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Everything posted by stu_g

  1. when i got mine i didnt realise it was the same model phil lynott used ive treated mine to a dynacord bs412 as well which is the amp lynott used when they did the rockpalast concert
  2. heres john wetton using the same model as yours in a clip of u.k bad quality sadly[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZJ-eZ0JfKk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZJ-eZ0JfKk[/url]
  3. I got a chinese squier strat 22 fret there really cheap if you see them on ebay im currently cleaning it up but im impressed its solid would with good fit and finish also i picked up an encore vintage standard in local music shop £65 its got lace pickups and wilkinson trem sounds like a strat should if you see one try it
  4. probably from serial number ive got the active version serial number is on neckplate on mine
  5. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0mVsAhMfzg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0mVsAhMfzg[/url] this could be him waistcoat all present and correct!
  6. hamiltone pickups it just sounds so appealing im a sucker for anything purty!
  7. bargain is it still £200 without rack ?
  8. I just dug out my old rocktek distortion havent tried it in years will have to give it a go! also got an arion stereo phaser that was in a bag of gear that i havent used in probably 15 years
  9. bought this off ebay this week i was told it had issues with a crackly input a Dynacord bs412 but i figured west german engineering at its finest would be repairable took the preamp to pieces hoping not to break anything the two inputs had crumbled through years of use and were in pieces also the output volume needed resoldering i found a suitable pair of input sockets on ebay,arrived today have soldered everything in and reassembled and im pleased and relieved to say it works! hopefully it will live another 25 odd years life. im really chuffed im a big phil lynott fan and know he used these in the later thin lizzy era will have to fire it up tomorrow with my ibanez rs900 and don the studded strap to see if i can get anywhere near the sound
  10. i know one recently went on ebay for 200 buy it now which im guesssing is around the price you would get
  11. here are mine one from my old band from around 1998 and one of the last things i have recorded a couple of years back ive just got new soundcard just need a little midi keyboard then im gonna start recording some new stuff just for fun oldie: [url="https://soundcloud.com/stuartgeary/flynn-when-my-kid"]https://soundcloud.c...ynn-when-my-kid[/url] newer: https://soundcloud.com/stuartgeary/mr-g-colombia
  12. I had that issue! And i dont mean one leg longer than the other which it looks like tha poor fella has?hence the need to bend the longer leg and stretch the shorter one, i mean i had that issue of bassist mag classic!!
  13. i just checked think its sold out
  14. will do
  15. i had the 12" of animal and i like saxon lock me up now!
  16. i live in Ramsgate nowadays might have to see if the missus is up for some blues
  17. i love pass the dutchie im sure that dude had a ibanez musician in the video im off to check
  18. i dont think it matters these days theres enough room for everyone and if led zeppelin wanna give it another tour im sure they will sell some tickets. im so out of touch i dont care anymore my last great gig was queens of the stone age and after reading that other thread i had the 12" of animal by def leppard so im keeping a low profile
  19. hiya fella big lynott fan also welcome
  20. cheers that was me doing my own nonsense
  21. [url="https://soundcloud.com/stuartgeary/flynn-calm-before-the-storm-1"]https://soundcloud.com/stuartgeary/flynn-calm-before-the-storm-1[/url] a song from a band i was in around 1999 era this was off the cuff and i always enjoyed it dont think it would ever play the same twice
  22. the only thing i would say if i was gonna spend alot of money on a bass a quick run through both pickups and the tone circuit would help
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