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Everything posted by duncbassgit

  1. Cheers everybody, Sounds like Hotrox are the better. I just checked out the website and its lookin' good. Ta!
  2. [b]cheers, I'll google their address.[/b]
  3. Calling all valve amp experts!! Anybody know where I can get decent EL34s and ECC83s in the UK? My JCM 800 bass head could do with a new set to replace the old russian Svetlanas it has now. Ideally it would be great to get Mullard/Osram originals, but they cost a fortune. I've looked on ebay and they are there, but in unmatched pairs, expensive and bias unknown. There are a couple of USA dealers selling matched sets as they claim, but again expensive for Sol or JJ and to be honest if I did buy from the states I'd be worried about them getting broke in carriage. There must be someone over here in UK. Any advice greatly received. Cheers guys n' gals Dunc
  4. Welcome and Enjoy! Always nice to hear what new gear is out in the States. Duncan
  5. Can't remember all this!!!!
  6. [b][font=times new roman, times, serif][i]I thought this thread would be good![/i][/font][/b] [b][font=times new roman, times, serif][i]What I didn't realise is, my god what a wild bunch of party animals us bassists are!![/i][/font][/b] [b][font=times new roman, times, serif][i]Stood at the back, quietly glued to the drummer.......not so.[/i][/font][/b] [b][font=times new roman, times, serif][i]Bring it on UK Bassplayers, - vomit ,tits, vandalising ceilings, audience diving, live affairs on stage, stripping, exposure, Superb write ups!![/i][/font][/b] [b][font=times new roman, times, serif][i]Rock'n roll just brings out the funniest things in show biz. [/i][/font][/b] [b][font=times new roman, times, serif][i]Dunc[/i][/font][/b]
  7. I know it's sad at age 49, but I still like Boney M! Rasputin & Painterman just so damnned catchy! Wern't they all from Germany?
  8. Welcome to the forum fellow Stokey, Dunc
  9. Greetings Steve and welcome to the forum. I've only been a member for 2 weeks and the advice/help on here is excellent. Especially on set ups/repairs. Enjoy! Duncan at Stafford
  10. I remember her in the 70s. God was she horny....and a bassist as well......AND the leathers!! Phwoahh1
  11. [attachment=92291:one.jpg][attachment=92292:two.jpg Here they are gents...
  12. It says on the ebay books description: how to buy, look after, tune up, adjustments, action set ups, replacing parts etc I've got my original owners Fender handbook which tells everything, but these books look good. I don't know....can they be better than the Fender owners book that you get when you purchase a guitar? Who knows-thats why I posted this thread Dunc
  13. Happy Halloween to all. Anybody got a copy of The Fender Bass Manual, by Paul Balmer and published by Haines servicing books? There are 2 versions on Ebay. One has a Tele bass on the cover, the other has a precision. Both supposed to be packed full of advice and cost between £15-20. Are they any good? (before I add one to my Chrissmus wants list!!) Thanks for any advice. Dunc
  14. How about Zero the Hero? remember that?
  15. I'm mad on Mike Oldfield. I got the Gong connection through Pierre and Benoit Moerlen who used to tour with Mike. Started buying Gong albums. I have Camembert Electric, PMG Live, Gong Live etc, Expresso 2, Downwind ,Shameuse.....all excellent stuff but I prefer the Hillage, Daevid Allen stuff of old. Hansford Rowe what a great bassist!! From the Planet Gong they say.....cos everything goes wrong today.....down the oily way! Long live flying teapots! Dunc
  16. Just rememberd another. Not really embarassing just stupidity.... Around 1988 we were playing a gig in a Leominster hotel back ballroom. Our lead singer was a bit of a good looker and he liked giving the girls the come on. We had an old pyro flash unit set up on the front line. This was the cartridge primer type with the old ignition and press button box. At the end of the last sets song the singer invites up a bird to step over the front line to join us in the last chorus of the night. She was wearing an indecently short mini skirt. Martin our mate/roadie/hanger on, decides to fire it off in time with the last crescendo finishing power chord. Unfortunately the girl was stepping right over the pyro at the same time and it went off between her legs and skirt. Fortunately she was ok but very pissed off with all of us. Oh and we also once had a dry ice smoke machine that wouldn't stop. Even after pulling out the wall plug it kept belching smoke out. Again Martin to the rescue who had to carry the still pumping machine out into the car park. Dunc
  17. I've got 7 by 7 on the b side of the uk single release of Silver Machine. Crackin track. Is it true that on a tour in the usa, they were banned because they threw out free samples of LSD into the audience? Dunc
  18. Me too. I told my wife when I first met her about my bands/amps/bass hobby and that she must not interfere as it is my passion. 22 years later and several bands and we're still married and she is brilliant about rehearsals, late nights, gigs etc. Elizabeth Barker is one hell of a bass players wife!! Dunc
  19. YEEUUK !! You sure you didn't exorcise her ? Sounds really messy!!
  20. This could be a long thread! Apologies if this has been done before. Right, well I'll kick it off. Don't be shy, and tell us all what you did wrong!!! When I was a mere 18 in 1979 and in my 2nd band, we were playing at a mates 21st party in a village hall. I got so pissed I was not only playing the wrong bass notes, but actually playing the wrong songs!! Having been sick on the set list stuck to the monitor in front, I struggled on through the set. On the 2nd to last song I fell off the stage whilst playing and broke the neck of my Cimar bass!! I never went back to that village hall again!! Embarassed ? Me ....of course!!! Duncan
  21. Hi Ronan, I'm a newbie as well. I thought I'd travelled alot until I read your intro! I used to live at Mons (SHAPE) in Belgium and used to go to Zaventem and central Brussels alot. Sligo sounds fantastic must go there. I spent a year up on Unst in the Shetland Islands (most Northerly Island) and had a great time with 2 local bands doing Ceiladh stuff. All fiddles and accordians and really fast stuff! Electic bass does fit in...youve just got to get the dance beat right. Welcome to the forum for people with sub frequency hearing! Forum, Fora,Forum, Forae,Fora ,Forum, Forum, Foram, Forum, Foris,Foris,Foris, Foris, Foris,Foris!! Ah Latin. I can't believe I've remembered this crap from school but I think it was the 3rd declension of the latin word for forum !!! Ha ha ha i'm havin a right giggle here. How sad am I. Dunc
  22. Cheers Ellie, always nice to hear from lady bass players. I just love old Marshall stuff! Hey I just looked at your bands webite and our set is fairly similar to yours! Dunc
  23. Hello squire, thanks for the welcome. Generally flitting round the forum I ve noticed how few marshall rigs there are. The majority of bass players seem to be now on Orange, Ashdown or Trace Elliot. I'm really old skool and always love how impressive a stack can be! Thats a nice Jazz you've got there. I like the black frets. Cheers mate Dunc at Stafford
  24. Hi discreet, Yep its a monster. I found competition against ego lead guitarists with volume was always a problem. But only recently did I buy the amp head. I only use the amp and top cab for gigs/rehearsals. The bottom cab is extra for outdoor gigs when you need that little bit more oomph and if no power amp/mixer desk present. The JCM 800 sounds lovely. Smooth, yet funky with pan and slope + the power. I love it. But now made my vox AC50 redundant. Had a look at that forum link 4 small combos. They r good these days. I used to have a custom sound Bass Trucker 50w which was great for practicing at home. My home practice gear is a carlsboro pa amp+an old wem 1x10 cab. Apart from that I always wanted a Marshall stack since age 17!! Dunc
  25. Some interesting stuff here. I just bought a Fender 60th anniversary flight case from a dealer in New York on ebay. I checked out his website and rang him before bidding. I was convinced he was genuine as he emailed me more j.pegs and I could hear the customers in his shop over the phone!! Duncbassgit
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