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Everything posted by rumblejunkie

  1. ive got the one that when the guitar headstock is placed in the holder the yolk closes and keeps it secure and it sits on the foam at the bottom its height adjustable too for bass or normal guitar ive had mine for about 4yrs now and it still looks good id recommend them as good value and quite compact when folded
  2. welcome to the jungle
  3. i picked up a full leather levys for £18 bucks from guitar guitar plain black then i got a padded brown one again full soft leather for £24 cant fault them i used to go pretty mad on my SG doing angus impressions on normal guitar ive got dunlop straplocks and on the ibanez the first thing i did was put a set of schallers on it . good idea about the seatbelt things though .
  4. [quote name='sixdegrees' timestamp='1322786195' post='1456012'] I've used them a fair bit. They have a great 'rock' tone, and they add a touch of growl and chorus to your sound. The likes of Geddy Lee, Duff McKagan, Billy Sheehan use them. The downside is that they are very coarse and trap dirt in the windings very easily. They also eat fingers and frets! I really like the Roto Solo 55s in 45-105. They're pressure wound SS and therefore less coarse but with more mass. But the cheapest I've seen them is about 25 quid. I've got nickels on my basses at the moment and really miss the liveliness of SS. [/quote] cheers its mainly rock and metal i play so sounds ok as for eating frets im not so keen on that idea but at the price plus local trade im gonna pick a set up tomorrow ill post up once ive changed them and give an opinion . once again cheers
  5. thanks for the reply ill give them a go and as you said maybe try something else next time for comparison . tbh we had two shops in falkirk but one closed recently and i felt really bad i hadnt used it more as i knew a couple of the guys who worked there. so ive been trying to get as much localy as i can, every little helps and all that .
  6. at the moment im using a decent ritter gig bag which so far hasnt given any indication of a problem but its pretty much new itll do at the moment until ive more cash to play with as a decent amp is more important to me just now.
  7. as the above my local shop dont have many bass sets in stock but they have these rotosound swing bass stainless steel 45-105 ive bought a fair bit from him in the past so im getting them for £16.00 are they any good ? i thought them being stainless they should last a fair while . i play mainly rock music and use fingers occasionaly a pick, and like a fairly bright sound. any advice appreciated cheers.
  8. rumblejunkie


    hi seb im new too and in the same way i played guitar before bass but im finding a new passion and im really enjoying it i just want to get better and actualy get out and play .so welcome and enjoy
  9. thanks for making me feel so welcome folks its much appreciated . all us scots are handsome well the non alchie ones that is
  10. this deserves another bump i just wish i had £150 right now its a belter and would fit my needs perfectly good luck with this it deserves a good home
  11. [quote name='spaz91' timestamp='1322427683' post='1450816'] I can deliver it in person for a train fare. [/quote] i looks like your stuck with it then sorry
  12. id seriously consider this if it could be posted. would that be possible?
  13. just to go back a bit to the strings with silk - thread at both ends , whats the purpose for this ? is there any benefit to them having silk wrapping on them?
  14. ha ha very good earnest wouldnt be very good at all . the bass weekend in moffat sounds good ill need to speak to the boss that of course being the missus , im in falkirk central scotland so about 2hrs drive
  15. so far ive only got one an ibanez soundgear job two tone burst very curvy sleek shape superb action smooth fast neck with a lovely rosewood board and probably one of the best fret jobs ive ever seen two jazz style pickups and its as light as a feather for the money i paid for it im well chuffed . fi i had could choose one id like itd have to be a fender p ,simply cause i love the look and sound probably in lake placid blue ahh lovely
  16. thanks for the replies folks , very much appreciated indeed ive got a peavey bandit guitar amp ive had for about 11yrs and its still holding up well so i know its pretty decent stuff . id thought about leaving it a while until ihad more to play with and going down the ashdown, ampeg , laney route but ill check out the peavey on here . cheers again .
  17. thanks for the welcome im still a bit lost tbh hopefully that will all change soon
  18. Hi im new here and pretty new to the bass , my question is this im looking for an amp for home and small gig use, but having 4 children and christmas comming up theres not a lot of spare cash about my choices are a bit limited ive seen a fender rumble 30 at around £140 but will this be too quiet against 2 guitars and drums? and lost in a live invironment ? The other amp ive seen is from behringer its 90 watt with quite a few features 2 channels, footswitch, 7 band equalizer line out etc.. that amp is only £106 which seems very reasonable indeed but does anyone own a behringer and if so are they any good ? will it be ok for practice + live use? sorry for all the questions but i am really stumped and dont want to waste too much money at first . the type of music i play is mostly rock/metal and blues . Any advice would be greatly appreciated even other suddgestions would be good as long as not too pricey although i realise you only get what you pay for . Many thanks in advance , Derek .
  19. hi folks , my name is Derek and ive only recently started playing the bass in earnest . A couple of years ago i was asked to stand in to play bass in a mates band short term, as the bassist they had was injured at work and was out of action, ive always been more of a 6 string electric man also dabbling in 12 string accoustic but i really enjoyed the time i spent with the band, but on someone elses gear ., A few weeks back i decided to take the plunge and sold off some fishing stuff i wasnt using anymore and bought a bass an ibanez model its a basic 4 string 2tone burst thing thats really sleek looking and very easy to play, and so far im loving it . My favourite bassists of all time are, steve harris , jack bruce , glenn hughes , flea , and john entwhistle . I like classic rock and heavy metal although i also enjoy accoustic music and blues. Im really looking forward to hopefully getting some usefull hints and tips from other members on here and chipping in when i can. Many thanks for reading this, Derek.
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