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Posts posted by Bassmonkey

  1. I use to have the Ampeg rig. Was the best bass sound I ever had - trouser flappingly loud and acres of headroom. Loved it even though was only doing the pub circuit. BUT - was huge. Wouldn't fit in my car so had to always keep it in storage then in band van. I could barely move it myself. Eventually, after it had lived in my dining room for a few weeks, my missis insisted I shift it. Now on Orange Bass Terror and SP212 - sound ace, tiny, lives in the boot of my car. Happy wife! Happy back!
    They are blood ace though Andy

  2. I agreed to dep for some pals tonight as my band have a night off. Jeez. 33 songs learned. Bloody hard work. Some I'd never even heard hefore. They're great guys and we have jammed lots of times but this is a daunting one. Will be glad when it's over! Wish me luck kids! Andy

  3. Yep I'm the main singer. Three of us can sing. One guitarist sings lead on about a third of the set, I do the rest. Can manage most songs. Struggled with a couple and so those never made the set. This charming man caused me problems playing and singing together. Can do both separately. Soz Moz

  4. To be fair to the lad. I don't think he was very old based on his texts. We get asked lots by pubs and clubs for their good old charity events. Means the bands play for free, the charity gets a donation (often unclear how much) the pub gets packed. The landlords earn a fortune. They honestly think they're doing us a favour by giving us exposure.

  5. Earlier today, I received a text from an unknown number. He said he'd seen us play recently and was asking if we could play at a forthcoming event. I asked for details of dates and fee and received this:
    "We didn't initially plan a fee as it is a charity event. The initial idea was that despite no fee involved it would be a great chance for your band to expand it's audience to people unaware of the band and increase purchases of tour tickets in future. This will lead to a rise in capital through more purchases and a higher profit margin. Just an idea to throw out there. If you do not wish to attend we were wondering if you could help market the event to get more people through the door and raise more money towards the charity"

    I politely declined.

  6. I have a problem with my beloved Mic Stand. I unscrew the base after each use and found that when I last used it - after coupling the two parts (cast iron base and stand), the thread was just spinning. Hardly catching at all. I had to pack with tape to get it to stay still. It had never, ever even been loose before then. It makes me wonder whether it may have had some kind of collar to make the grip tight which has dropped off. Anyone got one and can check for me?

    If not, I am stuck. I guess i'd need to get a threaded insert made and graft on to the bottom of the stem? God knows where and how.....any thoughts?

    Have been in touch with Atlas - not them. There is a company selling em new in the US have emailed them too.

    Help...Thx Andy

  7. I love em. Last Saturday we played an out door afternoon gig in the glorious sunshine then at night in a hot, sweaty and tiny pub. Anything other than shorts would he been hideous. Well........possibly Dick Venom's action slacks but that would have lead to multiple bouts of projectile vomiting from the audience so best avoided for my band I think.....

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