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Everything posted by BassMan94

  1. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1344705665' post='1768219'] Plug bass into laptop (using a £1.50 cable I got off amazon years ago) and then listen to song and just play along and hope I get it right. If that fails, YouTube will usually have someone doing a good cover of it which I'll generally study a little. [/quote] Wouldn't the bass sound sh*te if the sound card isn't a good one ? I was thinking of doing that but I have a 'standard' sound card, i think ...
  2. Thank God Im not the only one that prefers headphones LOL !
  3. Hey guys quick question ... How do you guys work things out ? What I find is that if I play through my amplug headphone amp and insert the correct media i.e. ipod, ipad I can work it out quite easily, meaning less time. When I listen to songs through normal speakers it's 'harder' for me, for example a lick that i want to learn, through headphones I can work out mostly in one go, presuming I find the right root note. Whereas through normal speakers I'm a bit iffy Is this just personal preference or should I start working things out through normal speakers due to the 'real world' not providing headphones How do you guys go about working things out ? Cheers ML
  4. Whats the problem ? His bass is too low LOOOOOOL
  5. What the flip, I just wanted a quick fix for the tab underneath a PDF and come back to this !
  6. Watching LJ when I first picked up bass, Im gonna have to side with him . Some of his stuff is MENTAL to say the least but then again his disco grooves were wicked ! When I heard LG I thought, 'boring' as he was thumpin' away on just one note. It's only afterwards when I realised that you don't have to slap insanely fast to groove . Overall Louis Johnson is just Cooler ! (IMO)
  7. From the row i concluded that Tipex would work fine LOL
  8. Jack you'll have to give an arm and leg to get this moving
  9. Im in tipton, 5 mins away from dudley if that helps
  10. If you can't find what to practice for technique etc etc. I'd say just do what Scott (scottsbasslessons) says on the technique tab, all those videos will help. I've tried them and yes they work but keep at it. Not at mega amounts of time, practice, noodle around, practice etc. Just not mega chunks.
  11. Hey Guys I've really gotten into my soul/funk since playing bass and am looking for more artist that are well known to other people and not to me. If that made any sense ? At the moment I've just heard of Anita Baker, her rapture album, Wow ! Then you've got all the other standard soul singers. All Im asking is just post your 'great' soul/funk singers ( with nice bass obv) . Even singers like Marlena Shaw ? 'Feel like making love', the bass isn't all over the place its more grooving to the tune. So hit me with your tunes !
  12. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1343037066' post='1743971'] I know what you mean - it is tempting to look at the TAB but on occassion i am glad its there because i don't have a real live person to tell me if what i am interpretting from the dots is right or wrong. A quick glance at the TAB can confirm if something is correct. [/quote] That is exactly why I wanted to get rid of it, but it is a good way of telling me im playing the right notes. And for 'thebrig', I don't hate them as I myself started out reading tabs from ultimate guitar or whatever it's called now. It's great when you start keep you playing the songs that actually influenced you to pick the bass up !
  13. thanks guys !
  14. are you telling me 4k + views and not one guy interested ! Insane ! Come on guys ! Mega mega bass for this kind of dosh !
  15. Wow looks like ALOT of hassle !! Guess I'll have to tame my eyes some way
  16. Hi guys was wondering if you could help me out. Like many of the guys on here I have gotten my hands on many 'books' in pdf format. Thing is some of these have tab underneath the music. Ever since I've started to read music, I've become a tab hater For some reason I like making it hard for myself to read a piece of music that obviously has been tabbed for ease Anyone know of any software that gets rid of them or something that can rub it out whilst in the pdf ?
  17. [quote name='chilievans' timestamp='1342983607' post='1743461'] I scored a 72 which considering my mistakes was not bad at all. Happy days. Grade 6 here I come [/quote] So what does that come under ? Pass, merit, distinction, or is it not graded like that all ?
  18. You know its better to do it in small chunks and increase ever so slightly every practice session. Obviously, like me I had an aching arm after constant scales but now I can play them with ease. I am by no means an expert player as I myself am currently learning but these tips really increase your playing greatly.
  19. Some repairs even create a better sounding bass and this is one of the lucky few who are blessed with that ! Cheers
  20. price drop only till Monday !
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