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Posts posted by Bassmonkey

  1. I dropped him a note to explain. He was really nice and seemed pleased as he genuinely hoped it would be a simple fix. He explained was his 3rd backup and couldn't really be fussed to get it fixed. Result.

  2. Just bought an Ashdown Five-Fifteen from a FB seller. Was in good nick but not working. No lights or sound etc. Only wanted £50 and close to me. Would have been worth that as 1 x 15 cab alone. Picked it up. Lovely guy, so had a natter then brought it home. Checked the power socket fuse - blown. Replaced it and it works a treat. Am well happy. The seller admitted it may well have been a blown fuse but wasn't sure. Its is in bl@@dy great nick too. Sorry - just needed to gloat (now off to hide it from my wife) Andy

  3. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1375864906' post='2166527']
    I'll be there with the thurs headline.
    Not a fan of Blackpool though.
    Do you know my pal Beej then?

  4. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1374398834' post='2148257']
    I guess it's my original pressing of Public Image by Public Image Ltd, nothing rare or special about it but to me cool because it was the first record I actually chose to buy rather than something my parents brought for me (Convoy by C W McCall!)

    Was gonna say exactly the same. In the newspaper style cover. Love it

  5. Went to see Retox last night at Leeds' Brudenell Social Club. They were good (hardcore screamers playing at breakneck speed) but the 2 supports were pretty unusual. First Cattle - a bassist, 2 drummers and a singer. The bass was distorted as hell but sounded immense. Reeling from that, the next up were Zeus - 2 piece Italian bassist and drummer. Again, all sorts of effects and distortions but strangely compelling. Really tight and bloody loud. Who needs a guitarist eh?

  6. [quote name='njr911' timestamp='1373449920' post='2137632']
    Where in Leeds are they ? Might need to pay a visit
    [/quote] it is on Bradford Rd between Batley and Gomersal. In an industrial unit. Really good guys. Lee is a top fella

  7. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1373120805' post='2133941']

    Lovely, lovely, lovely

  8. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1372974932' post='2132480']
    Bollocks! Won't help at all. Worse even, you risk shorter valve life.
    Please stop spreading this unscientific treehugger nonsense.


    My own OTB is upside down.
    Now [b][i]that's[/i][/b] sound quality. Controls at 12 and it's just like a Glockenklang!
    [/quote] Ha ha ha - good one Bert

  9. Just saw this response and yeah, thanks a lot Chris - appreciate the support. Unfortunately i quickly realised this mod was way above my skill level so enlisted a friend who works in micro electronics to help. He ended up being unable to do it either. Would still like it doing if you are able? Welcome to the forum mate. Andy

  10. Here is my Orange Terror rig with the newly added effects rack (tuner and wireless unit) as purchased here from Obbm. Really happy now, looks way more balanced and even space for more micro rack atoms....hmmmmmm

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