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About Samlowe

  • Birthday 07/04/1987

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Newbie (1/14)


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  1. Evening all. So I'm a moon lighting guitarist with a marshal 1960a 4x12. At practise tonight I noticed a smell coming from my cab, after removing the rear plate and being greeted by a puff of smoke, it was obvious something had been getting very hot on the 16ohm input (which I was using) So hot there is a visably chared area and melted plastic. All was setup correctly, impedance mono input ect Any suggestion what may have caused this? I'm suspecting faulty speaker lead? Also any ideas where I can get a replacement? Thanks! SL
  2. Ok, so I have two broken bass muff pedals and I need your opinions on whether or not there're worth fixing or just biting the bullet and replacing them. Pedal 1 has a faulty on/off switch. No click at all. Pedal 2 has a faulty 3 way toggle switch. Seems stuck in norm mode. Any ideas? Thank you!
  3. Brave enough yes, skilled enough no! Thank you very much for the offer! I'll pm you to chat more.
  4. So I got to the point of setting up for last nights gig and i discover the on on/off switch to my bass muff is no longer functioning... no noticeable click just an unresistant push in and out. So no pedal function either! (luckily another bassist had the same pedal to lend!) Any suggestions? Is it a cheap fix? Or shall i just pick another one up 2nd hand? Just to add this is all ready the second one I've owned due to the toggle switch breaking on my first version! Thanks.
  5. Thanks for the replies guys... Have to keep a look out for a well priced Kelly perhaps
  6. I'm trying to work out what amps these are. The band are called the endless blockade. Sorry about the poor quality of the pic, it's taken from a video screenshot . Thanks! [IMG]http://i1304.photobucket.com/albums/s529/twoslowe/0D08F946-7113-46B8-94DB-06AE71DB38CB-995-0000014C659842F2_zps2760aa5c.jpg[/IMG]
  7. Poss. interested in the amp. PM me a price if you're interested in splitting. Ta
  8. I have recently been playing with my cab set up and have come across a two cab configuration i'm really happy with sound wise. But here is the problem, the first cab is a marshall DBS 2x15 rated 600w at 4 ohm and the other a marshall 4x12 guitar cab, 140w at 8 ohm. The amp is a marshall JCM 800 bass series. ( completely unintended marshall worship! ) The over all resistance of the cabs is 2.66 ohm if my maths is correct but my head will only switch to 4 ohm minimum. Having done a little research prior to hooking everything up I have come to the conclusion that with all valve amps (pre and power) as long as i don't go below 2 ohm this shouldn't cause any major issues other than valves running hotter than usual and needing replacing sooner... which i can live with. What do you think? Cheers.
  9. Ok, I haven't had a chance to use this properly yet but having sourced a hair dryer I can say the fan works then internal components are heated. I'll still try and get it hooked up to a cab soon but any ideas in the mean time? Cheers.
  10. I often use a JCM 800 bass series through a 4x12 guitar cab for guitar and it sounds great. I think it really depends on the amp and cab in question. It does seem that a lot of older valve amps seem to bridge the gap quite well though.
  11. Unfortunately I don't have a suitable bench supply or a hair dryer to hand! It will have to wait till it's hooked up with a cab next week. I have a funny feeling the fan may well be what's causing the issue...
  12. Ok, yeah i think that makes sence... I'll have play next week sometime and be on the look out for a dodgy fan! Thanks again!
  13. While I have the amp here with the cover off, is there any way of testing the fan? Cheers.
  14. It's been so long since i've had it hooked up to a cab i can't remember if the fan cuts in or not, I'll check it out next time I'm in our room with cabs. I'm sure the cab isn't the issue though because it's the same one i'm using now with out any issues. The thermal cut out is definitely something I haven't considered so will be on the look out for when I use it next. Yeah, a mechanical kick is kind of how i would describe it. The kick gets amplified through the speaker also. Thanks for advice icastle! I'll report back next week sometime...
  15. When it is in the process of cutting out I get the feeling it's some sort of digital cut out. It starts to cut in and out at a slow pace and quickly speeds up. Thuis happnens within the space of around 10sec. If i were to leave the amp on it would keep cutting in and out a a very quick rate. It seems to me like some sort of protection device is cutting in?
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