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Everything posted by jjay69

  1. Thanks for the feedback XILDDX, it's always good to get some of the non audibly painful kind I know what you mean about the fast part, i was in 2 minds about keeping it in and still am in fact as it is rather pointless other than me just having fun, your right there is always a danger of it looking a bit unneccesarily "flash" and "w**ky", but the song is otherwise rather repetitive and i wanted to add some variety here n there. At least that's the theory. It's still WIP so perhaps i'll try a version without and do a comparison.
  2. This is a rough-ish recording made at rehearsals recently on the GT-R1, something we've knocked around a few times. It came out of the blue and is a totally different style to anything we've played before which is normally rock based. I Just stomped around a bit on G then the guitarist played a folky type riff over it and started winging some lyrics. The bassline progresses as the song goes on ending in a slow walk or stroll if you like towards the end. Its still work in progress, but i like the feel and there are so many options, particularly in the chorus part. Disclaimer. Try not to focus on the vocals or quality, basically we can't get a singer so the guitarist is having a go, if it works out we'll have a power trio, the best combo ! Patience https://www.box.com/s/ku633k22zt0l65bzo2bx Hope the link works ?
  3. Yep thats a Bright Box, a guy round our way had one, they were all the rage if you liked your hiss ... hissy ! Lets be honest if he is on here the chances of hi owning up now are diminishing by the post. He must have been a Kajagoogoo fan !
  4. , dips head, gives a shake, walks back the way he came ..
  5. That looks like a total ringer for one i had years ago, Im getting back spasms at the mere sight of it. I doubt it's worth a lot
  6. I have Pinballs old California Supreme and it's really grown on me. I've always considered myself a humbucker fan hence i went for this model, however these days i find myself using it in Single coil mode more often, it's slightly less powerful and somehow a bit more "toneful" with more "voice" to the sound, if that makes sense?. The humbuckers great too, you'll get more bass out of it and a lot more grunt, flicking the switch between one and the other is very noticeable in the volume. Either way it's very versatile, just what i need. Oh and there's a p style pickup too, useful too blend the 2 pups but that's about it for me, i'd rarely use it alone. On another note i find the bridge adjustment a slight disappointment, there's a limit to how much you can lower the action due to the design of the bridge. Don't get me wrong it's totally playable, but if you wanted to take it stupidly low to buzz and beyond, you can't without getting into the world of truss rods. Otherwise it's a do all bass.
  7. A Sub of Bassists A Freq of bassists An unsung of bassists A band of bassists
  8. I can totally relate to the ops opinion. I live a walkable distance to the gallery so how come i've only been there a handful of times. I came to the conclusion that each time i go i get a slight feeling of "being in the way" and it takes several months before i've sort of forgotten the experience and give it another try, yet the same thing happens again. Alex (i presume) is not the most friendly of sorts and small-talk is not his thing. I asked if i could try out a bass recently, he went upstairs, got it, brought it down to me, handed it over and strolled off, not a word was spoken, talk about feeling a tad uncomfortable. I think its' such a crying shame the place is crammed full of beautiful gear that i'd happily spend hours tinkering over and no doubt eventually would spend money there even if it took years, (though i did get some work done a while back - but that was after chatting with Martin). But as it is all i want to do is leave not long after arriving. I would say there are 2 things involved here. 1. That Alex is not a bad chap at all, but smalltalk is not his speciality (neither mine which probably doesn't help), if you crack him open a bit he tends to open up or it may be a case of simply bass snobbery ? 2. The place is slightly intimidating, with thousands of pounds worth of gear everywhere, one foot in the wrong place could be costly so it's not exactly easy to relax, or maybe he can spot the difference between a buyer and a tryer at a glance. I'm probably more the latter I'm probably a bit frustrated at living so close to the ultimate "sweet shop" only for the sweets to taste a bit like "raw cabbage" just My 2 cents
  9. My recently aquired Sandberg TM Supreme does a very good impression of my Stingrays sound on the Bridge humbucker pup in a very aggressive Rage ATM type sound, but the neck is very much jazz in feel. My G&L 2000 however also has a good go at the Stingray sound with more of a P bass/Ray feel to the neck. Both good options imo. But definately as GJones (no relation) says, get some pics up on here and other places. The guys on here are pretty keen and clued up with a great eye for detail, i'd say you'd be in with a fair chance of spotting it if it pops up for sale somewhere.
  10. Like it interesting idea. Id have to go with my early influence of Foghats - Fool for the city (if you don't know it check out Slow Ride) followed years later by my next big influence of Blood Sugar Sex Magic
  11. Mine was a bad news Precision that i saved up for a bought out of the shop window for £85, it didn't even have a name but looked Like this, which was all i cared about at the time. I can still feel the blisters from that (must be) 15mm action. I lent it to a drummer a while later who never gave it back ! you have been warned... i wonder what he did with it ?
  12. Hi Sloth I should delete the add it's long gone
  13. [quote name='jonthebass' timestamp='1359326200' post='1953219'] Here's mine: [/quote] Did you just get that from the Gallery per chance ? http://www.thebassgallery.com/product_details.cfm?ID=2266&type=Bass%20Guitar
  14. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1358724793' post='1944237'] Do they last well? [/quote] Err bit late, but yes they do last well and are good value too, I get mine from Stringbusters online
  15. +1 D'addario pro steels, they be well zingy
  16. I too could be interested but what area of London, it's somewhat large and does make a difference when it comes to regular rehearsals. I have some interest in about 10 of the mentioned bands. How many are you at the moment, rough age group, how long have you been together ? etc..
  17. Manson - check, Thunderbird Red - check, bad news 80's atire - check [url="http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a506/jjay69/MansonBass_zpsb5862651.jpg"]http://i1281.photobu...zpsb5862651.jpg[/url] http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a506/jjay69/MansonBass1_zps69ec4d7e.jpg
  18. [quote name='JohnFitzgerald' timestamp='1358255031' post='1935612'] Who's got another AH150-7 they can sell me so I can make use of these. I need a stack either side of the drummer. [/quote] I take it your drummer is not aware of your stereo bass wall of death power plan ?
  19. My god i used to own one just like this but with a single pickup in the P position, played lovely and had ridicolous controls with masses of top i seem to recall, but the thing weighed the same as a small car, at least on my skinny 17 y/o neck. Am desperately trying to upload a pic, but it's just not happening.
  20. Since joining, my hunger and desire to learn and enjoy all things bass has returned with a vengance. I now understand modes, something that used to be just a word sounding similar to toad. I have explored beyond my comfort zone and even tried out in a jazz trio (albeit rather short lived) still it helped me try a totally new style. I've increased my slappability (good word that) from about 1 - 15%, but still not used it in a useful situation for fear of sounding like a slapper in a rock band ! still it's great fun. I have concentrated on technique, found lots of learning tools online, realised that a loop station is worth the money. As far as gear goes i've bought one new and my most expensive bass to date, bought 3 pedals, sold an amp and 2 cabs, ordered another cab (S12T) and bass on the way, bought the brilliant Tascam GTR1. Basically it's cost me a small fortune but what the hell, it's a small price to pay for a headful of extra knowledge on one of the best unsung and underated musical instruments out there. It's ok guys we'll knuckle down and do all the hard work and you can take all the glory, it's a pleasure Thanks BC you keep me sane
  21. This is torturous !!! got mine on order, due sometime this month, but i can be patient ... can't i. bites nails
  22. Awe gees, why now !!
  23. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1357389084' post='1921920'] Another option... get another G&L L2000 and stick a new body on it with Jazz pups- If that is the neck that feels "home" for you then maybe that's the answer? (second thought, how close to a jazz sound can a L2000 get, you can do single coil can't you?) [/quote] Nice idea but i don't think im up for building my own. It's true the L2000 is a "Tone Monster" and can do damn good impressions of most good basses, when i listen back to recordings with the Jazz, that sound is something special. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1357409788' post='1922335'] Sounds like you want a Rosewood board Marcus Miller with an East preamp. [/quote] Oooh a Marcus, now thats interesting, will need more investigation. Shukers wow, now they look tasty !, Sandbergs (im really liking this idea, but what about that 3 band eq ?? and not so easy to get to try one, i went all the way to Guitar Guitar Surrey once to find they had none in stock), lots of good ideas so far to keep in a state of mental confusion.
  24. OK Here's the background. I've had the Fender American deluxe jazz 4 for just over a year now (it was my ultimate GAS bass) and have made an effort to use this and this only continuously since then to make sure i got comfortable with it before making any rash descisions. But i've always had niggling doubts. Yesterday i cracked and picked up my trusty old G&L tribute L2000 and everything felt "good" again, more space, freedom, creativity and clean, clear notes possibly due to the string spacings (but not quite the sounds i came to love from the Jazz). I was afraid this might happen. So, the question is, can i possibly find a jazz style bass to fit my needs ? it would need this lot to be perfect. 1. Jazz style body 2. That "Jazz" sound, particularly both pickups on and the classic neck pickup sound with nice punchy, round tone 3. Neck (the big issue) - slightly wider and flatter than the classic Jazz C shape with slightly flatter frets than the usual Fender curve ? and nice low action possiblilties. Rosewood fingerboard. 4. Block inlays would be lovely bonus 5. Must be active / passive 6. 3 band EQ - I do use the mid a fair bit. 7. Electronics - would be nice to have separate volumes for the pickups to be able to "blend" tones (i have this on my modified P and it's a real bonus) I've been eyeing up Sandbergs for a while now, but maybe Mayones or Overwaters or ... ?? I'll be on the hunt then, if anyone fancies my American Deluxe complete with case and paperwork pm me. Looking to spend around £1-1.2k less if poss All suggestions greatly received. Lastly - uploading pics to this site could be easier, really guys come on..
  25. Ill give this a bump as i have one, it's an excellent amp
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