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Everything posted by Alun

  1. I have a £20 Hudson one which works pretty well. It does occasionally have trouble recognising lower notes but plucking by the bridge and/or using 12th fret harmonics soon cures that. I use it for fretless practice too - very useful as a reference. Cheers Alun
  2. [quote name='bigjohn' post='321444' date='Nov 3 2008, 11:34 PM']So in the studio he always played the same?[/quote] Ha ha, it wasn't one of my most intelligent sentences!
  3. I would say yes as he did seem to improvise a lot, especially live. I believe Stuart Clayton has been studying his style in order to write a book on the Ox ( [url="http://www.basslinepublishing.com"]http://www.basslinepublishing.com[/url] )so hopefully he can give a more educated answer Cheers alun
  4. [quote name='Mike' post='320757' date='Nov 3 2008, 10:48 AM']Let me confirm, fantastic! Very useful. Thanks again![/quote] Thanks Mike, glad they're of use Cheers Alun
  5. [quote name='The Funk' post='319144' date='Oct 31 2008, 03:53 PM']I'm not sure if Sibelius has any kind of scan feature to do something like this. That'd be the first place I'd check.[/quote] Yes it has indeed - Photoscore. Have only used it once but it seemed ok. Cheers Alun
  6. Not a Warwick but two of the washers have gone on my Cort Curbow recently No real effect on the bass, just odd. Cheers Alun
  7. Hello. Just to let anyone in the Worcester area tomorrow night that I'll be playing at the [url="http://www.marrsbar.co.uk/"]Marrs Bar[/url] with [url="http://www.panicroom.org.uk"]Panic Room[/url]. If any Basschatters are coming along, please say hi Cheers Alun
  8. Hi all. I've put a couple of old-ish walking bass lessons up for free download on [url="http://www.bassbook.co.uk"]www.bassbook.co.uk[/url]. The first one covers basic blues changes, then rhythm changes, and the third part covers rhythmic varieties. More will be coming soon ( these are in notation only but future ones will also have tab). Cheers Alun
  9. [quote name='bigd1' post='317515' date='Oct 29 2008, 01:13 PM']It's my wedding anniversary on the 9th November......... a good way to celibate 23yrs of happiness. BIGd[/quote] Ah, the power of the Freudian spelling error
  10. Probably not, it's more of a concert with trade stands than a bassbash. Cheers Alun
  11. Elixir B strings come in taperwound ( designated by TW after the gauge, eg .130TW ). Cheers Alun
  12. Two very different gigs Friday and Saturday - Friday was with[url="http://www.panicroom.org.uk"] Panic Room[/url] in the Little Civic, Wolverhampton. Lovely venue although the narrow but deep stage meant I was wedged between the back of the guitarist's 4x12 and the side of the drum monitor - low end boominess galore! A great gig though despite me being ill and our drummer's MP3 player being nicked from backstage Last night was a wedding near Bridgend - usual function type gig really although made funnier by the singer who introduced himself to the band as a "vocal entertainer" ( never a good sign!) and played some wonderfully timeless tambourine.
  13. [quote name='cheddatom' post='291666' date='Sep 25 2008, 11:56 AM']Is there a bar? Is it £1/pint?[/quote] There was a bar next to the cafe last year ( on your left as you go in) but I have a feeling it might have closed early ( that might have been a dream though!). I'll be there as usual, wandering about looking lost Cheers Alun
  14. Alun

    A 'simple' setup

    [quote name='karlbbb' post='307319' date='Oct 15 2008, 07:33 PM']At the risk of looking like I'm trying to steal someones sound, perhaps a tone similar to this video: [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ANlkDwF3P-o&feature=related"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ANlkDwF3P-o&...feature=related[/url] Just a nice round tone and not too bassy.[/quote] To be honest that's just how VMJs sound - no pedals required. But if you must have some, compressor and EQ should allow you to dial in what you need with any amp. I would make sure you've totally exhausted the possibilities of the Zoom before swapping over though, there's a lot of usable stuff in there. Cheers Alun
  15. There's a good head to head review of the Boss and the new "do everything" Line 6 board in this month's Bass Guitar Magazine ( Rob Trujilo, or however you spell it!, on the cover). Cheers Alun
  16. Used to be able to get a gig bagged bass width ways in my 306, so was really p-ed off to find out I couldn't do it in my Golf SE. At the moment I've got a VW Jetta while my Golf is in for repairs and it has a cavernous boot. Cheers Alun
  17. Firstly, apologies to Garry for taking so long to write this review I've listened to this album quite a bit and, like all good big band albums, the more you listen the more you discover in the layers of music. Credit must go to Garry for a great mix which allows everything to be heard clearly and works equally well on an MP3 player as it does on a full stereo. so, what's the music like? It's quite a "modern" sounding big band which blends a strong funky rhythm section, including the incredible Kevin Glasgow on bass, with great horn arrangements and occasional sampling and processing which bring to mind some of Polar Bear's work (especially the freer sections and the big reverb chamber effects on the sax stabs in Head In The Sand). In places the grooves and arrangements reminded me of US bandleader Ed Palermo, especially his reworkings of Frank Zappa's music for big band. There are a lot of highlights on the album - for bassists, the main one may well be Kevin Glasgow's incredible solo on the opening track where he moves from Pat Metheny like melodicism to his trademark tapping fireworks. Credit must also go to guitarist Ant Law for managing to blend David Gilmour and George Benson in his Digital Combustion solo. Stylistically the band move from Zappa-esque reggae on Ninja Squid, through Django Bates territory on Head In The Sand (which also features an atonal guitar intro reminiscent of Steve Vai's There's Something Dead In Here) to the more conventiional Kenny Wheeler/Steve Waterman esque Deadline. The only negative point really is that the live recording does mean that occasionally the trumpet section's tuning is a little off (in fairness, not uncommon in big bands), although rhythmically they're spot on. I would imagine this band would be incredible live and look forward to seeing them soon! Cheers Alun PS Don't forget to listen on past the end of the last track for a little extra
  18. Interesting stuff. I guess I'm just lazy and would like a tweakable nut rather han replacing a worn one So, any ideas on fitting one to a non Warwick? Cheers Alun
  19. Lovely bass Cheers Alun
  20. Hi all. Just looking at the Just A Nut over at the Warwick online shop and wondering if anyone has ever tried one on another bass? Cheers Alun
  21. Thanks everyone [quote name='Jase' post='292342' date='Sep 26 2008, 12:19 AM']Sounds like a nasty injury your guitar player had....what happened?[/quote] Luckily it turned out just to be a strained muscle but at the time he couldn't grip the neck or use his first 2 fingers so it was a tad worrying. Mad really as he warms up more than anyone in the band
  22. Saw him ( and was lucky enough to play a brief opening set for him) last night in Blackwood and he was incredible. A great comedian and showperson as well as player and singer Cheers Alun
  23. I've just posted a clip on YouTube from last Sunday's [url="http://www.panicroom.org.uk"]Panic Room[/url] gig at the Point in Cardiff. Our guitarist strained a muscle in his fretting hand mid-gig so this was my attempt at covering the guitar solo sized gap in one of the songs [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igDigx5J_e0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igDigx5J_e0[/url] Cheers Alun
  24. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='290166' date='Sep 23 2008, 05:50 PM']Are there gonna be girls there?[/quote] Doubt it - it's solo bass
  25. Time for a bump as the gigs start this week The Blackwood gig on Friday will also feature a clinic at about 6.30 ( included in the ticket price) Cheers Alun
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