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Ratae Corieltauvorum

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Everything posted by Ratae Corieltauvorum

  1. Here’s Nicky playing that 3 pickup Longhorn, what tone😍
  2. Listen to some of Nicky’s live work, and Glastonbury 2014 has him playing that 3 pickup longhorn on iirc. It’s not unlike a Ric thud, but more complex. I was building a JB at the time, and thought ok. I’ve never looked back
  3. There is a very well known band...atm I can’t get the name out of my head, who plays a three pickup Fender JB. Fender did a short run of these. They sound very, very distinctive. Basically a Strat Jazz Bass
  4. I think I'd concur with that as when you listen to YouTube vids you can very often hear the Ric grindy thump, but see a Jazz Bass...possibly a N+B tone?
  5. Whats the easiest way to contact Alan, I see he's on LinkedIn, but it took me ages to get rid of that. I'd like to put a Hitmaker together for my eldest son for his 17th birthday, he's Stratless at the moment, usually uses my Levinson Blade. And apologies for resurrecting necro thread :)
  6. Nobody gonna give the guy £250 quid for a proper bass guitar
  7. Yup, I'll take it. PM with payment options/ preferences
  8. Bren do I take it that the one you put up there with the plain pot added is the actual one to rewire a 4003 to standard to get a properly functioning push/pull modern v vintage tone circuit. I've just bought a 4003 that someone's hacked, and I want it back to stock. I like the option of the vintage 4001ish tone and the modern thumpier tone
  9. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1321293159' post='1437436'] New week bump [/quote] Gary, I'm happy to buy this if you can pack it and I'll arrange a courier
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