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Everything posted by Blartfactor10

  1. Hi Ash! I think they are a fairly low tension string but not as low as say Weed-Whackers. Much lower tension that steels though .....as say Spirocore's
  2. Would trade these for a set of 3/4 Silver Slaps or Honeys in good nick!! As previously stated NEW!! still in box, never been on a bass
  3. Treat your Little one to a new set of strings! Honeys, Medium, 1/2, Brand new never been out of sealed box. £55 or trade for KK Bassmax, cash your way PP Paid
  4. Is it a solid top and would you be interested in trades????
  5. Confession time! I swapped my Olly White 64 Precision for one of these back in about 1981......Well it was new and shiny..and sounded like the Slapy thing I was after at the time. I kept it for about 6 months and the bloke who got the Precision has still got it........MMM!......sometimes you learn the hard way!!! For me, it wasn't a keeper!!
  6. Tell us what you want then half it!! I reckon £150-175 looks fair for the amount of work thats needed to put it right. Thats an offer!!
  7. Not sure of EV model????? think it was the full range rather than the bass cab is 70x70x35
  8. Bump,,,,,,, Been a while.......No rush........
  9. Sorry Wrong forum!!
  10. Thanks for the input/advice guys, maybe you can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear but I'm already playing the game of diminishing returns because I'm putting an upright bass through the amp and cabs.......what goes in.......comes out..... so i'm thinking ok its an arm and a leg but ok the Neo's would out shine the MBE's or has anyone got a better suggestion to find cabs that would match a GK 101II head for double bass?
  11. So! Anyone enlighten me on the difference between the Neo and the MBE cabs????? According to most sites ( Thoman Gak GK) both the 2x12 and 4x10 use Neodymium speakers so why would we paying more for the Neo cabs????? 2 light 4x10s @ 8 ohm sound like my kind of thing but would a 4 ohm Neo out-perform 2 8 ohm MBEs???? I'm using a GK 1001l l and playing Upright................. confused or what?
  12. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
  13. Bought a GK head from Jack back in May, Nice guy, swift response, no problems with the deal! I'm now wishing i had bought those GK cabs he had for sale. Let me know how you get on with the Barefaced stuff Jack!
  14. For me the "J Tone" works! Twin paddle version.Its basically an underwood copy but sounds loud and covers all the frequency's £40 from E-Bay.......I recently bought a K Max but (To my ears) its just to muddy and compressed. Cost twice the price of the J Tone as well!! My bass is a plywood Bosey Hawkwes. Adjustable Bridge, With Innovation Honeys, if that helps? I have listened to a realist PUP on another bass (All solid wood) and that sounded really nice.....Would love to try one!
  15. It could be my dream bass! Would you be leaving the Underwood in? And would you be interested in trades or just Cash?
  16. Hi guys thanks for the input I'm taking all this on board. Barefaced claim that the Big Twin to be the loudest speaker that they do but my problem is 2x10 Big Twin or 4x10 Vanderkley or Genz Benz, Purple Chilli Bla! bla! It gets a bit confusing...... My main problem is volume. I'm playing with a V loud drummer Swing stuff RnR, Rockabilly, Reggae and an Elvis gig so some electric bass as well. I have recently got the GK1001 and have been using a GK RB800 with a 400w 4x10 but the 300w that the RB800 chucks out isn't loud enough. Can the drummer turn down i can almost hear you ask?? Not when he's being Ronnie Tut i shouted.....the search continues.....all advice great fully received Cheers!!!
  17. Lockpicker IMO get a J Tone, the one that has 2 bridge Piezos ( Not the Red's) i thought this would be a "stop gap" until i could afford a decent P'up Then i bought a Bass Max.... well..... the J Tone is brighter has more volume and definition than the B Max....Hey they are half the price of a B Max...Whaaaaaa!... your call...... but As far as i'm concerned it's J tone al the way. wouldn't mind trying a Realist though.....i have Honeys on my DB they feel great and slap nice without a Clicker in the neck.. I have met the bloke who does the J tone's he's been doing them for years in Newcastle and is very knowledgeable about DB's.....Knows a thing or two about Piezo's and Mag's as well........hope this is of some help
  18. Hi Folks! has anyone tried using 12 inch speakers for amplifying Upright Bass? I'm looking at a Barefaced Big Twin to pair with my GK 1001? Yup! its a loud band scenario and i'm just wondering if i should be going down this expensive road.....Any thoughts
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