know someone who can set-up the aforesaid instrument local to me? At the moment the action is a little (!!!) high for my weak fingers so needs lowering and it sounds a bit muddy too. I want to move from dipping my toes into the world of DB to swimming in it. I may even post a piccy of it at some point......
  10. Do you think that he may be trapped under a fallen girder and desperately wants to reply to these requests but just can't reach the keyboard on his computer?
  11. Nope.....hard as it is. I have decided to go for the bigger, acoustic version. Sorry for the disappointment but I think I'll get more out of it. Thanks for the response though
  12. Wow.....that is a great price for a great instrument. I'm looking for a 'real' DB to learn on as I am an electric bass player (occasionally my batteries need replacing but still more reliable than the older 'wind up' models) and would like to learn how to play upright yet at this price I may just bite.....Hmmmm.....I know my indecision does not help you get a sale but I'd love to give this a bump and at the same time I may just have to make further enquiries. What is it strung with at the moment and how long have those strings been on it? I guess it comes with bag and stand. It looks very fine and well kept but how long have you had it / how old is it? Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.....I may just have to get back to you soon, but first, a conversation with my wife :-)
  13. If it is still for sale by the end of June then I may just send you a PM - just can't accommodate it at the moment......
  14. The bass looks pretty and I am in the process of looking for one but I have heard mixed opinions about Yita basses. Also, I could not open the sound file you posted. Is it possible to create one in another format so i can listen to it? Has there been any signs of cracking in the wood? I ask this because of what I've heard about these basses, not to offend you. It is always good to be sure of a few things before making more serious enquiries, like travelling to try it out. Did you set up the bass or was it set up by a luthier (you may, of course be one)? What strings do you have on it? Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions
  15. Any more info, as posted above by fretless and thisnameistaken ?
  16. This is my first post!! If I lived in England I'd definately have a look but I will not be returning there until the end of the year so if it is still available then (which I doubt it will be) then I'll be over a.s.a.p. Just the kind of Bass I am looking for. I'm sure you will sell this quickly at that price, All the Best
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