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About DudleyPowell

  • Birthday 23/10/1991

DudleyPowell's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)


Total Watts

  1. [u][b]CALLING ALL LEFTY PLAYERS! [/b][/u] For my second year professional uni project, I have decided to to see if the amount of lefty instruments available, is proportionate to the amount of players, and what all the contributing factors are, aswell as some research into the left/right brain hemisphere argument. [u][b]I NEED YOUR HELP :[/b][/u] I have a short 5 question survey, it would mean alot if you could do it. There is no emailing, just answer and click done!! http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/3MXKBG2 I'll do doing a heap of market research, aswell as researching the ratio of lefty's to righty's in musical environments AND in non-musical environments, and also I will be asking the main manufacturers how they do their market research, and potentially [b]BRING ABOUT CHANGE.[/b] Thank you so much for your time.
  2. If you're a lefty, you take whatever you can find!
  3. i'll report back after tour, fingers crossed.
  4. I've only had it a few days, will be playing live early Jan so will have something real to go on by then. Ah i see, so im running this head at 450 watts, yet its gain and master are halfway for practise levels? The lm3 was 300w at 8 ohms (had an 8ohm cab), and that was considerably louder, this is what makes me think something us up? Also, can anyone explain the occasional crackle im getting?
  5. Yeah I mean, im well aware of how to make it louder with the eq and such, I'm really just asking is this a normal volume? I imagine at even small gigs i'll need to blast the thing on full, which will sound amazing but when I get to bigger shows . . . Is this the right cab pairing for the head? I love the option of having 2 cabs, but I cant help but think I should get something at 4 ohms.
  6. Yeah on stage i'll be doing that, just with the gain on full and my loud as hell jazz pup's it keeps the buzz down with the gain a little lower when practising. I'm also getting a weird crackling the comes and goes every now and again, could that be the preamp tube?
  7. Alright guys, completely new here, in need of some advice, if you would be so kind to lend me your eyes for the next few seconds. I've recently acquired a SVT-3 Pro USA, a 210 and 115, both USA as-well. They both run 200w at 8ohms. At a bedroom practise level, i have the gain at around 3'oclock, and the master v at about halfway, this to me seems awfully quiet for practise levels, believe me I wouldn't want to get noise complaints. I've just switched from a LmIII and a 400w GK cab, could it be me overestimating things, or does it need to be looked at. I'm heading out on tour in a month or so and am concerned it wont be quiet enough in larger venues. Thanks guys!
  8. Need a little help, on the hunt for a P-bass, or a 5 string. Interested in anything on offer though, budget is 800, can stretch to a little more though if needed. For the 5, had my eye on the spector legend 5, but after getting in contact with various shops/distributor's, seems im gonna have to order from the U.S which I really would rather avoid. I was also wondering, do they/did they ever make mex p's? Can only find american's at around 1,100 cheapest! As for second hand, just a whole lotta Jazz basses . . . Thanks guys!
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