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Posts posted by Bassmonkey

  1. [quote name='neepheid' post='959570' date='Sep 17 2010, 03:41 PM']The carved top plays havoc with that idea - the area would have to be built up or carved into, neither of which are trivial jobs. I've got it going the way I like it now (with the gold tooth) so I think I'll just leave it. If I was going to do anything, I would rather install a separate bridge/tailpiece like some Gibson Les Pauls have (rather Warwick like). But it would involve filling, redrilling and probably refinishing. Far too much effort for such an inexpensive bass.[/quote]

    Hi buddy, bass looks ace. Just bought an Antoria LP and looking to replace the PUPs. Did your EMGs just fit the standard humbucker pup surrounds? The EMGs look great. Sound good?

  2. [quote name='Johnston' post='981380' date='Oct 8 2010, 11:02 AM']Tidy???

    Is this the one that was up in the JapCrap thread??[/quote]

    Dunno - could have been. I was a bit hesitant given it absolutely could have been a duffer but reckoned I could shift it on if this was the case. I couldnt be more pleased though as it's turned out. Not often you buy something that sounds worse than it is!

  3. Courtesy of EBay, arrived yesterday in bl@@dy great condition. All parts there, most of the gold plating has disappeared but most importantly (and the bit I was most worried about) the neck is straight as a die, the condition is fab considering it's age and it sounds lovely.

    Just ordered a Hipshot Supertone bridge from the US as the crappy 3 point is rubbish but aim to debut it at a gig on 16th fingers crossed.

    The neck is a bit narrow and I found myself catching other strings accidentally but will get used to that after a couple of practices.

    May end up replacing the Pups as there seems no change in the tone when adjusting. Any suggestions on what with? It is such a sexy looking thing I couldnt resist it!

    Have promised my wife I will sell something to make room........probably.......hahahaha

  4. [quote name='MB1' post='947148' date='Sep 6 2010, 01:00 PM']MB1. :)
    Sending you a PM now![/quote]

    Guys, I dont have an axe to grind but even after the first debacle I had with these guys, I still went back for another as, once you get past the ordering and delivery problems, the quality is good.

    Second case experience not much better. Submitted the order, then entered into email with Shaun and agreed (at his suggestion) an alternative style. Case arrived late as I kind of expected and guess what?, was made in the original style!! Contacted him and eventually he says had lost emails. Would I like another remaking? yes please I said. This was the last I heard and was months ago.......If it ever turns up, it can be a cover for the kids rabbit hutch !

    I will never use them again. The guy seems nice but business practices clearly need some work.

    It's not as if there are no alternative suppliers eh?

  5. For what it's worth I have both a TU2 and a Korg DTR 2000 rackmount tuner and in my view the Korg knocks spots off the Boss. The Boss does that waver around a lot where it either doesn't respond to the note OR doesn't pick up on the key (floats around A, D etc when fine tuning the E)

    The Korg on the other hand is perfect. Also the Mute function is great.

    Only my opinion but Korg for me everytime

  6. [quote name='urb' post='895605' date='Jul 15 2010, 01:38 PM']I pulled at a party where my jazz funk band were playing - miraculously managing to chat up the girl while I was playing... no idea how I did it but I've not managed to repeat the trick since...[/quote]

    I have had the occasional drunken female mongy blathering on but mainly get blokes telling me that they also play guitar (rarely bass) and could have been in a band except for etc, etc.....

    ......once played in Pontefract and got some old geezer telling me his mates had been in a band in the 60s but he couldnt be arsed ! I loved that one

    Mind you, I am singer/bassist so perhaps it's that?

  7. [quote name='Ian Savage' post='835817' date='May 13 2010, 12:41 AM']Well, I found myself with a load of Neutrik switched jacks (the type with little wee switches in them that eliminate the plug/unplug 'thump') from a studio project that never got finished, so I bought myself a load of van Damme cable and spent tonight soldering! So, for your pleasure, I've got four of each of 3m, 5m and 7m jack-to-jack Van Damme cables with Neutrik switched jacks:

    3m = £6 delivered
    5m = £8 delievered
    7m = £10 delivered

    Knock a quid off each if you want more than one - total quality cables, you wouldn't get Stagg stuff for these kinda prices!

    I've also got what might be 40m of van Damme cable left over if anyone wants to make me an offer for it...this is purely a 'getting rid of stuff' exercise, I'm really not going to be making much money off of 'em![/quote]

    Can I have 3 x 7M please bro?
    How do you want paying?

  8. Arrived today Rich so thanks a lot. Kids were laughing "hey dad, who's Andy Bassmonkey?!!!!......." That'll be them in bed early then. Who's laughing now eh?

    So who's next then?

    Come on someone must be up for it - don't let the trail end here!


  9. [quote name='Rich' post='782616' date='Mar 22 2010, 06:38 PM']I've still got this. C'mon, surely somebody must want a read. It's bloody funny and well worth the £0.00 it'll cost you![/quote]

    could I be next then please Rich? will pass on once done

  10. Arrived this AM Nick so thanks not surpringly looks like Slverstone put their badge on the wrong side!

    Not a problem just confirms my view of Silverstone. have bought two previous covers from them. Both orders were buggered up by them. Both either wrong size or wrong colours. Wasn't surprised that this wasn't 100% correct therefore.

    Don't get me wrong, happy with the case and the transaction, it fits like a glove and looks lovely.
    Thanks a lot buddy

    A pleasure to do business etc....

  11. [quote name='nickcarey' post='771785' date='Mar 11 2010, 04:31 PM']Hi there,

    Again this one's unused too due to the fiasco mentioned in the first post above. I paid £47.56 for it (have a look at the Silverstone amp covers site).

    It looks a bit creased as it's been folded and put away but will smooth out when its put back on a B200.

    I'll let it go for £35 saving you over £13 new & post it to you free.


  12. [quote name='Bassassin' post='771022' date='Mar 10 2010, 10:30 PM']Finished this now & BassKS has been PM'd.

    Very good read, in my opinion, he's a good & very readable writer. I'm not as familiar with his music as perhaps I should be but he comes across as very idealistic, positively uncompromising & visionary in what he wants to achieve musically. Given that bassist/bandleader/composers are relatively uncommon it's quite an inspiring insight into how a successful career can be maintained, especially making music that's "against the grain".

    He doesn't talk specifically about bass playing very much, but this bit did make me grin:

    I love the idea & philosophy but I'm usually too busy trying to remember what note comes next...


    Ha ha, that'll be Jah!

    So I reckon list now looks like........

    Bassjase *
    Bassassasin *
    BassKS *

    Lets see how long this one can do the rounds eh?

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