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Silvia Bluejay

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Everything posted by Silvia Bluejay

  1. Minimum size fo an adult, even a tiny one like me, has to be 3/4. Otherwise get a different-shaped, and less deep, DB - Eminence, Kolstein Busetto - or an electric upright. I would steer well clear of anything smaller than 3/4 for an adult.
  2. If I had the space for a proper DB that's native lefty and 5 string I'd jump to it! Yes, at some point you may have to source a replacement 5-string set, which are probably rare as hen's teeth, but everything else, in terms of effort needed to learn, will just be the same as learning a 4-string DB.But better! @Owen has a (righty) 5-string DB, he will have experience to share. 👍
  3. We all have choices.
  4. Lefty DBs are very rare indeed. If you can find a "native" one to buy, as you say perhaps at Thomann, I would go that route. Converting a proper acoustic double bass - as opposed to an electric upright - from righty to lefty is very complicated. Besides the obvious - installing a new, symmetrical nut and bridge - you have to literally open up the DB and move the bass bar from one side to the other; the bass bar has to be under the E string. You also have to make sure to reposition the sound post on the opposite side from where it is on a righty (that will depend on the size and length of the bass bar). You will probably also need a new fingerboard, and have it reshaped for a lefty player. Proper DB fingerboards are not symmetrical. The machine heads in the scroll of an originally righty bass may also be in the wrong positions for easy re-stringing as lefty. All the above would need a lot of work by a good luthier. While I know of lefty players who only did the nut and bridge replacement and got on with it on a right DB, I would prefer to buy a new, properly left-handed double bass rather than mess around.
  5. I'm finding that I can't like or react to any posts. I just tried to like yours and I got this. Ha! But then the like did appear! Fun and games.
  6. So I imagine this glitch happening now on all our browsers, Windows and Android is related to the move? It's at the very top of the page and stops us from logging out and sending messages, and stops mods from seeing the CP.
  7. It's actually Q2n 4Ks, but Jack isn't good with numbers...
  8. Only place where the sound engineer does not get asked about the magic on her tablet (yes I know) - instead she gets propositioned by drunks. The fights could be spectacular (we were often trapped onstage while all hell was breaking loose in front of it), but the load in and out via a badly maintained steep little staircase with a narrow door were even worse.
  9. When we don't have a stage or a barrier provided by the pub, we combine two uses and place some of these (this is just an example, we have slightly beefier models) at the front of the stage, with our leads inside. They have proved surprisingly effective. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Protector-Channels-Fastening-Organizer-Flexible-Warehouse-Black/dp/B09NVHKP87/ Whenever we play a new pub or place without a dedicated stage with our rock 'n' roll band, we tend to pack as little equipment as possible and bring the Kolstein Busetto as opposed to a full size double bass, so @Happy Jack doesn't have to place it on the floor - it has its own stand that can be positioned at the back of the stage.
  10. At least if that guy is a mime he won't be yelling at his bandmates! He might be gesturing very aggressively to them, I guess...
  11. Lol paging @Happy Jack!!
  12. I have dug out the scan of my article about Basschat's collective interview. I could obviously have written dozens of pages, but I had a strict word count to adhere to. Herbie Flowers interview BGM 139 Feb 2017.pdf
  13. This is the blog about the South East Bass Bash 2016, where we had Herbie as a guest, and we even interviewed him for Bass Guitar Magazine. SEBB 2016 by Silvia Bluejay When I have a moment I'll try to find the published article and possibly also publish the audio of our interview. RIP Herbie, you are one of a kind. 💗
  14. Good post. I imagine a woman in @police squad's situation might feel slightly more pressured than a man into trying to improve her appearance. However, note my use of "feel" - it would, I think, be mostly in her mind. Most women of my generation (and PS's) have been raised - by society if not necessarily by their family - with the idea that you should always try to look your best in order to progress your career or generally be taken more seriously in anything you do. The entertainment business is the same, only more so! So we would already be making a huge effort in a case like this. If you want the gig badly enough, I don't think there's anything wrong at all in using "tweakments" (technical term, people! Look it up...). As someone suggests in a previous post, musicians have stage clothes and accessories, choose the right bass/guitar/drumkit for the look, etc. and improving your appearance (in the gym, at the stylist's, at the cosmetic clinic) falls under that same category. However, as that previous post adds, it's keeping up the appearance that may trap you in. Will you have to do botox and dye your hair from now on in order to stay in the band? What happens if you don't? Would it be like meeting someone on a dating app and discovering they put a 20-year-old photo of themselves on their profile? Will the band have fallen in love with you in the meantime and accept you as you are?
  15. The Dynamites drummer, however, can tell a seagull from a swift and he's the one who'll be seeing the bass in action.
  16. There's also a - currently rather mangled - blue basses photo thread here. Pity the various forum updates screwed up a large number of the photos.
  17. God that was hilarious... It's always worth recording the entire gig so we can extract gems like these at times!
  18. ... Yes, tucked away in a corner out of shot! Those obviously do not include my own four uprights. 🤷‍♂️💗
  19. All J and P necks are fundamentally out of proportion, in that they all have a headstock that looks too big for the length of the neck. There is no getting away from it, that's the Fender style. In this build I prefer the J neck - the black block markers are perfectly matched to the pickup. 👍
  20. OK, I am in fact married to Jason Newsted and only now do I realise....
  21. You are correct about cheapos not being in any way capable of having the vinyl replaced. In fact, they are so bad nowadays that all models except the very luxury ones don't even have the adhesive strip/thin metal bar at the top edge to stop them sliding out of the banner's top bar (which is simply a clamp), so they have to be 'tucked in' periodically. Horrible things - but each one we have had so far has served us fine for dozens, and in some cases hundreds, of gigs. As for the vinyl not being completely straight or smooth, that happens at times - less often if you perform the abovementioned 'tucking in' regularly - on certain types of vinyl more often than on others. However, I have never had the impression that anybody, let alone the punters, noticed it. All most people can see is a name, a logo and a motto/description. Very little else appears to matter. We have had questions about the origin of our logos, we have had people reding the description and commenting, but so far nobody's asked us why the banner was curling at a corner or something like that. We are not Pink Floyd....
  22. Jumping into this conversation while on the train to Gatwick! What we have for our bands are roller banners - the type that are contained in an aluminium box, spring-loaded, and supported, once unrolled, by a foldable pole. We have so far gone for cheap or even the cheapest, because we are thinking about improvements to the layout all the time and we like to be able to update the banner's design - none of our banners look exactly the same as the previous. I don't think they look corporate at all. They are small, lightweight and extremely useful for band identification. All those people filming snippets on their phones or taking pictures will have a reminder of the band's name long after the hangover has gone... Incidentally, for those of us who use modern, civilised measurements, the size we go for is 200cm by 85cm.
  23. I should probably invest in one of these. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bewinner-Underwater-Waterproof-Universal-Protective-Black/dp/B07YDPGDPK/ PS thankfully, the DSLR survived the ordeal in this case. 💗
  24. Far easier and less controversial to de-retire and re-join the job market... Er, no to all. 👍
  25. Thanks @TimR. I've moved it, but I had to think about it for a while - it has a more general scope than "PA set up and use". However, I've left a link to this thread in GD as well. 👍
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