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Silvia Bluejay

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Everything posted by Silvia Bluejay

  1. Fender flats are just about the horridest flats I've ever tried - stiff as a steel rod. Only good for the bin. Before taking a file to the nut, try with the makes of flats recommended by the previous posters.
  2. I've flagged this to the mods/admins. I'm not sure if it's possible to move an ad or if it needs to be re-posted from scratch in the correct section. Hopefully help will soon be on its way. Lovely looking bass, by the way. I've got an NXT 5 (lefty version) in that colour and style. Cool stuff.
  3. The Dogs are back in Walton tomorrow night. 8:30pm, free entry. Come say hi if you're in the area! (The Grove is a newly-refurbished pub at 68-70 Terrace Road.)
  4. I'd try emailing the guys at Bass Gear - they sell Warwicks, they should know.
  5. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1447771818' post='2910187'] I suspect you have no input on photo or editorial matters at BGM other than your esteemed column(?), but the fact it is not on the cover but within, prevents it being censored by the likes of WH Smith, but does not alter it being a fairly offensive image, irrespective of the timing IMHO. As I have said already, as the actual interview itself was fairly non controversial (unless you are Bradley Wiggins), one wonders if TC sought a way to make it stand out a bit. I am not familiar with his body of work however, and it may be that Steinbergers and Stens are indeed central to his music...... [/quote] The putting together of the magazine is out of my hands. I'm not a fan of RATM or the other bands Tim is linked to. I scarcely even noticed that photo when I looked at the mag, not because it may or may not be shocking to someone, but because, personally, I grew up with Kerrang! Magazine covers depicting Alice Cooper dripping with (fake) blood, Blackie Lawless of WASP wielding a blood-covered chainsaw and laughing madly, Ozzy Osbourne biting bats... I listened to Slayer's lyrics to just about any of their songs, saw pics of Gwar's stage look, and I took very litte of that seriously. If I had to start being offended by heavy rock/metal etc., I would denounce in equally shocked terms the use of near-naked, writhing, submissive dumb blondes by Motley Crue and their ilk in their videos and photoshoots. But, when they were all the rage, I didn't take them seriously either.
  6. Once again, the photo in question is [b]NOT[/b] on the cover of the magazine.
  7. Yup, the bridge on an NXT can be raised or lowered through a couple of screws which are accessible from the back plate (without the need to detach the latter). I don't think the bridge is designed to allow the action to be as high as on some DBs I've seen, however - the NXT upright clearly prefers to think of itself as an oversized, highly stylish fretless electric.
  8. Aren't cellos' open strings tuned differently from the double bass' fourths?
  9. There are EUBs which intentionally resemble a much thinner, non-hollow double bass, complete with extending fingerboard, scroll, endpiece etc., and those are the ones I find easier to play with the double-bass plucking style. On those EUBs the bridge height is usually adjustable, so you can have high action for slapping and low action for easy fingering. KK Baby Basses have a special key-operated mechanism that allows instant switching between the two action settings, through a controlled movement of the neck. Other EUBs are intentionally modern in look and feel, and don't resemble a double bass at all - for instance the NS Design uprights. They usually have either dots on the side or marks on the fingerboard for correct intonation. Both kinds of EUBs should be plucked with the double-bass plucking style, for the sake of your arm and wrist. Both kinds can be bowed without problems too. (I have one upright of each type, and the NS is actually a 5-stringer.) Their sound, though, is usually much closer to that of a fretless electric than to that of a real DB. Nothing can sound like a real DB, except another real DB, but of course EUBs are much easier to carry, don't feed back, etc. etc.
  10. If the ad in question is the one for a left-handed bass in the corresponding section of the marketplace, the potential seller tried to evade the fee, and was deleted as per Doug's description, at least 7 times before giving up. some people take a while to get certain messages...
  11. I'm sure you will be fine! The middy sound typical of Warwicks is modern as opposed to traditional, and allows the bass to cut through. Keep us posted about your new toy
  12. I'm tweeting this thread in the meantime. Will retweet when we have further details. Hope you recover the gear.
  13. I've got two Korean Pros, but I haven't tried the German ones yet, so my experience below may not be relevant to your question. There may be an element of truth in the idea that LH instruments can be a bit more hit-and-miss in the quality department then their corresponding RH models. My first Korean Pro (a fretted Corvette 5), bought brand new, arrived with a wiring problem of some sort that made it totally mute, plus a loose strap button. Its replacement is absolutely fine in all respects, but I still had to replace the strap button screw with a bigger one (that problem might have been caused by mishandling during packing or transport). The second Korean Pro, the fretless version of the above, again brand new, arrived with a terrible mess in the assembling of the bridge. It played fine as it was, but I'm OCD, so I fixed the mess while I was replacing the strings [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/255630-fixing-a-dodgy-bridge-on-a-2010-korean-warwick-corvette-pro"]http://basschat.co.u...ck-corvette-pro[/url]). In both cases, a slight buzz can be heard from the electronics when I'm near a TV or a PC monitor (both flat), but to be fair, it's only noticeable because I like to scoop the mids up in the EQ - with the EQ flat or in the smile configuration, the buzz is not audible. While I think the above quality problems may well have been a factor in Warwick's canning of its Korea manufacturing plant, perhaps left-handed instruments are also treated with less care at the factory. I also would be curious to hear other people's experiences.
  14. You're not a fly-by-nighter SIC - you've got over a hundred posts to your name, so you're a BCer like us. The ones Norris was alluding to are the 0-posters who only come to the Marketplace and not to the community. That's not forbidden, or even frowned upon, but it certainly doesn't inspire as much confidence as dealing with a known BCer, when it comes to parting with a substantial amount of cash. Regarding uploading a profile photo, I don't remember having trouble for mine, but bear in mind that the system can be particular about formats, file sizes and image shapes. Trial and error - as well as a lot of patience - should eventually do the trick.
  15. Another blue moon bump - now that Wals seem to have been the talk of the forum until recently. Grab available lefties while you can, as the waiting time for new basses seems to get longer and longer.
  16. LOL I remember Tina Weymouth of Talking Heads playing one of those, around the Psycho Killer era. Must say it looks good on litlle tiny girlie bassists like us, it makes us seem positively statuesque!
  17. My first thought was that it looks soo 80s! Perhaps intentionally...
  18. This month we have Tim Commerford of RATM on the cover, plus lots more inside, and John East, Jon Shuker, the usual Basschat column, and my interview with Julie Slick of Adrian Belew Trio (and several other excellent projects).
  19. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1447336900' post='2906819'] If they haven't bothered to post a profile picture and/or post count is zero, I close the ad immediately. There is a certain amount of trust extended to regular BC members but none at all to these fly-by-nights [/quote] This. Also, we forum mods do chase those sellers who delete their ads; I have occasionally re-instated the info in the topic title after locking the thread, when the OP hadn't deleted the contents of the actual ad. On all other occasions, we PM them. Persistent offenders should be aware that their behaviour rapidly loses them the trust of fellow Basschatters in the Marketplace.
  20. This photos/GAS/showoff thread isn't the right place for a discussion about slapping. But if the last couple of posts do anything to discourage beginners from slapping and instead inspire them to learn how to play bass properly, then the thread will have been doubly useful.
  21. Forgot to answer your question about playing style - usually fingerstyle, occasionally picked, NO slapping, EVER.
  22. They are D’Addario Nylon Tapewound ETB92 Medium Gauge, and I like them a lot, although I still prefer Chromes. I just thought the Tapewounds would look really good with the black hardware
  23. Since I ended up posting some pics of my Bass Collection in the non-lefty section of this subforum, I may as well repost them here too
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