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Everything posted by BassMan94

  1. Finally getting responses All PM"s replied to.
  2. Might put this on ebay, wise choice ?
  3. Sound Samples Are Now UP !
  4. Love to hear how it goes , I'll be taking a jump to grade 8 in the coming months. It's just the ear test and improvisation bits that baffle me
  5. Is this the one that has the grade piece 'All funked up' ?
  6. Wow the market is so slow !
  7. Complete Bargain !
  8. [quote name='Onox' timestamp='1341933773' post='1726461'] Best animated Avatar ever! [/quote] Haha, thanks
  9. Bump for thrown in straplocks
  10. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1341849107' post='1725069'] Knowing the interval IMO. You can't do much with absolute pitch you can't do with excellent relative pitch. Know what a root - 5th or a 5th - root sounds like. Then (as long as you know the rhythm) you can come up with about 20 billion country basslines... as long as you have chord changes for comparison. I'm no expert. But what I have found hugely helpful in theory is the 12 bar blues. Loads of demos online going through the theory, and common variations... you'll know what root - 4 - 5 sounds like in no time. Give it a whirl: [url="http://www.solfege.org/"]http://www.solfege.org/[/url] There are other options. [/quote] That's great ! I can recognise the easier ones so to say, major/minor third, fifth. Guess it's just repetition of the intervals untill they stick in your head.
  11. It really is just knowing what the note sounds like even before you play it
  12. Ok guys, So everyone can make great lines, improvisation in their heads but it's when your trying to convey it onto the fretboard. I can't do it straight away but after a couple of minutes I can play the line that's circling my head, that's after a lot of trial and error. Anyone know a way in which I can speed this process so less mistakes are made and I can play idea after idea ? One of the most common things I get told from friends is 'Interval training', will this actually help me convey ideas onto the fretboard ? Any inputs great
  13. These basses are 1500+ brand new Even with the repair a Massive Bargain !
  14. Bump for a Grrrrrreat bass !
  15. Don't think no ones going to take a dip until I post some samples
  16. Bump for added info
  17. [left][font="verdana, geneva, sans-serif"][size="4"][b]Sound samples will be added tomorrow doing this bass Justice ! [/b][/size][/font][/left]
  18. Pics are up (iPad quality) Hopefully it'll work, never used Flickr
  20. Ive always left it to if it sounds good, its good! But i really need to brush up on the theory side so just thought why does this work, theoretically? And yes ! thats where I actually started practicing chord tones
  21. Im going to be posting many dumb questions on the theory section with the things I dont "get", so bare with me ! Playing brickhouse and it is in the key of G major/ E minor but also it was written A dorian. If im correct that is A b c d e f# g A. A lick i created was a run down (sixteenth note pattern) which consisted of G(12th) F# E D C and then landing on the A of the 7th fret. What Ive been reading into recently is Chord Tones. So its got A C E G which are the chord tones. It also contains the F# which brings A dorian scale out ? Is this why it works or am i speaking complete rubbish ? If theres anything you guys want to add, go for it
  22. Thanks guys for all the advice what i've managed to acquire is "reading contemporary bass rhytmns" which might be the name of the pdf, not too sure. Alot of reading and also great practice for recognising pitches on the stave. Its going to take a while reading perfect but I'll give it a go
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