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Silvia Bluejay

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Everything posted by Silvia Bluejay

  1. I will almost certainly be out of the country on that date. Edit - in fact, I think mid-July to end of August would equal shooting the bash in the foot, as many people will be on holiday. A date in June would be far preferable.
  2. Could probably do, let me check a few things and I'll PM you.
  3. Never had any problem with missing details when buying from Thomann...
  4. Sean, if you post this on FB I can share - I have several West London musos in my friends list. Incidentally, next weekend is Easter, and I won't be at home, otherwise I would have been happy to help al least with camera work.
  5. Second gig for the band in this large, friendly pub near Twickenham. Come along if you're in the area
  6. By the way, the guys have put up a survey page to get your bouquets or brickbats, and hear your advice for next year: [url="http://www.londonbassguitarshow.com/uncategorized/london-bass-guitar-show-2015-survey/"]http://www.londonbassguitarshow.com/uncategorized/london-bass-guitar-show-2015-survey/[/url]
  7. No avatars in my search results - it probably only works if you're constantly logged into Google Plus (which I'm not), so that the results take advantage of the temporary cache on your computer. You are probably seeing avatars of people you have interacted with here on BC in the last few days/weeks/months.
  8. I'm sorely disappointed that I only appear in the results with one of my worst ever photos of myself. On the other hand, there's one nice photo of Laurence Cottle at the Herts bash which comes from one of my blogs, and three pics of our gorgeous Ped modelling BC polos
  9. Tweeted to Basschat followers. Good luck in recovering it, can't be of much use to the majority of bass players.
  10. Thanks for that - I'm tweeting your blog to Basschat's followers as we speak
  11. You can also offer them in the Recycling forum on here, asking for postage only.
  12. Anyone know if this is still going on? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/210389-we-need-strings-charity/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/210389-we-need-strings-charity/[/url]
  13. Has anyone recommended Bell Percussion Studios in Acton yet? Excellent, very new facilities. http://www.bellperc.com/studios (I'm not connected in any way except as a neighbour; I was invited purely by chance to their opening party a couple of months ago and saw the rooms and the equipment with my own eyes and camera.)
  14. Thanks again! Next time, guys, just stop me in my tracks and SAY HI!
  15. Thank you all once again - it's you guys that make all this a joy to do
  16. Thank you guys! Next time I want to meet up with you all properly, as opposed to taking photos of your back etc.!
  17. Facebook event finally created! (apologies for the delay.) [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/1428479034113100/"]https://www.facebook.com/events/1428479034113100/[/url]
  18. Thanks guys! Yes, it was a lot of work, what with selecting, photoshopping, uploading to flickr, writing the text, finding the website address for each exhibitor, and linking each photo one by one. But I love doing this
  19. Welcome back, Paul! Hope you've chosen a memorable password - we don't want to lose you
  20. Oh, damn, Bob - see what I mean? Some names I learned during that weekend are a blur to my mind! Apologies - name removed. The gentleman in that pic is kindly invited to come forward!
  21. Thanks Timmo. I'm still editing the text all the time, so you guys feel free to suggest improvements or point out errors and omissions, as always.
  22. Right, I made it! That Blog - at last! [url="http://wp.me/p2ZbyY-s8"]http://wp.me/p2ZbyY-s8[/url] A warning: it's absolutely huge! Edited because the url it initially gave me was too generic.
  23. Triumphant return to the Halfway House in Barnes last night [url="https://flic.kr/s/aHsk9jYRb6"]https://flic.kr/s/aHsk9jYRb6[/url]
  24. Post photos, guys, please, and I'll tweet the thread to our followers!
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