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Everything posted by jjay69

  1. Hi all Got a mate in South Wales (Matt) who plays bass and guitar, He's not on BC so i said i'd help him out. He wants to shift 2 bass cabs as he's moving, dosent have a lot of space and dosent use them much anyway, he's mainly a (sh!t hot guitarist) Both 2x10 and 15" are Tolex covered in very decent condition, certainly one of them has a tuneable horn, maybe both, i can't really remember. He'd let them go at sensible prices say £100 each or maybe £150 for the pair (discuss with him), you may need to collect from Bridgend or close to. I doubt they will be going anywhere for a while so i'll bump this add now and again just in case. Talk to him for details. Contact me for his number, he dosent do computery things !
  2. Agreed these things are great, looks better than mine too, someone please grab yourself a great 4 stringerwith ooodles of lovely sounds
  3. Just got me tkts, yay...
  4. I think if you want to try and replicate that Flea type sound, he always tends to use basses with a bridge specific pickup, not neccesarily a Jazz i think thats more mellow, obviously Stingrays, modulus and the like, but it can be acheived in other ways. Eg i was amazed at the sounds available out of my G&L 2000, on bridge pickup you can get some awesome Chili type tones. If you look out for a tribute version (which no one will say is a bad bass) you can get good deals or even 2nd hand. EG i bought a Stingray years ago to "sound Flea like" and it did of course, however, once i started to use the G&L i found it just as good, plus i could flick it to neck pickup if i wanted to sound like a P bass or both for a mellow tone. Just an idea.
  5. [quote] Songs linked together = medley It works, but have some gaps to make contact with the audience. [/quote] oh Of course, im not suggesting to link the whole set together, that would be just silly Stars on 45
  6. [quote]Putting a few songs that lead straight into the next is a good one - people have often remarked to my covers band that they like the way we do that, without the predictable pause between every song whilst a guitar is (audibly) tuned. Another is good one is, if you play a few songs by one band, and they`re all well-known faves, bunch them together. A band I go to see to that, and for me, it really works having three Jam songs played in a row[/quote] At last someone who understands my thinking... I've been banging on about this to all my band members since one of my first cover bands when i was a teen (some time ago now yes). Linking songs together is such a simple and effective way to "keep the flow" going. There's nothing worse than that dead spot in between songs, worse if guitarists decide to tune up or have a general fiddle If you got them (crowd) going or half interested most of them will take any possible oppo to wander off and get a drink, go outside or sit down again, link a few songs together and they might just stick around. In one of our earliest covers bands when we were all enthusiastic, we'd spend ages and ages working out endings that banged straight into the intro on the next song. I try to liken it to something thats been going on for a very long time, DJ's ! when was the last time you heard a dj stop in between songs while he roots around looking for the next track ! there was a damn good reason for 2 decks back in the old days, to keep the music flowing and the people on the dancefloor ! Same thing with bands it just looks a lot better when your slick. phew.. and breathe
  7. Great thanks, looks even better now with that Precis in the picture too. Will you be airing it around London at some point ? i wouldn't mind hearing that set up ..
  8. Looking good, im saving for a S12T at the mo. When i read the specs i can hardly believe the size, any chance you can take a pic with your bass leaning against it or on a stand so i can truly see the scale of this mini behemoth !
  9. Dear Sir, May i interest you a lovely 2x10" to accompany such a speedy machine, comes with potential as - A. Wine rack, B. Spirit shelf, C. Very Sturdy box for use of your choice, D. double your noise level of "slap to ""lessons in love" ratio" and turn the combo into a classic 4x10 but a lot easier to move.. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/165131-trace-elliot-2x10-cab/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/165131-trace-elliot-2x10-cab/page__fromsearch__1[/url]
  10. Absolute ringer for the one i just bought, amazing bass if you want a great Jazz [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230731517709&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123"]http://www.ebay.co.u...ME:B:SS:GB:1123[/url]
  11. Posting a new add for the Trace Elliot 2x10 Cab It's the carpet covered version in excellent condition, hasnt been out of the house in a few years. 200w 8Ohms, classic cab looking for a good home, offers in the region of £120 The 15" is SOLD. Prefer local pickup or i could meet you within a reasonable distance of North London if you are prepared to contribute towards juice. Feel free to mail me with any questions. [attachment=97376:Trace Elliot_Bass Cabs01.jpg]
  12. And would that be tonight ?
  13. Thanks Jake i know what your getting at it seems like a good way to set about expanding the scale range. However like you tab is not great for me i find it rather time consuming, seeing the positions laid out in front of me is a lot quicker. I'll be continuing to work on techniques to memorise the less obvious notes around the upper reaches of the neck [quote]That's one of the best sites of its type I've seen. Thank you[/quote] It's great, just what i've been looking for, click - instant scale all over the neck
  14. I've been trying to up my game a lot lately and it's proving challenging and great fun, it's like i've turned a corner after several years of ruts and totally rediscovered why i love playing bass. No more am i afraid of scales and modes (even understanding the modes was another language just a few weeks ago) now it's starting to come together. With the help of the net, a few books, discarding my childish repelling of jazz "just because", some new kit, embracing technology (BASSCHAT totally being one of them, thanks) and an endless list of reasons to pick up the bass again every single day without fail. I cant wait to get back in the room with the guys just to see what all this theory will throw out in our all encouraging creative space of 4 walls and bad lighting, but [u]great[/u] sound we call a rehearsal room. I've always struggled and still do memorising and recalling scales, im ok "in position" but moving can be extremely challenging, especially on the fly, i realised i am a visual person, ie i need to draw the scales on a fretboard to "see" the shapes etc, my knowledge of the fretboard not bad and improving, but its a slow process (about 25 years so far lol) My search stumbled me accross this site [url="http://www.musicopedia.com/scales/4-bass.php"]http://www.musicopedia.com/scales/4-bass.php[/url] where a couple of clicks reveals the first 15 frets filled in with any scale or mode i want, then i happily noodle away moving around the fretboard with a lot more ease than before. Im not sure how good an idea this is yet in the longrun, but for getting me out of "in position" ruts this can only be a good thing. Sorry if this is old news, but i just found it. Hope it helps.
  15. As pointys go, i'd be happy to wear that, looks real sweet
  16. I considered the zoom range for a while as i mainly wanted to record rehearsals and catch those one off moments of genius, but the prices were putting me off, so a bit of homework threw up this [url="http://tascam.com/product/gt-r1/"]http://tascam.com/product/gt-r1/[/url] it's not the one if you want to record through the desk etc, but the condensor mikes are excellent at the live stuff and a nice simple 1 press and go recording facility (once you've chosen your settings). For me it has the added bonus of being able to practice alone with headphones with MP3s loaded on or to the many drum patterns plus a host of other features like being able to fine tune a tracks speed if it's not quite in concert pitch etc, plus plus plus loads of other useful stuff. I got a 16gb SD for about £10 or so ? loads of space, not to mention it comes with a 2gb to start with. I was a little hesitant at first but since getting it i am well pleased and use it a hell of a lot. If considering this, the only thing i would say would be to buy the, or another DC Mains power adaptor as the battery life is "ok" when in use but runs down a tad quickly, i can imaging maybe getting caught out one day after heavy use. Worth a look
  17. How Thoroughly decent of you Mr Marc
  18. price reduction say £200 ?
  19. Hmm seems these Elixrs are getting the vote at the mo, [url="http://www.stringbusters.com/Ko-Bespoke/productlist.asp?cat=1/BASS%20STRINGS/BASS%20STRINGS%20ELIXIR"]http://www.stringbusters.com/Ko-Bespoke/productlist.asp?cat=1/BASS%20STRINGS/BASS%20STRINGS%20ELIXIR[/url] they rather pricey and unfortunately they dont go quite as light as i like, i really like that D being .055" (gees getting fussy now). When i first discovered the D'Addario Pro Steels the piano tone ring was quite amazing, cleaner than anything else i'd heard. I just love the way you can bend them and really pluck them fingerstyle and get that percussive tone as they rattle the frets. Since i've gotten the Jazz im going to re-visit the string search, i think it's and underated part of determining your style. Got GHS Boomers on right now, not bad but even though the same weight as the Pro Steel (bar the 035, being an 040) they feel a bit stiffer and less "bendy"
  20. I was considering reducing this to £250 if your interested. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/163737-warwick-pro-tube-iv-400w/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/163737-warwick-pro-tube-iv-400w/page__fromsearch__1[/url]
  21. How about this little bluesy beauty, it's got fun stamped all over it [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tZjZLbswK8&feature=BFa&list=PLFFA639DDF786BE46&lf=mh_lolz"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tZjZLbswK8&feature=BFa&list=PLFFA639DDF786BE46&lf=mh_lolz[/url]
  22. for a few years now i thought i'd finally settled on the strings i like. D Addario EPS180 Pro Steels .035 - .095 yes very light. I really like the "piano tone" hifi sound and clarity, also the Stainless Steel seems to last really well, until.... My new bass came strung with slightly heavier strings (fine) but i noticed not only did they play with a bit more zing but were a lot smoother and "slipperyier" if thats a word, under finger, allowing me to slide around a lot easier and be more creative. When i re-strung the bass with my usual EPS180 choice i felt a bit "restricted" again in movement and losing that new slide around style i was getting to like. I don't know what string were on the new bass btw. Can anyone recommend a string (light guage) in Stainless Steel ideally or similar which has that really nice slippery feel ? Or should i be looking at say nickel or something ?
  23. I clean my strings with meths. I've made a very simple string cleaning tube, it's 15mm diameter, sealed off at one end, just the right length for a set of 4 strings, fill it full of meths (which does not take much at all), drop the strings in, the curls at the top help to hold them in place, lean it in the corner of a room for as long as you like (usually a day or so in my case), take em out, dry them, which is very quick as it evaporates, put them in the "string next" pile. I dont think any amount of cleaning will make them sound like brand new, but i find this works really well for me. Requirements. Plastic plumbing type tube about 15mm diameter - get from local "aladins cave" type Robert Dyas hardware store Rubber cup to suit - as above held on tight with a good wrap of black insulation tape or possibly glue it on. I've also modified an old wine bottle cork with a bit of a slot to jam in the top where the curly bits of string are, just in case it should get knocked over, it should slow down any spillage.
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