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Posts posted by Bassmonkey

  1. Had the pleasure of meeting the great fella a couple of years ago. Was a really nice guy, very humble but would talk freely about his glorious past. I was trying to reign it all in and stop myself from gushing like a teenager. RIP Trevor

  2. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1392218201' post='2366076']
    Here's a recent picture of the rack part of my rig:

    From the top:
    Basspod XT Pro
    Peterson StroboRack
    SFX Microthumpinator
    Tech Soundsystems Black Cat
    All in a Boschma 6U rack case

    There's a Sony DWZ-D30GB wireless receiver squeezed in there as well now
    Very nice young man!

  3. When I saw the title i thought you must have known! Gigging at a local pub known to be a bit "lively" last Saturday, we were treated to a pair of very drunk girls grabbing the mics, falling over monitors, spilling drinks over the front line. Gave em the hard word and they behaved a bit better. Next thing, 4 guys descended on them and much snogging, groping etc. Next thing the 2 girls started snogging each other for ages - cue giddy lads, hand in pants - YIKES!!! Eventually the rest of the dancers bundled them off the dancefloor. I berated them but to be honest they didn't care. Ended up all 6 leaving doubtless we'll see the end product on Jeremy Kyle at some point in the future. Dirty twisters!

  4. Should have added, the person that gave that advice works in a local music shop and our guy was in looking at PA equipment. The shop guy was desperately trying to get us to change the whole lot ha ha. I am now using a Mackie SRM150 monitor on a stand which gives me the ability to squeak up a bit while playing if I should need to. Works better for me than the trad floor wedges I have used in the past

  5. Thx guys - kind of what I thought. Just wanted to canvas opinions. Roon - not surprised you have view ha ha ha (by the way, i love that Jazz, it's my first choice bass now, it sounds and plays like a dream)

    Thanks again

  6. My band use our own PA, a relatively simple set up, mixer amp, pair of bass bins, pair of tops plus 4 monitors daisy chained around. The drummer controls the mix but post soundcheck, it stays pretty much unchanged unless anything needs adjusting (often people complaining they cant hear the vocals) We soundcheck by one of the guitarists walking out front once we're set up then usually leave it there. The issue I have is with the monitors. Usually get a "can you hear yourself?" right at the end of the soundcheck then that's it. Invariably I suffer to hear well enough (I am the singer/bassist)
    Typically, we just have the vox (3 of us sing) in the monitors but one of the lads has now been told that we should have everything in there and the sound should exactly replicate what is out front.

    Anyone have a view? There is only a single output from the mixer but we can vary the amount of monitor inclusion by channel.

    Thx in advance. Andy

  7. [quote name='DaytonaRik' timestamp='1389277125' post='2332236']
    Yeah I know - I was in talks with him about that exact one :(
    Wondered if this was one of the ones you were referring to. I am pretty pleased with it. Does feel very long though, not too heavy, a bit of neck dive but pretty diverse spectrum of sounds. I'm hoping that the non-pristine state of it will stop me fretting about damaging it when playing. Keep on looking mate, something will come up.

  8. I picked this up yesterday. Was on EBay. Is a 93 but came with a Hipshot bridge, replacement TRC/Pickguard, Hipshot down tuner and all original pieces in OHSC delivered for £800. It is V nice albeit, a bit beaten up. Looks to me like shoddy finishing allowing the undercoat to show through on touch points. It plays perfectly so is worth keeping a look out, they are out there.

  9. Arrived today. Its a 1993 Gibson Thunderbird in black. Came with OHSC, replacement metal pick guard and TRC with cut outs showing stars n stripes, hipshot drop tuner, replacement Hipshot Supertone bridge plus all the original parts and even a set of included strap locks. Although it has its share of bumps and bruises, its all in great nick. The sound though is immense. I can't wait to put it through it's paces on saturday night. Well happy. Hope you like it.

  10. I was watching this one, partly because I live in Leeds and could have collected it. Would possibly have gone to C£300 which, given the condition and possible issues, I think is about right and would have kept me busy as a project for a while.

    I am now just intrigued to see what it reaches but in the words of Duncan Bannatyne, "I'm out".

    I wish em luck with the sale though

  11. It was my birthday this weekend so decided to pull the trigger on a new bass. Been gassing for one of these for ages and there's something I really like about this one though it's a long way from being pristine. It was shipped today and may arrive tomorrow when sadly I am working away!!!!!!

    Hopefully then, either when I get home or Weds at the latest. Debuting Sat night. (just dug out a pair of black Schaller strap buttons to attach too.....)

    Gonna keep you in suspense but pics will follow shortly mwa ha ha.....

  12. Check out this guy.
    [b] Tan My Hide - Leather Products in Hebden Bridge HX7 6HJ[/b]

    I have had a couple of straps made by him. He is a smashing bloke. Not expensive and you get to dictate all details, length, colour, style etc.

    His website is down but theres a phone number on Google.

    Worth a look. Andy

  13. [quote name='geo_bass' timestamp='1386015425' post='2294682']
    Just picked up this '78 Grabber G-3 the other week, wanted one for a while now.

    [/quote]Loving the bed side cabinet buddy. Need to have a word with the missis and see if we can get some ha ha ha

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