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Everything posted by felpsy

  1. Haha ok mate, by backs f'ing and blinding at me all day long having these cabs! Good luck with the sale bud.
  2. I'm looking to move my Ashdown ABM 500evo-ii and an ABM 410t cab. The head is in great condition with the handle removed. The cab is just over a year old and in great condition, complete with official Ashdown cover. Looking for £500 collected from the Bristol area. Edit- Unable to upload photos from my phone but happy to email them on request. Edit- Head now SOLD, cab available for £250. Edit- Price dropped to £200 for quick sale.
  3. On the off chance would you be willing to do some sort of trade for an ashdown abm 500evo2 rig complete with 2x 410abm cabs?
  4. Thinking about shifting my ashdown rig for some more gk grit. Out of my price range, so have a bump instead!
  5. Bump, really looking for an ashdown abm 410h so willing to trade for one of these.
  6. Hey, I'm looking to move my trace 2102t and 1518t cabs, both the same age and from the original Trace golden era, both made in uk, and both road worn (but not at all shabby). Looking for £250 for a pair of historic badss British made cabs, Collected from the Bristol area or happy to meet within reasonable distance Cheers!
  7. felpsy


    On hold. Pending payment
  8. felpsy


    Sorry guys, did my homework and purchased a big muff new for £50...sooo this is now for sale as I really dont need it any more. Cheers for the trade interest though :-)
  9. felpsy


    Nobody looking to shift a distortion pedal? Pork Loin?...ODB?...Anybody?!
  10. felpsy


    Thats something i hadnt considered, I'll be looking into a new valve for sure! Thanks alot my man!
  11. felpsy


    Think I'll pass thanks Gary. Reason being, ive just got an Ashdown abm evo with a built in real valve drive so what you're offering sounds pretty similar to whats already available to me, plus im not after a valvey sound from an 'always on' pedal. I can get pretty close to that already with the vt. Im just something I can kick on and off that's gonna give me distortion mid song if necessary and still sound like my ashdown head. cheers though bud
  12. felpsy


    Which model have you got? I've looked on their site but there's quite a few different types.
  13. felpsy


    Not sure mate, from what I can find on them they look like they enhance and colour an amps sound? i've just got myself a killer head with an already killer tone, and im just looking for some drive for the odd song, I dont really want the tone coloured.
  14. felpsy


  15. felpsy


    Afraid not
  16. felpsy


    Owned from new. Very good condition and been kept in the original tin when not in use, comes with all instructions. Looking for £100 inc. delivery or £95 collected from Bristol area.
  17. Im looking to trade my sansamp vt bass pedal for a bass driver. Any interest?
  18. b-b-b-bump
  19. Hey all, for sale is my LH500. Had it just over a year and its been a gem, no problems with reliability at all. A few scratches from gigging but otherwise all good. Looking for £200 but would consider offers/trade offers. Im based outside Bristol and collection is preferred unless the buyers willing to organize delivery cheers! Now sold, thanks for all the interest!
  20. Buuuump
  21. Hey all, i've had my lh500 for just over a year now. Never had any reliability troubles and it's in gigged condition so a few minor scratches. Not really sure what I'm looking for, I guess my only issue is there's no overdrive option on the lh500 and I'm tired of using character pedals. Only condition is that any head offered would have to get pretty loud. Cheers
  22. Aquired a set of jazz bass quarter pounders off this dude. Very happy with em and he was super helpful. Thanks a lot mate
  23. I might be lookin to trade my Fender MIJ 1970 ri PBass. Olympic white w/black pickguard, Rosewood fretboard, original AND white pickup covers, plus original thumb rest. I think its 3years since manufacture and I bought it brand new from ishibashi in Japan. Im after a white(ish) fender jazz. Ideally MIJ. And a straight swap... Any interest guys?...I'd even throw in some used d'addario chromes ;-)
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