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Everything posted by Tankdave

  1. Good thinking, push it off from behind, Thanks
  2. Spill the beans, how do you get the MB badge off? It appears to be stuck on, extremely well on mine?
  3. I don't always get the relic'ing of new instruments and this one is no execption, it has me screaming WHY??????????
  4. Happened to me in the 90's, out of the blue the fat b****** drummer who I been ferrying around for 5 years whilst playing in this band, calls me up and tells me they doing me a favour by letting me go. It's in my interest so that I'll be able to move to another town if my employer asks me too - WTF The other band ***holes were all pi** heads and I was not, I think that was the reason the dumb f**** pushed me out so another pi**head realative drinking-buddy could take my place. As you can tell, I'm not the slightest bit bitter, as I have the rest of my life to return the w****** the favour, given the chance.- lol If it happens to anyone else here, I suggest you try & move on and If your young enough, get your own back by getting a successfull band formed or by joining one. Don't be bitter like me, but don't forget either
  5. Yeah, it sure does, all very clever stuff eh? Here's another, it looks a bit wierd too.
  6. Look what the very nice chaps at Bassgear.co.uk got for me. I've been dicking about for months over getting one of these, I love my shuttle 9 very much but this TTE has had me Gas'ing for one ever since they came out. I've had a bit of time at home with I can say it's very different from the GB Shuttle but I was hoping that - lol. I do like the way it sounds, it's way more "me" than the Sreamliner I had too, for some reason I never gelled with that one. As an added bonus it looks great sat on the Vanderkleys, the grills are almost identical. As for the power being rated less "GB900 vs TTE500? It ain't lacking, if anything the TTE seems to have more oomph. The only downside so far, is that the little cooling fan is pretty darn noisy. [IMG]http://i912.photobucket.com/albums/ac330/tankdave/IMG_1241_1920.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i912.photobucket.com/albums/ac330/tankdave/IMG_1210_1920.jpg[/IMG]
  7. Two sound so much fuller than one some Eq. might get that back though?
  8. Pop to Swindon and try my Shuttle 9.0 if you want, you don't have to bring the cabs do you. GB shuttles are clear, and clean for sure, I've got the tweeters off in my cabs as it's WAY too much top for me
  9. What sort of sound you after?
  10. I got a pair of these, whatever you bung in, you get out and they are crazy lightweight.
  11. 27" or 30", nice
  12. Your quite right to query this, as your reservations are right, you need an 8ohm extension cab to pair with the 8ohm combo
  13. I just been to see these guys and have got them to do an order for me and I totally agree with the above statement, the whole staff are so tuned in to please, it's rather refreshing. Also worth noting is that they were the cheapest in the UK for my purchase, again very pleasing.
  14. Them vids just proove that one mans sh*te is another mans music
  15. I have a Shuttle 9.0 driving a pair of Vanderkely 12's and it is VERY clean, fast & articulate.
  16. Without a price it's not
  17. Tankdave

    Strap Locks

    Schallers are mechanically the strongest, but you need do have to make sure the nut is tight and with a couple of dabs of locktite on it I can't ever see why one would fail. Th spring loaded pin should not get any real loading on it if the locks are fitted nice & tight, but a loosened nut might just change all that. Whilst I like Schallers and have used them for 20 years, I would [b]never use them without Locktite[/b]
  18. The repair tech that you used has an obligation to fix this, give him a try. He might be able to fix it again, perhaps 2 components has popped? changing one has now effected another. If I had repaired it, I would have it back for a 2nd attempt and of course I would not charge again.
  19. This is a wonderful diary. I 2nd. that
  20. I assume that you can turn the main off then turn up the H/phone vol. when listening through cans?
  21. It'll be fine providing he don't turn everything up to 11
  22. I just stumbled on this thread, WOW is all I can say
  23. Some of the noise is cool, it proves a real bass is being played and not just some synth or sampled stuff.
  24. If he got Vanderkley's make sure you lift them, they great for bad backs
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