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Everything posted by Davemarks

  1. Time to send my Musicman 5 on to a new home... This beautiful 5 string sounds like a classic stingray (think Tony levin / Bernard Edwards / Flea / Timmy C). It looks and sounds fantastic and is a workhorse bass, with a lovely feel when playing. The low B sounds deep and full, and it has a 6-bolt neck plate and a 3-way lever selector for the active Musicman humbucker with Alnico pole pieces. Available for pickup, or, if reasonable, I can drive out to meet you somewhere. Flight case included. Serial #: E64898 Manufactured: January 30th, 2008 Build Code: 150-76-11-05-CS-CR Model: StingRay5 H Color: Pacific Blue Burst Neck: Maple Neck Maple Fretboard Matching Headstock Hardware: Chrome
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  2. Good point, well raised. :-) I've shot the first 8 / 9 videos in one set, so that gets us through the first 2 months, but after that, I'll mention the note names. Initially, i didn't want to scare off people who don't know their fretboard too well..... y'know - lull them into a false sense of security and then BAM - hit them with note names for a lick in F# Major :-))) Dm
  3. Hey guys and girls, My second lick of the week is on the blog. This one's a smooth, melodic fill that works great over a minor chord. http://blog.basschat.co.uk/dave-marks-lick-of-the-week-02/ Also, I've just spotted a rather fabulous video on Youtube in which Patryk Sznajdrowicz creates a sweet funk groove and then works in Lick of the Week #1! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnYZGjcv1a0 Great to hear someone incorporating this lick into their playing - I'd love to see more videos! Also, if any of you have any requests for the 'type' of licks you'd like to see (style, key, technique etc) comment on my blog posts - I'm all ears.... :-) Dave
  4. Wanna play Dubstep on the bass guitar? Check out the new playlist on my Youtube Channel: Christopher Hargreaves chats and plays, revealing many of the secrets to his approach in this incredible masterclass. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL87A0AC1D66584A34
  5. Hi guys, I'm just 700 views away from breaking through the 4 million point! I'm gonna smash through it today, so here's a clip of D Tr3o bringing some New Orleans funk to the standard 'Freedon Jazz Dance': http://youtu.be/Xkp5Qmwc2GM Hope you enjoy it , Dave
  6. It's Friday and therefore time for a new clip from D Tr3o (featuring special guest @martin shaw on trumpet), Darby Todd on drums, @John Wheatcroft on Gtr and yours truly on bass. This one's a nice slow tempo minor Blues with a hip hop groove. Check it! http://youtu.be/aBT24m2_euA
  7. Thanks for all the kind words guys - It's an absolute joy to play with a drummer like Darby. He's world class, for real. One of the most underrated drummers there is.... I'll get more clips up soon :-)
  8. Hi Guys, I've started posting videos on youtube from my recent gigs. The first one is the Billy Cobham tune 'Red Baron' given a thorough funking :-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdzMkW01U98
  9. Assembled for the first time ever, this power trio will be delivering funk, fusion and some serious improvisation. Hot playing and great grooves are guaranteed. Doors at 7:30, we kick off at 8pm. Admission is free and the Surgeon General of the USA recommends that you should go. The gig is at: The Kings Head, 214 High Street Acton, W39NX Here's a few clips if you wanna see these chaps play [b] [media]http://youtu.be/LBICTnFS6Fk[/media][/b]
  10. Hi everyone, mp3s for my latest column on melodic bass playing are online and they're free to download for one month only! http://davebasslessons.com/latest-free-ba…ic-bass-part-3/ Hope you enjoy them... Dave
  11. Hi guys and girls - New bass guitar magazine playalong tracks (part 2 of my series) are up on my site. Free to download for one month only! [url="http://davebasslessons.com/lessons/melodic-bass-playing/melodic-bass-playing-01/"]http://davebasslessons.com/lessons/melodic...ass-playing-01/[/url] DM
  12. Free backing tracks for my new Bass Guitar Magazine column are online! Develop your melodic basslines by grabbing the download at [url="http://tinyurl.com/3f73q4v"]http://tinyurl.com/3f73q4v[/url]
  13. Free backing tracks for my new Bass Guitar Magazine column are online! Develop your melodic basslines by grabbing the download at [url="http://tinyurl.com/3f73q4v"]http://tinyurl.com/3f73q4v[/url]
  14. I've just posted a little write up with some pics and vids I've culled from Youtube, outlining my experience of the show. Feel free to pop along and have a read if you have a few spare minutes. It has a fantastic story about Mark King in there..... :-))))) [url="http://davemarks.com/the-london-bass-guitar-show-part-1/"]http://davemarks.com/the-london-bass-guitar-show-part-1/[/url] d
  15. I was at the London drum show last year, and the bass show is being arranged by the same people, so it bodes well. A nice mix of trade stuff, bargains and competitions, a great main stage auditorium and a great sized masterclass room. As long as the lineup is sexy, it'll be a great weekend.... d
  16. I'm surprised there's not more word spreading out about this show.... I'm going to be running the masterclass stage at the show. just had Gary Willis come on board. Oh yes. :-)))) d
  17. Due to Ola Onabule having to cancel, the RhythmMatters night at the Bedford in Balham has had to be cancelled. A new date will be announced shortly.
  18. [quote name='ezbass' post='874773' date='Jun 22 2010, 07:53 PM']Saw this in the magazine Dave. I rushed to the website, watched the videos, checked the very reasonable price of admission, got suitably excited and then realised that I'm gigging that night. [/quote] DOH! It promises to be a great night... but there will be more :-) Lots of new stuff going up on the site tonight.. a whole bunch of audio clips to accompany the masterclass lessons... d
  19. Hey Guys and girls - here's a little info on a masterclass I have coming up in London next month: On July 15th, RhythmMatters musicians Dave Marks and Darren Ashford will present an exclusive and interactive masterclass on ‘Developing Your Time’ at The Bedford, Balham, London. Dub Pistols drummer Darren Ashford and bassist Dave Marks (D:Ream, Larry Carlton, Albert Lee) who are currently touring the UK with their new innovative masterclasses, will be focusing on the ability to work on grooves in time signatures other than the standard 4/4. This masterclass is designed to help you expand your ‘time vocabulary’, taking you out of your comfort zone and giving you a whole range of new feels to use when writing, improvising or just grooving. The evening will begin with Darren and Dave delivering a masterclass with audience participation, guaranteed to improve your sense of time. Following this event, (and included in the ticket price) the audience will be given the opportunity to see these great musicians perform live with their bands. Darren will be taking to the stage playing drums with the Me’sha Bryan band and following that, Dave will be laying down the bass with world famous vocalist Ola Onabule. For your chance to attend this exclusive masterclass, please book tickets at [url="http://www.wegottickets.com/event/83776"]http://www.wegottickets.com/event/83776[/url] For more information on RhythmMatters masterclasses: [url="http://www.rhythmmatters.co.uk/"]http://www.rhythmmatters.co.uk/[/url] E-mail: [email protected] [url="http://www.darrenashford.com/"]http://www.darrenashford.com/[/url] [url="http://www.davemarks.com/"]http://www.davemarks.com/[/url]
  20. Hi everyone, I've just started posting a new series of videos called '2 minute hits'. In these videos, people send me requests for topics, and I have to try and give a lesson on them in 2 minutes or less. If you'd like to request a topic then simply add a comment to this video and I'll try to fit it in! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoKPxlo2IMc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoKPxlo2IMc[/url] D
  21. [quote name='ShaunB' post='843819' date='May 21 2010, 08:50 AM']Last evening (Thursday, 20/05) Music Man hosted a great evening in Poole, Dorset at Absolute Music, my local store. Dave Marks spent three hours chatting, playing and answering questions... everything from technique to EQ and demo'd the 25th Anniversary bass with all it's bells and whistles. Great fun, fab playing and brill swag! A guy won a Sterling - and there were probs only 40 of us there, so a good chance to win. A big thank you to Music Man, Absolute and Dave Marks, who is now truly an inspiration to a failing old mucker trying out some new techniques! cheers, Shaun[/quote] Glad you enjoyed it - I had a great night too! Will be back down before the end of the year for more fun... may even bring my drummer and do a rhythm section masterclass! you can follow up my masterclass stuff on www.rhythmmatters.co.uk d
  22. I might pop along to catch that. Just found out I'm doing a double headliner show with her in Canada in june. Hmmmm... bit nervous / excited about that. :-) d
  23. Hey guys (and girls) I just got a call from the ICMP office letting me know that we’ve got a special guest in this Thursday 20th May – none other than session drum monster Neal Wilkinson. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Neal’s work, he has a cv to kill for and is one of the grooviest drummers I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing with. Most recently, he’s been James Morrison’s touring drummer and has recently began playing again in the west end in a bunch of different shows. I have 10 tickets that I’m allowed to give away and all you have to do is answer 1 question: ‘Name the drummer that I’m about to launch a new column across Drummer & Bass Guitar Magazine with. The column is called “rhythmmatters’. email the answer to [email protected] and put the subject as ‘Dave Marks passes for Neal Wilkinson clinic’ d www.davemarks.com www.rhythmmatters.co.uk
  24. Hey guys - I'll be doing an In-store evening with Music Man at Absolute Music in Poole on Thursday 20th of May. It'll run from 7 - 9 and I'll be doing a bit of playing and chatting about a whole range of stuff, from EQ settings to technique, keeping your practice musical to coping with performance anxiety. If you wanna come along, just get in touch with the chaps at the store. Here's the details: Absolute Music Solutions Ltd 58 Nuffield Road Poole BH17 0RT [url="http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/store/index.php"]http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/store/index.php[/url] d
  25. Really suprised I've had no responses from this.. the drummers are jumping over each other... I may have to extend their guest list and retract ours. Other than this guest list, the event is totally sold out, so if you'd like to come, let me know sooner rather than later :-) It's not just for crazy fusion / prog stuff - it's all about feeling time and space in music and increasing your rhythmic confidence. d
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