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Everything posted by Alun

  1. I got mine from emailing the companies asking if they did any deals for lesser known players, explaining why I wanted to work with that company ( I've only gone for companies I already use, and would almost definitely use even without endorsement), and giving a CV ( people I've played with, upcoming plans, etc) I'm lucky enough to now be endorsed by Elixir and Markbass Funnily, the only time a company has come to me is the one time not much has come of it as of yet Cheers and good luck, Alun
  2. [quote name='Platypus' post='362922' date='Dec 24 2008, 04:12 PM']Al, you forgot 'Kicks Ass' [/quote] You also forgot to use the word "pwn" Although my favourite Americanisms are thing like "Vic Wooten totally owns a bass" - well, yeah he's a bassist Good old language barrier Cheers Alun
  3. I am a member but don't use it a lot TBH. There is some great stuff over there but you do need to rummage a bit - like the TK Maxx of the bass forum world Cheers Alun
  4. As the old joke goes... Bandleader: Play with more dynamics Guitarist: I'm playing as loud as I can Anyway, Victor Wooten's new DVD Groove Workshop has some great stuff on dynamics, phrasing, etc. It's a lot to take in ( 5+ hours worth!) but has some great practical advice, not just the usual instructional "look how noodly I am" DVD content Cheers Alun
  5. Thanks Clauster - hope you enjoy Cheers Alun
  6. A cheeky "very nearly Christmas" bump Thank you everyone has bought it so far! Cheers Alun
  7. [quote name='Jase' post='358232' date='Dec 18 2008, 08:17 PM']This is just hilarious sorry, no offence intended. [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=qhJ1UKeJxNc&feature=channel"]Rob Halford[/url][/quote] It's a Dalek!
  8. Yes he could Feel free to PM me if I can help. Cheers Alun
  9. Alun

    Silent Night

    Thanks for listening Jase, glad you enjoyed Cheers Alun
  10. Thanks, glad you like it Cheers Alun
  11. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TOBIAS-FRETLESS-SIX-STRING-BASS_W0QQitemZ260331781223QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item260331781223&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1301|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318"]"PREFRETTED PROFESSIONALY"[/url]
  12. Alun

    Silent Night

    Hello. If anyone is feeling festive, I've uploaded a short solo arrangement of Silent Night to my[url="http://www.reverbnation.com/alunvaughan"] Reverbnation page[/url]. If for any reason you can't download it, it's also [url="http://www.bassbook.co.uk/Silentnight.mp3"]here[/url]. Cheers Alun
  13. A couple of demos for the curious [url="http://www.bassbook.co.uk/Silentnight.mp3"]http://www.bassbook.co.uk/Silentnight.mp3[/url] [url="http://www.bassbook.co.uk/Joytotheworld.mp3"]http://www.bassbook.co.uk/Joytotheworld.mp3[/url] Cheers Alun
  14. 8 for me... Cort Curbow 6 string - main gigging and recording bass Washburn MB6 defretted 6 string - main fretless Squier VM Jazz - main 4 string for gigging Aria MAG10 fretless - recording Alden violin bass - recording Aria SLB 2 - my first ever bass, not really used plus NS Wav EUB DeArmond Ashbory ( so 7 1/2 really )
  15. I found the single pedal too restrictive but I'm clumsy and impatient I believe Urb is using one so hopefully he'll be able to advise further. Cheers Alun
  16. It was the first time I'd played there but everyone kept going on about it having gone downhill so was a little nervous. I liked it - decent stage, great sound and I really liked the room. From the stage: and the stage: Only downside was that a lot of lighting rig was out, according to our lighting guy, 15 out of 60 were working. Still enough to make a decent show though. Cheers Alun
  17. A birthday party in a veeery posh converted barn just outside Abergavenny playing Latin and gypsy music on my Wav electric upright with two guitarists and a violinist. Lots of fun, but my left shoulder was aching like hell as I haven't played upright for a while. Previous night was a hot sweaty blues gig in Swansea, and the night before that was a brilliant gig in the Limelight, Crewe with [url="http://www.panicroom.org.uk"]Panic Room[/url]. All in all, a pretty good week's gigging Cheers Alun
  18. Hi all, and thank you:) All orders are sending as I type. Unfortunately I'm still doing things the old fashioned way, so apologies for the delay Cheers Alun
  19. A cheeky "less than 20 days to Christmas" bump Thank you everyone who's bought one so far Cheers Alun
  20. [quote name='OldGit' post='346923' date='Dec 6 2008, 12:15 AM']When I used to play Rotosounds I played them 'til the twang declined below my personal twang threshold, then boiled them gently in vinegar solution, then stuck them back on ... Repeat 'til the strings died totally or broke... The Elixirs I use now I keep on 'til the hairy bits that come out when I use a pick get too much or the twang goes (usually about 2 years/60 gigs).[/quote] I've gone from Rotos to Elixirs too - Rotosounds would get too dead for me after about a month ( usually6-8 gigs at the time, all sweaty ). Elixirs tend to last me about 6 months. Even after they go hairy, they still tend to sound OK. If anything, the tension seems to go a bit first, making them feel too floppy - weird! Cheers Alun PS I should probably mention I am an Elixir endorsee, but would use them even if I wasn't , so there
  21. It's root, 5th and octave - so in B it would usually be notated as a B5. It's the classic "powerchord" and neither major or minor due to the lack of a third. It's a great way to add some movement to a bassline without cluttering the harmony too much and sounding too busy. James Jamerson used these kind of ideas a lot in the Motown stuff. Cheers Alun
  22. I'm personally not a fan of ramps - don't dislike them as sych, just never managed to find them beneficial. I do think that a range of ramps tailored to specific basses would sell though as they do seem popular, especially on Talkbass as mentioned earlier in this thread. Cheers Alun
  23. [quote name='chris_b' post='346561' date='Dec 5 2008, 03:58 PM']Just looked at the link....what the hell are [i]hemidemisemiquavers[/i]![/quote] Tiny lickle notes :-) 16 notes to a quarter note.
  24. Alun

    EHX Micro POG

    Tracking is fantastic - I've had one for about a year and find the octave up and down both track well and sound great. The upper octave can be a little tinny in isolation but mixed in with your straight tone it gives a superb 8 string sound The octave down tracks low Es really well and may go lower but neither my ears or speakers go that low Cheers Alun
  25. Hello from Swansea Where in South Wales are you?
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