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About maxoges

  • Birthday 12/06/1975

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  1. Two similar lookingbasses. But the sound and feel are totally different.
  2. Yes
  3. Made by Fujigen
  4. Just got this! I'm impressed! It's from 2010 I'm into metallic colours right now!
  5. I also loved you got like a carekit. A folder with wax, allen keys, a trussrod wrench and a certificate
  6. It's quite rare.
  7. Just got a used Streamer $$. Great bass! Straight forvard to set up (once you understand the bridge). Great tone! The previous owner installed a metal adjust a nut. It's easy to use!
  8. I found a emg btc 2 band preamp on stacked pot on a bass I don't use.
  9. I'll put a gotoh battery compartment on the bass later. The rout is for a double Gotoh. The batteries live under the control plate in the meantime. Lots of space.
  10. Warmoth PJ body Fender American neck and tuners Fender highmass bridge EMGx PJ set Dunlop straplox
  11. Put on a new logo today. First try printing and applying a water slide decal.
  12. Attatched another neck. Modded a pbass neck.
  13. I wanted to see what the bass would look like with a pbass headstock.I got a Harley benton pbas to mod. I clear coated the headstock with wipe on poly. drive-download-20230704T045318Z-001.zip
  14. Maybe a warmoth neck in the future. It has to be really special because there's nothing wrong with the existing neck, other than the logo.
  15. This came out on the used market really cheap. I couldn't resist it. Too cooI! I shielded it and changed the pickups for a pair from a sire bass I had laying around. It came out sounding great! No need the do any other mods to it! The squire pickups mesured 5 ohms and the Sire pickups 7 ohms. I was going the remove the pickups anyway because of the shielding-job. The Squier pickups sounded fine, but were a bit weak. The tuners were supriseingly good. They're no hipshots, but i'd use them live.
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