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Everything posted by stu_g

  1. is it just me or is someone gonna get ripped off here?looks shady to me [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=110253679655&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=001"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=001[/url]
  2. yep it does limit your sale if you dont post nice bass though
  3. just seen this aria seems a good deal for that kinda money i dont live nr birmingham though and have enough basses check it out: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-Aria-Pro-II-Bass-Guitar_W0QQitemZ170216938931QQihZ007QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-Aria-Pro-II-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  4. could be tempted i need some more knowledge on bass
  5. bass player available hants /berks gigging and recording experience www.youtube.com/71bassg www.myspace.com/flynnrock1gb age 36 like rock metal punk and like a laugh cheers stuart
  6. [quote name='sgt-pluck' post='153670' date='Mar 8 2008, 05:26 PM']Thanks for the info. I can see one of these in my future![/quote] my rs900 weighs a ton and has active tone controls it really rminds me of a 70s precision i used to own i will never sell it its a classic mines a 79 model
  7. [quote name='sgt-pluck' post='153529' date='Mar 8 2008, 11:25 AM']I was looking at that - I reckon it's been refinished. Nice though. Tempted Pluck[/quote] yeah think you may be right there i found original catalogue on a website somewhere recently will post link f i can find it again
  8. ibanez roadster rs800 on ebay looks good ive got a rs900 love it seems a reasonable price heres link: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=320225600882&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=011"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=011[/url]
  9. looks like a standard mexican pbass i got one off ebay a while back for £150 with hard case was a bargain well made but i dont rate there pickups much
  10. hi all got these bartolini pickups up for sale basically unused have been soldered into my jazz bass to check they work and then taken out i bought these in error i need set for a 4 string jazz L/S so if any one wants to swap me some pickups for my 4 string or buy these send me a message cheers stuart[attachment=5650:er.jpg]
  11. any idea of price? that would go well with my signed thin lizzy live and dangerous album cheers stu
  12. i have the real deal G&L 2000 and im selling mine its a amazing looking bass in amber flame and has great sounds but many years of precision playing means its not for me, for one im afraid to damage it and two there are too many options soundwise im happy with a volume and tone,so basically i would encourage you to go with what feels best to you because im sure someone else will love your G&L and it will be there kinda sound
  13. basses still for sale may do trades message me if interested cheers
  14. give us a shout if you still want to sell i can probably pick it up no probs cheers stuart
  15. mine are jumping off stage for some audience interaction and unplugging myself at same time doh! playing the wrong song i evaded detection by staring in guitarists direction making everyone believe it was him playing wrong song and got away with it ha ha
  16. nice bass would compliment my hot rod precision with m/n but with impending marriage i mustnt ha ha,im sure someone will though looks good
  17. looking for 420 for both or 350 for head and 70 for cab cheers stuart
  18. not sure really will do bit of research see how much they go for these days will be sad to see it go its a class amp
  19. [attachment=4568:tracecab.jpg][attachment=4567:traceah300smx1.jpg][attachment=4566:trace4.jpg][attac hment=4565:trace3.jpg]hi all due to impending move and marriage my bass rig is up for grabs trace elliot ah300smx head has flight case and i still have original cardboard box it came in has been gigged bus has been well looked after never need to turn it above 3 it was that loud also an old 1518 200 watt cab tatty but sounds great offers invited am based nr Reading email [email protected][attachment=4564:trace2.jpg]
  20. [attachment=4546:1g_l2000.jpg][attachment=4547:2g_L2000.jpg][attachment=4548:3G_L2000.jpg][attachmen t=4549:godinbg41.jpg][attachment=4550:godinbg42.jpg][attachment=4551:godinbg43.jpg][attachment=4552: v antage1.jpg][attachment=4553:vantage2.jpg][attachment=4554:vantage4.jpg][attachment=4555:vantage5.jp g ][attachment=4556:washburn1.jpg][attachment=4557:washburn2.jpg][attachment=4558:washburn3.jpg][attac h ment=4559:washburn4.jpg][attachment=4560:washburnb10.jpg][attachment=4561:yamahaspl1.jpg][attachment = 4562:yamahaspl2.jpg][attachment=4563:yamahaspl3.jpg]hi all im selling some of my basses due to impending move and marriage doh! first up g&l 2000 bass flame maple top with swamp ash body and rosewood fretboard great condition with G&L case offers vantage vs series bass early 80s matsumoku japan made bass good condition with case £150 ono washburn b10 bass of 80s origin in brilliant condition active/passive bass £120 godin bg4 bass with active emg pickups good condition quality bass offers yamaha attitude special bass only made for short time great condition with yamaha woofer& pbass pickups offers soundclips of some of these basses can be seen at www.youtube.com/71bassg also am based nr Reading if you want to view basses email [email protected]
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