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Everything posted by BassMan94

  1. Hey folks, So I've been lurking in the waters of music theory and have come to an absolute halt ! It's just when trying to play a bar that consists of many different note values that gets me. I understand and can recognise them if someone asked "what's the value of a crotchet" ? and so on. Is there anyway I can teach myself the rhythm part ? What techniques would be useful ? Cheers Manraj
  2. would anyone have a chart of chord tones rolling about anywhere ? Just want to keep it a reference so I know that Im playing the right notes. Cheers
  3. If I had the cash I would soooooo love this
  4. Makes much sense now guys Cheers
  5. Hi So Im going to gather some dosh in the next couple of weeks and now instead of buying another bass I'm going to get an amp that doesn't buzz like the one that I have now. I just needed a few things clearing up I just need someone to explain to me that If i buy a amp head right, how would I calculate what cabs would be able to work with it ? (Very dumb question) Also what's all of this with Ohms etc etc Thing is Ive only used amps that had everything built in you know like the ashdown ones etc. So I haven't a clue when taking it all apart. If someone could clear it all up for me I'd be grateful
  6. Babbits Scorpio ? Reason It just is FUNKY
  7. A lot of tower of power ! Im guessing everyones heard of Rocco Prestia, i think most his lines are sixteenth notes e.g. What is hip, also covered by Miller You might even enjoy it after the pain
  8. Thanks guys
  9. [quote name='YouMa' timestamp='1338573823' post='1676722'] can you not just use chordal and modal shapes? [/quote] Could you explain further ?
  10. So I've recently Felt handicap due to not being able to walk on one chord. I looked through Scotts tutorials and such, it just dosent "get into me". What are the ways you guys approach walking over the same chord ? Any help or just steering in the direction is appreciated Cheers Manraj
  11. Great Chap Sold me an Overwater 5 (and still loving it) Great guy to deal with and a great BC'er Manraj
  12. thanks for posting this, been waiting for ages !!!
  13. Theres an app called 'ChordBott', can't remember what it's actually called though ! It's got all the chords you would want and all the extensions such as 9ths, 11ths and you also have your normal major, minor, diminished etc etc . Great app love using it
  14. [quote name='chuck_stones' timestamp='1337884297' post='1667002'] Aye carumba!! A blooming gorgeous Sandberg for only £650. Why don't I have any money :'( [/quote] Aaah ! Seems like no one has cash nowadays ! Come on, you know you want it !
  16. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Bass now plays like butter !! [/font][/color]
  18. Hi Just wanted to clear some things up as I've researched and got many different answers. What I want to know is If you shield the pickups well enough would that DECREASE noise when panned to a single pickup or can it actually get RID OF the noise ? Thanks
  19. PM'd
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