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Posts posted by Bassmonkey

  1. Having enviously watched lots of your pics I thought I'd share my little stash.

    Still gassing for another Gibson at some point to replace the RD Artist I let go a few years ago maybe a white Thunderbird, Les Paul perhaps or a nice Jazz or even a Dan Armstrong.....time will tell.
    They are in order 1970 Jap reissue P Bass. Random japcrap EB copy I bought as a "project" when pissed at the Leeds Festival 3 years ago!!! Gretsch Synchromatic (using to teach my little one on). Epiphone Rivoli. USA P Bass 2002 I think. Rickenback 4003 about 2001. Antoria Les paul copy 1972. MM Stingray 1993 (took off the dampers and prefer the sound) Finally my Orange Bass Terror, SP212 and Korg Tuner plus Sennheisser Wireless kit.

    Hope you like em. Andy

  2. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1139799' date='Feb 24 2011, 11:58 AM']Mine's very hot on the DI. Some desks can handle it some can't.

    I have one of these in the little Orange handbag it lives in at all times. Works a treat. [url="http://www.studiospares.com/mic-accessories/pro-40db-inline-attenuator/invt/568600/"]40db attenuator[/url][/quote]

    Sounds like a plan. Does that effectively manage the DI output better? would you choose the 40Db version rather than the 10, 20 or 30Db versions? being a doofus I don't really understand their purpose but if they help resolve my problem, i'll gladly invest that fiver!

    Thx and sorry to hijack the thread Beedster

  3. I bought mine at the end of December. Used it live twice and was great, then third time it made an absolute racket when I pushed it through the PA. Was unable to add any volume to the PA channel without horrible distortion. Ended up back at the retailers and it behaved exactly the same there as the line out was running super hot.

    The amp went back to Orange and was fixed. Am playing again on Sat so fingers crossed will be OK. Interested to know if anyone else has experienced the same?


  4. [quote name='chris_b' post='1139431' date='Feb 23 2011, 11:58 PM']The reason the neck is getting dirty is because the finish has worn though and the wood underneath is exposed and soaking up sweat and dirt. If you can clean the fretboard you'll have to reseal it to prevent the problem continuing.

    Bernie Goodfellow talks about this on his web site and Lakland recommend orange oil as a cleaner. I think you should talk to a luthier to find out what you should really do.[/quote]

    Cheers all, I think this is the exact problem. Its seen some use over the years. Will post a pic tonight to show but I see a trip to a local luthier on the horizon

  5. [quote name='NJE' post='1139257' date='Feb 23 2011, 09:52 PM']This is going to sound extremely vague so apologies in advance. A friend of mine has a maple necked Strat and he used to use some furniture polish/cleaner wipes, Mr Sheen or something. They came in a pack like wet wipes and it was amazing what they pulled off the neck. They only came from tescos so maybe have a look when you are there.

    Failing that, I used a very very light sandpaper on my old Stingray took off all the dirt and then sealed it up with Ernie Ball recommended Birchwood Casey Tru-Oil and Gun Stock Wax. It sealed the neck and gave it this semi gloss finish (although i did a lot of buffing and applied a lot)

    If it was me today I would plump for having the neck proffesionally finished, there is a luthier who is highly regarded on here who refinished a Sadowsky neck to gloss, sure he would clean up and finish a stingray neck.[/quote]

    Thx buddy

  6. I have a filthy Stingray with a maple neck. The finger board has got very grimy over the years. I believe lemon oil isnt recomended for maple but not sure of the best way to clean it. Have tried damp tissues followed by immediate drying but it aint removing the grime. You can still see dark limes where the strings have been. Any advice? Thx Andy with the mucky hands

  7. [quote name='FlatEric' post='773713' date='Mar 13 2010, 04:49 PM']More RD!

    Slightly used. :)


    I sold my RD Artist about 5 years ago - it was a 77 model, same as yours and mint. Although I think I sold it a bit cheap, my back has thanked me gratefully. It was the bloomin heaviest bass I have ever used! like gigging with my wife hanging around my neck! Top basses though

  8. I think this is symptomatic of many drummers. Based on my experience of auditioning them, many just cant play well enough to be in a proper band. Its almost like they consider that since they have a kit, they are a drummer. This seems different from guitarists and bassists many who try and realise their own limitations so remain bedroom players, it seems that drummers are thinner on the ground so get touted around more "looking for a drummer? I know a guy at work who plays and might be suitable..." Personally I think good drummers are really hard to find yet integral to the success of the band. Have laboured on with crap ones hoping they'll improve without success. Consequently am hanging on to the current one, they're like gold dust. Mind you, if you've still got her number........

  9. I do it and although mostly not a problem, there are still songs I struggle with where my fingers are playing different time to my words, I can usually get aroumd it sometimes by getting it right with practice but sometimes just cheating by dumbing down the bassline or slightly changing the melody. Yeah I know it's a cop out but I'm not freaking Mark King. Andy

  10. [quote name='tonybassplayer' post='1100891' date='Jan 24 2011, 02:58 PM']First set about 50/55 mins

    Second an hour or so plus 2 or 3 encores

    Definitely agree with having a break for pee, drink, regroup on set etc and to socialise with friends etc[/quote]

    Hey Tony, think we both use ROTN as a local band site? I play with the Cardinals!

    Small world eh?

  11. Do any of you play in a pub band? if so how long do you usually play for? We typically do a 9-10 first set followed by a 10.15 - 12+ second set.

    Number of encores depends on reaction but is always 1/2 at the least

    I suspect we are playing a bit :) longer than we need to but it's hard to get an honest view from landlords (since they want you on as long as possible) and of course the public want you on all night once they've had a few.

    Just interested to know what other bands do?

    Thanks Andy

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